load control (5 of 8)

Keith Muller muller at sdcc3.UUCP
Tue Feb 12 18:17:11 AEST 1985

This is part 5 of the load control system. Part 1 must be unpacked before any
other part.
	Keith Muller

# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line,
# then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".
# Wrapped by sdcc3!muller on Sat Feb  9 13:54:09 PST 1985
# Contents:  control/ldccmdtab.c control/ldcmain.c control/ldqmain.c
#	control/ldrmmain.c control/list.c
echo x - control/ldccmdtab.c
sed 's/^@//' > "control/ldccmdtab.c" <<'@//E*O*F control/ldccmdtab.c//'

 * commandtab.c - control
 * tables of commands that the load program will call

/* $Log$ */

#include "../h/control.h"

char	aborhelp[] =	"terminate the server (disable load control)";
char	delhelp[] =	"remove specified jobs (by pid or user) from the queue";
char	errhelp[] =	"print the contents of the error logging file";
char	helphelp[] =	"get help on any command";
char	listhelp[] =	"list all the jobs queued for a specified user";
char	loadhelp[] =	"change the load level above which jobs are queued";
char	longhelp[] =	"list all queued jobs";
char	movehelp[] =	"move a processes position in the queue";
char	purghelp[] =	"remove ALL the jobs from the queue (the jobs terminate)";
char	quithelp[] =	"exit the control program";
char	runhelp[] =	"run specified jobs (by pid or user) from the queue";
char	sizehelp[] =	"change the maximium number of jobs that can be queued";
char	statushelp[] =	"print the current settings of changeable parameters";
char	timerhelp[] =	"change the number of seconds between load average checks";
char	waithelp[] =	"change the maximium time (seconds) a job can be queued";

 * import the functions
extern int abortserv(), delete(), errprint(), help(), list(), loadlimit(), longlist();
extern int move(), purge(), quit(), run(), sizeset(), status(), timerset(), waitset();

 * the command table
 * the privledge column restrict certain commands to root (root only
 * as other changes could cause the server to be aborted with no
 * way to restart!

struct cmd cmdtab[] = {

/*	   command	helpmessage	routine		privledge */

	{ "abort",	aborhelp,	abortserv,	RESTRICT },
	{ "delete",	delhelp,	delete,		NORESTRICT },
	{ "errors",	errhelp,	errprint,	NORESTRICT },
	{ "help",	helphelp,	help,		NORESTRICT },
	{ "list",	listhelp,	list,		NORESTRICT },
	{ "loadlimit",	loadhelp,	loadlimit,	RESTRICT },
	{ "longlist",	longhelp,	longlist,	NORESTRICT },
	{ "move",	movehelp,	move,		RESTRICT },
	{ "purge",	purghelp,	purge,		RESTRICT },
	{ "quit",	quithelp,	quit,		NORESTRICT },
	{ "run",	runhelp,	run,		RESTRICT },
	{ "sizeset",	sizehelp,	sizeset,	RESTRICT },
	{ "status",	statushelp,	status,		NORESTRICT },
	{ "timerset",	timerhelp,	timerset,	RESTRICT },
	{ "waitset",	waithelp,	waitset,	RESTRICT },
	{ "?",		helphelp,	help,		NORESTRICT },
	{ 0 },

int	NCMDS = sizeof (cmdtab) / sizeof (cmdtab[0]);
@//E*O*F control/ldccmdtab.c//
chmod u=r,g=r,o=r control/ldccmdtab.c
echo x - control/ldcmain.c
sed 's/^@//' > "control/ldcmain.c" <<'@//E*O*F control/ldcmain.c//'

 * main.c - control/ldc
 * the ldc program is used to send commands to the server that can 
 * alter the servers execution or display the servers current state
 * Author: Keith Muller
 *	   University Of California, San Diego
 *	   Academic Computer Center C - 010
 *	   La Jolla, Ca 92093
 *	   ucbvax!sdcsvax!sdcc3!muller
 *	   (619) 452-6090

/* $Log$ */

#include "../h/common.h"
#include "../h/control.h"
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <errno.h>

int fromatty;		/* set to 1 if interactive, 0 otherwise */
char cmdline[256];	/* buffer for the command */
char *margv[64];	/* args in interactive mode */
int margc;		/* count of args */
jmp_buf toplevel;	/* jmp_buf used if a command is aborted premature */

 * main
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
	register struct cmd *c;
	extern int uid;
	extern int isatty();
	extern char *gets();
	extern struct cmd *getcmd();

	 * set up the necessary overhead 

	 * could be a single line command
	if (--argc > 0) {
		if ((c = getcmd(*++argv)) == 0)
		if ((c->c_priv == RESTRICT) && (uid != 0)){
			printf("?Privileged command\n");
		 * run the entry from the command table
		(*c->c_handler)(argc, argv);
		 * clean up

	 * see if the program is attached to a tty
	fromatty = isatty(fileno(stdin));

	 * on an interrupt return to this point!

	for (;;) {
		if (fromatty){
			printf("\nldc> ");

		 * wait for io either on the tty or a status message
		 * from the server is read.
		if (iowait() == 0)

		if (gets(cmdline) == NULL)
		if (cmdline[0] == '\0')
		 * transform into a argv argc array

		 * valid command?
		if ((c = getcmd(margv[0])) == 0)

		if ((c->c_priv == RESTRICT) && (uid != 0)) {
			printf("?Privileged command\n");

		 * run the command from the command table
		(*c->c_handler)(margc, margv);

 * onint
 * when an interrupt occurs jump here!
	extern FILE *out;

	 * if fromtty == 0 standard input is not a tty, so exit
	if (fromatty == 0)
	 * if list or status command was interrupted, close off the
	 * open file
	if (out != NULL)

	 * interactive so continue
	longjmp(toplevel, 1);

 * quit
	extern int sock;
	extern char path[];


 * getcmd
 * find closest fit for the command typed in
struct cmd *
char *comname;
	register char *p;
	register char *q;
	register struct cmd *c;
	register struct cmd *found;
	int nmatches;
	int longest;
	extern struct cmd cmdtab[];

	longest = 0;
	nmatches = 0;
	found = (struct cmd *)0;

	for (c = cmdtab; (p = c->c_name) != (char *)0; c++) {
		for (q = comname; *q == *p++; q++){
			 * exact match?
			if (*q == '\0')

		 * name is a prefix
		if (*q == '\0') {
			if (q - comname > longest) {
				longest = q - comname;
				nmatches = 1;
				found = c;
			} else if ((q - comname) == longest)

	 * More than one match found
	if (nmatches > 1){
		printf("?Ambiguous command\n");
		return((struct cmd *)0);

	 * No match found in table
	if (found == (struct cmd *)0)
		printf("?Invalid command\n");

 * makeargv
 * Slice a string up into argc/argv.
	register char *cp;
	register char **argp = margv;

	margc = 0;
	for (cp = cmdline; *cp != '\0'; ) {
		 * skip over the blanks
		while (*cp == ' ')

		if (*cp == '\0')

		*argp++ = cp;
		margc = margc + 1;
		while ((*cp != '\0') && (*cp != ' '))

		if (*cp == '\0')

		*cp++ = '\0';
	*argp++ = (char *)0;

 * Help command.

help(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
	register struct cmd *c;
	register int i;
	register int j;
	register int w;
	char *arg;
	int columns;
	int width = 0;
	int lines;
	int len;
	extern int NCMDS;

	if (argc == 1) {
		printf("Commands may be abbreviated.  Commands are:\n");

		for (c = cmdtab; c < &(cmdtab[NCMDS-1]); c++) {
			len = strlen(c->c_name);
			if (len > width)
				width = len;

		width = (width + 8) &~ 7;
		columns = 80 / width;
		if (columns == 0)
			columns = 1;
		lines = (NCMDS + columns - 1) / columns;

		for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) {
			for (j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
				c = cmdtab + j * lines + i;
				printf("%s", c->c_name);
				if (c + lines >= &(cmdtab[NCMDS-1])) {
				w = strlen(c->c_name);
				while (w < width) {
					w = (w + 8) &~ 7;
	while (--argc > 0) {
		arg = *++argv;
		if ((c = getcmd(arg)) == (struct cmd *)0)
		printf("%-*s\t%s\n", 10, c->c_name, c->c_help);

 * iowait
 * wait for io on either stdin or a status message from server.
	int readfds;
	int numfds;
	char msg;
	int fromlen = 0;
	extern int errno;
	extern int descsize;
	extern int sockmask;
	extern int stdinmask;
	extern int sock;

		readfds = sockmask | stdinmask;
		numfds = select(descsize,&readfds,(int *)0,(int *)0,(struct timeval *)0);
		if ((numfds < 0) && (errno != EINTR)){
			perror("select failed");

		if (numfds <= 0)

		if (readfds & stdinmask)

		if (recvfrom(sock,&msg,sizeof(msg),0,(struct sockaddr *)0,&fromlen)<=0){
			perror("Failed message from server");
			case POLLCMD:
				printf("A new server just started\n");
				printf("Unexpected message from server\n");
@//E*O*F control/ldcmain.c//
chmod u=r,g=r,o=r control/ldcmain.c
echo x - control/ldqmain.c
sed 's/^@//' > "control/ldqmain.c" <<'@//E*O*F control/ldqmain.c//'

 * ldqmain.c - control/ldq
 * the ldq program is used to print the contents of the load queue.
 * The same function is also part of the ldc command.
 * Author: Keith Muller
 *	   University Of California, San Diego
 *	   Academic Computer Center C - 010
 *	   La Jolla, Ca 92093
 *	   ucbvax!sdcsvax!sdcc3!muller
 *	   (619) 452-6090

/* $Log$ */

#include "../h/control.h"
#include <stdio.h>

 * main
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
	if (argc > 2){
		printf("usage: ldq [-a] [user]\n");

	 * set up the necessary overhead 

	 * call the correct list version (same as in ldc).
	if ((argc == 2) && (strcmp(argv[1],"-a") == 0)){
		 * decrement the argc count to get rid of the -a flag.
		argc = 1;
		 * must be a short list call

	 * clean up the sockets

 * onint
 * when an interrupt occurs jump here!

 * quit
	extern int sock;
	extern char path[];

@//E*O*F control/ldqmain.c//
chmod u=r,g=r,o=r control/ldqmain.c
echo x - control/ldrmmain.c
sed 's/^@//' > "control/ldrmmain.c" <<'@//E*O*F control/ldrmmain.c//'

 * ldrmmain.c - control/ldrm
 * the ldrm program is used to delete jobs from the load queue.
 * The same function is also part of the ldc command.
 * Author: Keith Muller
 *	   University Of California, San Diego
 *	   Academic Computer Center C - 010
 *	   La Jolla, Ca 92093
 *	   ucbvax!sdcsvax!sdcc3!muller
 *	   (619) 452-6090

/* $Log$ */

#include "../h/control.h"
#include <stdio.h>

 * main
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
	if (argc < 2){
		printf("useage: ldrm [pids] [-u users]\n");
 	if (strncmp(argv[1], "-u", 2) == 0){
	 	 * remove all jobs by user (-u option)
		if (argc < 3){
			printf("No user name.\n");
			printf("Usage: ldrm [pids] [-u users]\n");

	 * set up the necessary overhead 

	 * call the delete routine
	delete(argc, argv);

	 * clean up the sockets

 * onint
 * when an interrupt occurs jump here!

 * quit
	extern int sock;
	extern char path[];

@//E*O*F control/ldrmmain.c//
chmod u=r,g=r,o=r control/ldrmmain.c
echo x - control/list.c
sed 's/^@//' > "control/list.c" <<'@//E*O*F control/list.c//'

 * list.c - control program
 * this file contains the commands: longlist and list which are common
 * to both ldc and ldq.

/* $Log$ */

#include "../h/common.h"
#include "../h/control.h"
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pwd.h>

struct hashbuck names[HASHMOD];

 * getuname
 * keep a local hash table of recently requested uids. Speeds up the list
 * commands when repeatively invoked by ldc. This is done because looking
 * up passwd entries are expensive. So expensive that it SHOULD NEVER be
 * done by the server. The server NEVER SHOULD look up passwd entries. This
 * routine helps unhashed (generic 4.2) passwd files greatly. It is even
 * worthwhile on newer dbm passwd file.
static char *
register int huid;
	register struct hashbuck *hashptr;
	register struct passwd *pwd;
	extern struct passwd *getpwuid();
	extern char *strncpy();

	 * hash and find the address of the bucket
	hashptr = &(names[huid % HASHMOD]);

	 * if this is the user return the name
	if ((hashptr->buckuid == huid) && (hashptr->buckname[0] != '\0'))

	 * not the same user (or empty) so update this bucket. 
	 * collisions should be rare if the hashtable is of reasonable
	 * size reletive to the size of the passwd file.
	if ((pwd = getpwuid(huid)) != (struct passwd *)NULL){
		hashptr->buckuid = huid;
		(void)strncpy(hashptr->buckname, pwd->pw_name, PNAMSIZ);

	 * bad uid, skip it
	return((char *)0);

 * longlist
 * tell the server to update the list of queued jobs in the list file. When
 * the server says the list is updated, show ALL the queued jobs to the user
longlist(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
	int juid;
	u_long jpid;
	u_long jtime;
	int pos;
	int qcount;
	char *jname;
	char jcom[COMLEN];
	struct timezone zone;
	struct timeval now;
	extern FILE *out;
	extern int gettimeofday();
	extern int fclose();
	FILE *fopen();
	extern struct request job;

	if (argc != 1){
		printf("Usage: longlist\n");

	job.type = LISTCMD;

	 * only try to print the list if the server says all is ok!
	if (sendcntrl() < 0)
	if ((out = fopen(LISTFILE, "r")) == NULL){
		printf("cannot open listfile file\n");

	 * first entry in the queue is the qcount. if it is zero just say so
	if (fscanf(out,"%d",&qcount) != 1){
		printf("No queue info available\n");
		out = NULL;

	if (qcount < 1){
		printf("Queue empty\n");
		out = NULL;

	 * at least one job is in the queue.
	printf(" rank\t  pid\t  user\t  time(sec)     commands\n");
	pos = 1;
	(void)gettimeofday(&now, &zone);
	while(fscanf(out,"%d %ld %ld %[^\n]",&juid,&jpid,&jtime,jcom) == 4){
		printf(" %3d\t",pos++);
		printf(" %5u\t",jpid);
		if ((jname = getuname(juid)) != (char *)0)
			printf(" %-8.8s",jname);
			printf(" %-8.8d",juid);
		printf("   %5ld",now.tv_sec - (long)jtime);
		printf("      %s\n",jcom);

	 * if eof is not set, file has an error
	if (feof(out) == 0)
		printf("Error in list file\n");
	out = NULL;

 * list
 * tell the server to update the list of queued jobs in the list file. When
 * the server says the list is updated, show ONLY this users jobs.
list(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
	int juid;
	int cmpuid;
	u_long jpid;
	u_long jtime;
	int pos;
	int qcount;
	char *jname;
	char jcom[COMLEN];
	int found;
	struct passwd *pwd;
	struct timezone zone;
	struct timeval now;
	extern int uid;
	extern FILE *out;
	extern struct passwd *getpwnam();
	extern int gettimeofday();
	extern int fclose();
	FILE *fopen();
	extern struct request job;

	if (argc > 2){
		printf("Usage: list [user]\n");

	if (argc == 2){
	 	 * if a user is specified, look him up in the passwd file
		if ((pwd = getpwnam(argv[1])) == (struct passwd *)NULL){
			printf("No such user: %s\n", argv[1]);
		cmpuid = pwd->pw_uid;
		jname = pwd->pw_name;
		 * no user specified, use the current users uid
		cmpuid = uid;
		if ((jname = getuname(uid)) == (char *)0){
			printf("Cannot find you in the passwd file\n");

	job.type = LISTCMD;

	 * only try to print the list if the server says all is ok!
	if (sendcntrl() < 0)
	if ((out = fopen(LISTFILE, "r")) == NULL){
		printf("cannot open listfile file\n");

	 * first entry in the queue is the qcount. if it is zero just say so
	if (fscanf(out,"%d",&qcount) != 1){
		printf("No queue info available\n");
		out = NULL;

	if (qcount < 1){
		printf("Queue empty\n");
		out = NULL;

	 * at least one job is in the queue. Look for a job owned by the
	 * specific user.
	found = 0;
	pos = 0;
	while(fscanf(out,"%d %ld %ld %[^\n]",&juid,&jpid,&jtime,jcom) == 4){
		if (cmpuid == juid){
			 * found a job owned by the user
			found = 1;
	if (found == 0){
		 * no jobs found, either an error or no jobs for that user
		 * is in the queue.
		if (feof(out) == 0){
			printf("Error in list file\n");
			printf("No jobs in queue for: %s\n", jname);
		out = NULL;
	(void)gettimeofday(&now, &zone);
	printf(" rank\t  pid\t  user\t  time(sec)     commands\n");
	printf(" %3d\t %5u\t %-8.8s",pos++, jpid, jname);
	printf("   %5ld",now.tv_sec - (long)jtime);
	printf("      %s\n",jcom);
	while(fscanf(out,"%d %ld %ld %[^\n]",&juid,&jpid,&jtime,jcom) == 4){
		 * only print this users jobs
		if (cmpuid != juid){
		printf(" %3d\t %5u\t %-8.8s",pos++, jpid, jname);
		printf("   %5ld",now.tv_sec - (long)jtime);
		printf("      %s\n",jcom);
	if (feof(out) == 0)
		printf("Error in list file\n");
	out = NULL;
@//E*O*F control/list.c//
chmod u=r,g=r,o=r control/list.c
echo Inspecting for damage in transit...
temp=/tmp/shar$$; dtemp=/tmp/.shar$$
trap "rm -f $temp $dtemp; exit" 0 1 2 3 15
cat > $temp <<\!!!
      66     365    2506 ldccmdtab.c
     373     968    7150 ldcmain.c
      88     195    1754 ldqmain.c
      87     185    1736 ldrmmain.c
     297     910    6776 list.c
     911    2623   19922 total
wc  control/ldccmdtab.c control/ldcmain.c control/ldqmain.c control/ldrmmain.c control/list.c | sed 's=[^ ]*/==' | diff -b $temp - >$dtemp
if [ -s $dtemp ]
then echo "Ouch [diff of wc output]:" ; cat $dtemp
else echo "No problems found."
exit 0

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