load control (3 of 8)

Keith Muller muller at sdcc3.UUCP
Tue Feb 12 18:13:49 AEST 1985

This is part 3 of the load control system. Part 1 must be unpacked before
any other part.
	Keith Muller

# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line,
# then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".
# Wrapped by sdcc3!muller on Sat Feb  9 13:48:06 PST 1985
# Contents:  h/client.h h/common.h h/control.h h/server.h
echo x - h/client.h
sed 's/^@//' > "h/client.h" <<'@//E*O*F h/client.h//'

 * client.h
 * definitions used by the client process.

/* $Log$ */

#define	MAXPOLLS	5	/* max polls to server from a client if the */
				/* server doesnt respond after, just run */
#define	WAITTIME	60	/* time (secs) wait for response between each */
				/* poll of the server */
#define	QUEUETIME	600	/* time (secs) wait before waking up to see if*/
				/* if the server is still running */

#define ENVNAME	"LDDOPTS"	/* name to set in environment, read by client */

#define ONETIME			/* When defined once a program passed through */
				/* the ldd system and inherits the effective */
				/* group id of ldd, all child processes will */
				/* be exempt from load control. Can be used */
				/* to encourage the use of make. Note that if */
				/* make is load controlled a user can bypass */
				/* load control by having make create a sh. */
				/* A more uesful way to use this is to load */
				/* control all passes of a compiler and only */
				/* first passes will be queued, all other */
				/* passes will be exempt. See client/main.c */
@//E*O*F h/client.h//
chmod u=r,g=r,o=r h/client.h
echo x - h/common.h
sed 's/^@//' > "h/common.h" <<'@//E*O*F h/common.h//'
 * common.h
 * Common definations for all the programs releted to the load control
 * system that MUST be EXACTLY the same.

/* $Log$ */

#include <sys/types.h>

 * The basic datagram package sent TO the server.

#define	COMLEN	15	/* buffer for user command */

struct request {
	u_long	pid;		/* pid of client process (socket name) */
	u_long	uid;		/* Usually the uid of the client, not always */
	u_long	time;		/* Usually the submit time of the client */
	char	com[COMLEN];	/* Part of the command line the user typed */
	char	type;		/* The command identifier (a single char) */

 * The commands that can be sent to/from the server.

#define	CHTIMER		'N'	/* change the server interval timer */
#define	LOADLIMCMD	'L'	/* change the server load average threshold */
#define	LISTCMD		'I'	/* ask server for a list of queued jobs */
#define	MOVECMD		'M'	/* ask server to move a job in the queue */
#define	MQTIMECMD	'T'	/* change the server limit on max queue time */
#define	POLLCMD		'P'	/* to/from server that request be resent */
#define	QCMD		'Q'	/* to/from server stating job is queued */
#define	PALLCMD		'F'	/* ask server to remove ALL queued jobs */
#define	PUSRCMD		'U'	/* ask server to remove all a users jobs */
#define	PJOBCMD		'R'	/* ask server to remove a specific job */
#define	RUSRCMD		'W'	/* ask server to run all a users jobs */
#define	RJOBCMD		'X'	/* ask server to run a specific job */
#define	RUNCMD		'G'	/* message to continue execution */
#define	STOPCMD		'H'	/* message to stop or command invalid */
#define	STATUSCMD	'S'	/* ask server to list parameters */
#define	ABORTCMD	'A'	/* ask server to terminate */
#define	FULLQUEUE	'D'	/* from server that queue is full */
#define	QUEUESIZE	'O'	/* ask server to change queue full point */

 * path names of files used in the system

#define	CLIENTPRE	"cl"                        /* client socket prefix */
#define	CNTRLPRE	"cn"                        /* control socket prefix */
#define	LDDGID		25		     	    /* gid used to protect */
						    /* REAL binaries this must*/
						    /* be the gid of the */
						    /* protected directories */
 * Defined paths. If these are altered the onetime script makedirs must
 * also be altered.
 * The load control system uses two subdirectories to store
 * sockets and status files. server directories should be owner (root)
 * write only and execute all others only (mode 710). The client directory
 * must be group writeable but not readable (mode 730). This is done for
 * security reasons and should not be altered.
#define	SPOOLDIR	"/usr/spool/ldd/cl"         /* client sockets dir */
#define SERVERDIR	"/usr/spool/ldd/sr"	    /* servers directory  */

 * The following MUST be in the SERVERDIR directory!!!!
#define	CNTRLPATH	"/usr/spool/ldd/sr/cnsock"  /* serv cntrl socket */
#define	MSGPATH		"/usr/spool/ldd/sr/msgsock" /* serv msg socket */
#define	LISTFILE	"/usr/spool/ldd/sr/list"    /* jobs in queue file */
#define	STATUSFILE	"/usr/spool/ldd/sr/status"  /* status of server */
#define	ERRORPATH	"/usr/spool/ldd/sr/errors"  /* saved errors */
#define	LOCK		"/usr/spool/ldd/sr/lock"    /* lockfile */
@//E*O*F h/common.h//
chmod u=r,g=r,o=r h/common.h
echo x - h/control.h
sed 's/^@//' > "h/control.h" <<'@//E*O*F h/control.h//'

 * control.h
 * definations used by the control program

/* $Log$ */

 * structure of control program command table

struct	cmd {
	char	*c_name;	/* command name */
	char	*c_help;	/* help message	*/
	int	(*c_handler)();	/* routine to do the work */
	int	c_priv;		/* command privledge */

#define	RESTRICT	1	/* a 1 means restricted command */
#define	NORESTRICT	0	/* a 0 mean no restrictions */

 * structure of the hash table used by the list commands to keep a
 * local listing of recently referenced users in the passwd file.
 * (used for speedup).
#define PNAMSIZ		12	/* size of list name bucket to store name */
#define HASHMOD		151	/* size of list hash table, MUST BE prime */

struct hashbuck{
	int buckuid;
	char buckname[PNAMSIZ+1];

 * warning message limits for ldc commands to help prevent the admin
 * from setting server settings that might cause problems.
#define LOWCYCLE	5	/* If cycle time is less complain */
#define HIGHCYCLE	600	/* If cycle time is greater complain */
#define LOWMAX		90	/* If max queue time is less complain */
#define HIGHMAX		43200	/* If max queue time is greater complain */
#define LOWSIZE		10	/* If max queue size is less complain */
#define HIGHSIZE	200	/* If max queue size is greater complain */
#define LOWLOAD		1.0	/* If load limit is less complain */
#define HIGHLOAD	35.0	/* If load limit is greater complain */

 * other defines
#define	WAITTIME	120	/* time (secs) before packet resend */
@//E*O*F h/control.h//
chmod u=r,g=r,o=r h/control.h
echo x - h/server.h
sed 's/^@//' > "h/server.h" <<'@//E*O*F h/server.h//'

 * server.h
 * definations used by the server process.

/* $Log$ */

 * structure of the double linked queue of waiting processes.

struct qnode {
	u_long	pid;			/* pid of waiting client */
	u_long	uid;			/* uid of waiting client */
	u_long	time;			/* time job submitted in queue */
	struct qnode *fow;		/* foward link to newer job */
	struct qnode *back;		/* back link to older job */
	char	com[COMLEN+1];		/* command line (truncated) */
#define QNIL	(struct qnode *) 0	/* use for nil pointer */

 * General definations.

#define	MAXLOAD		10.0	/* default load level to queue at */
				/* 10 for pyramid 90x, 8.5 for 780, 7 for */
				/* 750. note you can override this on
				/* ldd's command line */
#define	ALRMTIME	60	/* default cycle time to check load */
				/* 60 is good for vaxes. pyramids being */
				/* so much faster should be 20. Note you */
				/* can override this default on ldd's */
				/* command line in seconds */
#define	MAXQTIME	14400	/* default max queue time for a process  */
				/* waiting to run in seconds */
#define	PRIO		-4	/* server runs at this nice level this has */
				/* little impact on the system, but makes */
				/* sure packets get handled properly under */
				/* heavy load. This should be -4 or smaller */
				/* (-5, -6, ...) */
#define	WAITTIME	60	/* wait for client during startup scan */
				/* of the spool directory in seconds */
#define	MAXPOLLS	2	/* how many times to send a poll request */
				/* during startup polling */
#define	MAXINQUEUE	150	/* max number of jobs that can be waiting to */
				/* run */
@//E*O*F h/server.h//
chmod u=r,g=r,o=r h/server.h
echo Inspecting for damage in transit...
temp=/tmp/shar$$; dtemp=/tmp/.shar$$
trap "rm -f $temp $dtemp; exit" 0 1 2 3 15
cat > $temp <<\!!!
      30     200    1207 client.h
      81     528    3321 common.h
      54     270    1630 control.h
      50     298    1737 server.h
     215    1296    7895 total
wc  h/client.h h/common.h h/control.h h/server.h | sed 's=[^ ]*/==' | diff -b $temp - >$dtemp
if [ -s $dtemp ]
then echo "Ouch [diff of wc output]:" ; cat $dtemp
else echo "No problems found."
exit 0

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