New UNIX Kermit (Part 3 of 5)

Sam Chin tsc2597 at acf4.UUCP
Thu Feb 28 14:02:00 AEST 1985

# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line,
# then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".
# Wrapped by acf4!tsc2597  on Wed Feb 27 22:20:15 EST 1985
# Contents:  ckfns.c ckmain.c ckprot.w
echo x - ckfns.c
sed 's/^@//' > "ckfns.c" <<'@//E*O*F ckfns.c//'
char *fnsv = "C-Kermit functions, 4.0(023) 1 Feb 85";

/*  C K F N S  --  System-independent Kermit protocol support functions  */
 System-dependent primitives defined in:

   ckx???.c -- terminal i/o
   cxz???.c -- file i/o, directory structure


#include "ckermi.h"			/* Symbol definitions for Kermit */

/* Externals from ckmain.c */

extern int spsiz, timint, npad, chklen, ebq, ebqflg, rpt, rptq, rptflg, capas;

extern int pktnum, prvpkt, numtry, oldtry, sndtyp, fsize, bctr, bctu,
  inpktl, size, osize, maxsize, spktl, nfils, stdouf, warn, timef;

extern int parity, speed, turn, turnch, ffc, flci, flco, tfc, tlci, tlco, 
 filcnt, delay, displa, pktlog, tralog, seslog, xflg, memstr, mypadn;

extern int deblog, hcflg, image, binary, fncnv, local, server, cxseen, czseen;

extern char padch, mypadc, eol, ctlq, myctlq, sstate, *hlptxt;

extern char filnam[], sndpkt[], recpkt[], data[], srvcmd[], *srvptr, stchr, 

extern char *cmarg, *cmarg2, **cmlist;
char *strcpy();

/* Variables local to this module */

static char *memptr;			/* Pointer for memory strings */

static char cmdstr[100];		/* Unix system command string */

static int  sndsrc;			/* Flag for where to send from: */
					/* -1: name in cmdata */
					/*  0: stdin          */
					/* >0: list in cmlist */

static int  memstr,			/* Flag for input from memory string */
     t,					/* Current character */
     next;				/* Next character */
/*  I N P U T  --  Attempt to read packet number 'pktnum'.  */

 This is the function that feeds input to Kermit's finite state machine.

 If a special start state is in effect, that state is returned as if it were
 the type of an incoming packet.  Otherwise:

 . If the desired packet arrives within MAXTRY tries, return its type,
   with its data stored in the global 'data' array.

 . If the previous packet arrives again, resend the last packet and wait for
   another to come in.

 . If the desired packet does not arrive within MAXTRY tries, return indicating
   that an error packet should be sent.

input() {
    int len, num, type, numtry;

    if (sstate != 0) {			/* If a start state is in effect, */
	type = sstate;			/* return it like a packet type, */
	sstate = 0;			/* and then nullify it. */
	*data = '\0';
    } else type = rpack(&len,&num,data); /* Else, try to read a packet. */

/* If it's the same packet we just sent, it's an echo.  Read another. */

    if (type == sndtyp) type = rpack(&len,&num,data);

    chkint();				/* Check for console interrupts. */
 If previous packet again, a timeout pseudopacket, or a bad packet, try again.
    for (numtry = 0; num == prvpkt || type == 'T' || type == 'Q' ; numtry++)
	if (numtry > MAXTRY) {		/* If too many tries, give up */
	    strcpy(data,"Timed out.");	/* and send a timeout error packet. */
	resend();			/* Else, send last packet again, */
	type = rpack(&len,&num,data);	/* and try to read a new one. */
	chkint();			/* Look again for interruptions. */
    return(type);			/* Success, return packet type. */
/*  S P A C K  --  Construct and send a packet  */

spack(type,num,len,dat) char type, *dat; int num, len; {
    int i,j;
    j = dopar(padch);
    for (i = 0; i < npad; sndpkt[i++] = j)  /* Do any requested padding */
    sndpkt[i++] = dopar(mystch);	/* Start packet with the start char */
    sndpkt[i++] = dopar(tochar(len+bctu+2));	/* Put in the length */
    sndpkt[i++] = dopar(tochar(num));		/* The packet number */
    sndpkt[i++] = sndtyp = dopar(type);		/* Packet type */

    for (j = len; j > 0; j-- ) sndpkt[i++] = dopar(*dat++); /* Data */

    sndpkt[i] = '\0';			/* Mark end for block check */
    switch(bctu) {
	case 1: 			/* Type 1 - 6 bit checksum */
	    sndpkt[i++] = dopar(tochar(chk1(sndpkt+1)));
	case 2:				/* Type 2 - 12 bit checksum*/
	    j = chk2(sndpkt+1);
	    sndpkt[i++] = dopar(tochar((j & 07700) >> 6));
	    sndpkt[i++] = dopar(tochar(j & 077));
        case 3:				/* Type 3 - 16 bit CRC-CCITT */
	    j = chk3(sndpkt+1);
	    sndpkt[i++] = dopar(tochar((j & 0170000) >> 12));
	    sndpkt[i++] = dopar(tochar((j & 07700) >> 6));
	    sndpkt[i++] = dopar(tochar(j & 077));
    for (j = npad; j > 0; j-- ) sndpkt[i++] = dopar(padch); /* Padding */

    sndpkt[i++] = dopar(eol);		/* EOL character */
    sndpkt[i] = '\0';			/* End of the packet */
    ttol(sndpkt,spktl=i);		/* Send the packet just built */
    flco += spktl;			/* Count the characters */
    tlco += spktl;
    if (pktlog) zsoutl(ZPFILE,sndpkt);	/* If logging packets, log it */
    screen(type,num,sndpkt);		/* Update screen */

/*  D O P A R  --  Add an appropriate parity bit to a character  */

dopar (ch) char ch; {
    int a;
    switch (parity) {
	case 'm':  return(ch | 128);		/* Mark */
	case 's':  return(ch & 127);		/* Space */
	case 'o':  ch |= 128;			/* Odd (fall thru) */
	case 'e':				/* Even */
	    a = (ch & 15) ^ ((ch >> 4) & 15);
	    a = (a & 3) ^ ((a >> 2) & 3);
	    a = (a & 1) ^ ((a >> 1) & 1);
	    return(ch | (a << 7));
	default:   return(ch);
/*  C H K 1  --  Compute a type-1 Kermit 6-bit checksum.  */

chk1(pkt) char *pkt; {
    int chk;
    chk = chk2(pkt);
    return((((chk & 0300) >> 6) + chk) & 077);

/*  C H K 2  --  Compute the numeric sum of all the bytes in the packet.  */

chk2(pkt) char *pkt; {
    unsigned int chk;
    int p;
    for (chk = 0; *pkt != '\0'; *pkt++) {
    	p = (parity) ? *pkt & 0177 : *pkt;
	chk += p;

/*  C H K 3  --  Compute a type-3 Kermit block check.  */
 Calculate the 16-bit CRC of a null-terminated string using a byte-oriented
 tableless algorithm invented by Andy Lowry (Columbia University).  The
 magic number 010201 is derived from the CRC-CCITT polynomial x^16+x^12+x^5+1.
 Note - this function could adapted for strings containing imbedded 0's
 by including a length argument.
chk3(s) char *s; {
    int c, q;
    int crc = 0;

    while ((c = *s++) != '\0') {
	if (parity) c &= 0177;
	q = (crc ^ c) & 017;		/* Low-order nibble */
	crc = (crc >> 4) ^ (q * 010201);
	q = (crc ^ (c >> 4)) & 017;	/* High order nibble */
	crc = (crc >> 4) ^ (q * 010201);
/* Functions for sending various kinds of packets */

ack() {					/* Send an ordinary acknowledgment. */
    spack('Y',pktnum,0,"");		/* No data. */
    nxtpkt(&pktnum);			/* Increment the packet number. */
}					/* Note, only call this once! */

ack1(s) char *s; {			/* Send an ACK with data. */
    spack('Y',pktnum,strlen(s),s);	/* Send the packet. */
    nxtpkt(&pktnum);			/* Increment the packet number. */
}					/* Only call this once! */

nack() {				/* Negative acknowledgment. */
    spack('N',pktnum,0,"");		/* NAK's never have data. */

resend() {				/* Send the old packet again. */
    if (pktlog) zsoutl(ZPFILE,sndpkt);

errpkt(reason) char *reason; {		/* Send an error packet. */

scmd(t,dat) char t, *dat; {		/* Send a packet of the given type */
    encstr(dat);			/* Encode the command string */
    ttflui();				/* Flush pending input. */

srinit() {				/* Send R (GET) packet */
    encstr(cmarg);			/* Encode the filename. */
    ttflui();				/* Flush pending input. */
    spack('R',pktnum,size,data);	/* Send the packet. */

nxtpkt(num) int *num; {
    prvpkt = *num;			/* Save previous */
    *num = (*num + 1) % 64;		/* Increment packet number mod 64 */

sigint() {				/* Terminal interrupt handler */
    errpkt("User typed ^C");
/* R P A C K  --  Read a Packet */

rpack(l,n,dat) int *l, *n; char *dat; {
    int i, j, x, done, pstart, pbl;
    char chk[4], xchk[4], t, type;

    chk[3] = xchk[3] = 0;
    i = inlin();			/* Read a line */
    if (i != 0) {
	debug(F101,"rpack: inlin","",i);
    debug(F110,"rpack: inlin ok, recpkt",recpkt,0);

/* Look for start of packet */

    for (i = 0; ((t = recpkt[i]) != stchr) && (i < RBUFL) ; i++)
    if (++i >= RBUFL) return('Q');	/* Skip rest if not found */

/* now "parse" the packet */

    debug(F101,"entering rpack with i","",i);
    done = 0;
    while (!done) {
	debug(F101,"rpack starting at i","",i);
        pstart = i;			/* remember where packet started */

/* length */

	if ((t = recpkt[i++]) == stchr) continue; /* Resynch if SOH */

   /***	if (t == 2) doexit(); *** uncomment this to allow ^A^B cause exit ***/

	if (t == MYEOL) return('Q');
	*l = unchar(t);			/* Packet length */
	debug(F101," pkt len","",*l);

/* sequence number */

	if ((t = recpkt[i++]) == stchr) continue;
	if (t == MYEOL) return('Q');
	*n = unchar(t);
	debug(F101,"rpack: n","",*n);

/* cont'd... */
/* ...rpack(), cont'd */

/* type */

	if ((type = recpkt[i++]) == stchr) continue;
	if (type == MYEOL) return('Q');
	debug(F101,"rpack: type","",type);

	if ((type == 'S') || (type == 'I')) pbl = 1;	/* Heuristics for  */
	else if (type == 'N') pbl = *l - 2;    /* syncing block check type */
	else pbl = bctu;

	*l -= (pbl + 2);		/* Now compute data length */
	debug(F101,"rpack: bctu","",bctu);
	debug(F101," pbl","",pbl);
	debug(F101," data length","",*l);

/* data */

	dat[0] = '\0';			/* Return null string if no data */
	for (j=0; j<*l; i++,j++)
	    if ((dat[j] = recpkt[i]) == stchr) continue;
		else if (dat[j] == MYEOL) return('Q');
	dat[j] = '\0';

/* get the block check */

    	debug(F110," packet chk",recpkt+i,0);
    	for (j = 0; j < pbl; j++) {
	    chk[j] = recpkt[i];
	    debug(F101," chk[j]","",chk[j]);
	    if (chk[j] == stchr) break;
	    if (chk[j] == eol) return('Q');
	    recpkt[i++] = '\0';
	chk[j] = 0;
	debug(F111," chk array, j",chk,j);
	if (j != pbl) continue;		/* Block check right length? */
	done = 1;			/* Yes, done. */

/* cont'd... */
/* ...rpack(), cont'd */

/* Got packet, now check the block check */

    switch (pbl) {
	case 1:
	    xchk[0] = tochar(chk1(&recpkt[pstart]));
	    if (chk[0] != xchk[0]) {
		if (deblog) {
		    debug(F000,"rpack: chk","",chk[0]);
		    debug(F000," should be ","",xchk[0]);
	case 2:
	    x = chk2(&recpkt[pstart]);
	    xchk[0] = tochar((x & 07700) >> 6);
	    xchk[1] = tochar(x & 077);
	    if (deblog) {
		debug(F000," xchk[0]","=",xchk[0]);
		debug(F000," xchk[1]","=",xchk[1]);
	    if ((xchk[0] != chk[0]) || (xchk[1] != chk[1])) {
		debug(F100," bct2's don't compare","",0);
	case 3:
	    x = chk3(&recpkt[pstart]);
	    xchk[0] = tochar((x & 0170000) >> 12);
	    xchk[1] = tochar((x & 07700) >> 6);
	    xchk[2] = tochar(x & 077);
	    if (deblog) {
		debug(F000," xchk[0]","=",xchk[0]);
		debug(F000," xchk[1]","=",xchk[1]);
		debug(F000," xchk[2]","=",xchk[2]);
	    if ((xchk[0] != chk[0]) || 
	    	(xchk[1] != chk[1]) || 
		(xchk[2] != chk[2])) {
		    debug(F100," bct3's don't compare","",0);

/* Good packet, return its type */

    ttflui();				/* Done, flush any remaining. */
    screen(type,*n,recpkt);		/* Update screen */
/*  I N C H R  --  Input character from communication line, with timeout  */
inchr(timo) int timo; {
    int c;
    c = ttinc(timo);
    debug(F101,"inchr ttinc","",c);
    if (c < 0) return(c); 		/* Get a character */
    if (parity) c = c & 0177;		/* If parity on, discard parity bit. */
    debug(F101," after parity","",c);

/*  I N L I N  -- Input a line (up to break char) from communication line  */

/*  Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure  */

inlin() {
    int e, i, j, k;

    e = (turn) ? turnch : MYEOL;
    i = j = k = 0;
    if (parity) {
    	while ((j != e) && (i < RBUFL) && (k < MAXTRY)) {
	    j = inchr(1);		/* Get char, 1 second timeout */
	    debug(F101,"inlin inchr","",j);
	    if (j < 0) k++;		/* Timed out. */
	    else {
		if (j) recpkt[i++] = j;	/* Save it */
		k = 0;			/* Reset timeout counter. */
    } else {
    	i = ttinl(recpkt,RBUFL,timint,e);	/* Get them all at once */
	if (i < 0) k = 1;
    debug(F101," timeouts","",k);
    if (i < 1) return(1);
    if (pktlog) zsoutl(ZPFILE,recpkt);
    if (k > MAXTRY) return(1);
    tlci += i;				/* Count the characters. */
    flci += i;
    recpkt[i+1] = '\0';			/* Terminate the input string. */
if (0) {    
    if (turn) {				/* If doing line turnaround, */
	debug(F101,"inlin: looking for turnaround","",turnch);
	for (i = 0 ; i < MAXTRY ; i++) {
	    j = inchr(1);
	    if (pktlog) zchout(ZPFILE,j);
	    if (j == turnch) break;     /* Wait for turnaround char */
/*  E N C S T R  --  Encode a string from memory. */

/*  Call this instead of getpkt() if source is a string, rather than a file. */

encstr(s) char* s; {
    int m; char *p;

    m = memstr; p = memptr;		/* Save these. */

    memptr = s;				/* Point to the string. */
    memstr = 1;				/* Flag memory string as source. */
    next = -1;				/* Initialize character lookahead. */
    getpkt(spsiz);			/* Fill a packet from the string. */
    memstr = m;				/* Restore memory string flag */
    memptr = p;				/* and pointer */
    next = -1;				/* Put this back as we found it. */
/* E N C O D E - Kermit packet encoding procedure */

encode(a) int a; {			/* The current character */
    int a7;				/* Low order 7 bits of character */
    int b8;				/* 8th bit of character */

    if (rptflg)	{			/* Repeat processing? */
        if (a == next) {		/* Got a run... */
	    if (++rpt < 94)		/* Below max, just count */
	    else if (rpt == 94) {	/* Reached max, must dump */
                data[size++] = rptq;
                data[size++] = tochar(rpt);
                rpt = 0;
        } else if (rpt == 1) {		/* Run broken, only 2? */
            rpt = 0;			/* Yes, reset repeat flag & count. */
	    encode(a);			/* Do the character twice. */
	    if (size <= maxsize) osize = size;
	    rpt = 0;
	} else if (rpt > 1) {		/* More than two */
            data[size++] = rptq;	/* Insert the repeat prefix */
            data[size++] = tochar(++rpt); /* and count. */
            rpt = 0;			/* Reset repeat counter. */
    a7 = a & 0177;			/* Isolate ASCII part */
    b8 = a & 0200;			/* and 8th (parity) bit. */

    if (ebqflg && b8) {			/* Do 8th bit prefix if necessary. */
        data[size++] = ebq;
        a = a7;
    if ((a7 < SP) || (a7==DEL))	{	/* Do control prefix if necessary */
        data[size++] = myctlq;
	a = ctl(a);
    if (a7 == myctlq)			/* Prefix the control prefix */
        data[size++] = myctlq;

    if ((rptflg) && (a7 == rptq))	/* If it's the repeat prefix, */
        data[size++] = myctlq;		/* quote it if doing repeat counts. */

    if ((ebqflg) && (a7 == ebq))	/* Prefix the 8th bit prefix */
        data[size++] = myctlq;		/* if doing 8th-bit prefixes */

    data[size++] = a;			/* Finally, insert the character */
    data[size] = '\0';			/* itself, and mark the end. */
/* D E C O D E  --  Kermit packet decoding procedure */

/* Call with string to be decoded and an output function. */

decode(buf,fn) char *buf; int (*fn)(); {
    unsigned int a, a7, b8;		/* Low order 7 bits, and the 8th bit */

    rpt = 0;

    while ((a = *buf++) != '\0') {
	if (rptflg) {			/* Repeat processing? */
	    if (a == rptq) {		/* Yes, got a repeat prefix? */
		rpt = unchar(*buf++);	/* Yes, get the repeat count, */
		a = *buf++;		/* and get the prefixed character. */
	b8 = 0;				/* Check high order "8th" bit */
	if (ebqflg) {			/* 8th-bit prefixing? */
	    if (a == ebq) {		/* Yes, got an 8th-bit prefix? */
		b8 = 0200;		/* Yes, remember this, */
		a = *buf++;		/* and get the prefixed character. */
	if (a == ctlq) {		/* If control prefix, */
	    a  = *buf++;		/* get its operand. */
	    a7 = a & 0177;		/* Only look at low 7 bits. */
	    if ((a7 >= 0100 && a7 <= 0137) || a7 == '?') /* Uncontrollify */
	    a = ctl(a);			/* if in control range. */
	a |= b8;			/* OR in the 8th bit */
	if (rpt == 0) rpt = 1;		/* If no repeats, then one */
	for (; rpt > 0; rpt--) {	/* Output the char RPT times */
	    if (a == CR && !binary) break; /* But skip CR if binary. */
	    ffc++, tfc++;		/* Count the character */
	    (*fn)(a);			/* Send it to the output function. */

/*  Output functions passed to 'decode':  */

putsrv(c) char c; { 	/*  Put character in server command buffer  */
    *srvptr++ = c;
    *srvptr = '\0';	/* Make sure buffer is null-terminated */

puttrm(c) char c; {     /*  Output character to console.  */

putfil(c) char c; {	/*  Output char to file. */
/*  G E T P K T -- Fill a packet data field  */

 Gets characters from the current source -- file or memory string.
 Encodes the data into the packet, filling the packet optimally.

 Uses global variables:
 t     -- current character.
 next  -- next character.
 data  -- the packet data buffer.
 size  -- number of characters in the data buffer.

Returns the size as value of the function, and also sets global size,
and fills (and null-terminates) the global data array.

Before calling getpkt the first time for a given source (file or string),
set the variable 'next' to -1.

getpkt(maxsize) int maxsize; {		/* Fill one packet buffer */
    int i;				/* Loop index. */

    static char leftover[6] = { '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0' };

    if (next < 0) t = getch();		/* Get first character of file. */

    /* Do any leftovers */

    for (size = 0; (data[size] = leftover[size]) != '\0'; size++)
    *leftover = '\0';

    /* Now fill up the rest of the packet. */

    while(t >= 0) {			/* Until EOF... */
	next = getch();			/* Get next character for lookahead. */
	osize = size;			/* Remember current position. */
        encode(t);			/* Encode the current character. */
        t = next;			/* Next is now current. */

	if (size == maxsize) 		/* If the packet is exactly full, */
            return(size);		/* and return. */

	if (size > maxsize) {		/* If too big, save some for next. */
	    for (i = 0; (leftover[i] = data[osize+i]) != '\0'; i++)
	    size = osize;		/* Return truncated packet. */
	    data[size] = '\0';
    return(size);			/* Return any partial final buffer. */
/*  G E T C H  -- Get the next character from file (or pipe). */
/*  Convert newlines to CRLFs if newline/CRLF mapping is being done. */

getch()	{				/* Get next character */
    int a, x;				/* The character to return. */
    static int b = 0;			/* A character to remember. */
    if (b > 0) {			/* Do we have a newline saved? */
	b = 0;				/* Yes, return that. */

    if (memstr)				/* Try to get the next character */
    	x = ((a = *memptr++) == '\0');	/* from the appropriate source, */
    else				/* memory or the current file. */
    	x = ((a = zchin(ZIFILE)) < 0 );

    if (x)
    	return(-1);			/* No more, return -1 for EOF. */
    else {				/* Otherwise, read the next char. */
	ffc++, tfc++;			/* Count it. */
	if (a == '\n' && !binary) {	/* If nl and we must do nl-CRLF */
	    b = a;			/* mapping, save the nl, */
	    return(CR);			/* and return a CR. */
	} else return(a);		/* General case, return the char. */

/*  C A N N E D  --  Check if current file transfer cancelled */

canned(buf) char *buf; {
    if (*buf == 'X') cxseen = 1;
    if (*buf == 'Z') czseen = 1;
    debug(F101,"canned: cxseen","",cxseen);
    debug(F101," czseen","",czseen);
    return((czseen || cxseen) ? 1 : 0);
/*  T I N I T  --  Initialize a transaction  */

tinit() {
    xflg = 0;				/* reset x-packet flag */
    memstr = 0;				/* reset memory-string flag */
    memptr = NULL;			/*  and pointer */
    bctu = 1;				/* reset block check type to 1 */
    filcnt = 0;				/* reset file counter */
    tfc = tlci = tlco = 0;		/* reset character counters */
    prvpkt = -1;			/* reset packet number */
    pktnum = 0;
    if (server) {			/* If acting as server, */
	timint = 30;			/* use 30 second timeout, */
	nack();				/* send a NAK */

/*  R I N I T  --  Respond to S packet  */

rinit(d) char *d; {
    char *tp;
    tlog(F110,"Transaction begins",tp,0); /* Make transaction log entry */
    tfc = tlci = tlco = 0;
/*  S I N I T  --  Make sure file exists, then send Send-Init packet */

sinit() {
    int x; char *tp;

    sndsrc = nfils;			/* Where to look for files to send */
    tlog(F110,"Transaction begins",tp,0); /* Make transaction log entry */
    debug(F101,"sinit: sndsrc","",sndsrc);
    if (sndsrc < 0) {			/* Must expand from 'send' command */
	nfils = zxpand(cmarg);		/* Look up literal name. */
	if (nfils < 0) {
	    screen(2,0,"?Too many files");
        } else if (nfils == 0) {	/* If none found, */
	    char xname[100];		/* convert the name. */
	    nfils = zxpand(xname); 	/* Look it up again. */
	if (nfils < 1) {		/* If no match, report error. */
	    if (server) 
	    	errpkt("File not found");
		screen(2,0,"?File not found");
	x = gnfile();			/* Position to first file. */
	if (x < 1) {
	    if (!server) 
	    	screen(2,0,"?No readable file to send");
	    	errpkt("No readable file to send");
    } else if (sndsrc > 0) {		/* Command line arglist -- */
	x = gnfile();			/* Get the first file from it. */
	if (x < 1) return(0);		/* (if any) */
    } else if (sndsrc == 0) {		/* stdin or memory always exist... */
	cmarg2 = "";			/* No alternate name */
	strcpy(filnam,"stdin");		/* If F packet, filnam is used. */
	tlog(F110,"Sending from",cmdstr,0); /* If X packet, cmdstr is used. */

    debug(F101,"sinit: nfils","",nfils);
    debug(F110," filnam",filnam,0);
    debug(F110," cmdstr",cmdstr,0);
    ttflui();				/* Flush input buffer. */
    x = rpar(data);			/* Send a Send-Init packet. */
    if (!local && !server) sleep(delay);
/*  R C V F I L -- Receive a file  */

rcvfil() {
    int x;

    ffc = flci = flco = 0;		/* Init per-file counters */
    srvptr = srvcmd;			/* Decode packet data. */
    screen(0,0,srvcmd);			/* Update screen */
    screen(1,0,"=> ");
    tlog(F110,"Receiving",srvcmd,0);	/* Transaction log entry */
    if (*cmarg2 != '\0') {		/* Check for alternate name */
	strcpy(srvcmd,cmarg2);		/* Got one, use it. */
	*cmarg2 = '\0';
    x = openo(srvcmd,filnam);		/* Try to open it */
    if (x) {
	tlog(F110," as",filnam,0);
    } else {
        tlog(F110,"Failure to open",filnam,0);
	screen(2,0,"*** error");
    return(x);				/* Pass on return code from openo */

/*  R E O F  --  Receive End Of File  */

reof() {

    if (cxseen == 0) cxseen = (*data == 'D');

    if (cxseen || czseen) {
	tlog(F100," *** Discarding","",0);
    } else {
	tlog(F100," end of file","",0);
	tlog(F101,"  file characters        ","",ffc);
	tlog(F101,"  communication line in  ","",flci);
	tlog(F101,"  communication line out ","",flco);

/*  R E O T  --  Receive End Of Transaction  */

reot() {
    char *tp;
    cxseen = czseen = 0; 
    tlog(F110,"End of transaction",tp,0);
    if (filcnt > 1) {
	tlog(F101," files","",filcnt);
	tlog(F101," total file characters   ","",tfc);
	tlog(F101," communication line in   ","",tlci);
	tlog(F101," communication line out  ","",tlco);
/*  S F I L E -- Send File header packet for global "filnam" */

sfile() {
    char pktnam[100];			/* Local copy of name */

    if (fncnv) {
	if (*cmarg2 != '\0') {		/* If we have a send-as name, */
	    zltor(cmarg2,pktnam);	/* convert it to common form, */
	    cmarg2 = "";		/* and blank it out for next time, */
	} else zltor(filnam,pktnam);	/* otherwise use the real file name. */
    } else {
	if (*cmarg2 != '\0')		/* Same as above, but without */
	    strcpy(pktnam,cmarg2);	/* name conversion */
        else strcpy(filnam,pktnam);

    if (openi(filnam) == 0) 		/* Try to open the file */

    rpt = flci = flco = ffc = 0;	/* OK, Init counters, etc. */
    encstr(pktnam);			/* Encode the name. */
    nxtpkt(&pktnum);			/* Increment the packet number */
    ttflui();				/* Clear pending input */
    spack('F',pktnum,size,data); 	/* Send the F packet */
    if (displa) {
	screen(0,pktnum,filnam);	/* Update screen */
	screen(1,0,"=> ");
	screen(3,fsize,", size");
	intmsg(++filcnt);		/* Count file, give interrupt msg */
    tlog(F110,"Sending",filnam,0);	/* Transaction log entry */
    tlog(F110," as",pktnam,0);
    next = -1;				/* Init file character lookahead. */

/* Send an X Packet -- Like SFILE, but with Text rather than File header */

sxpack() {				/* Send an X packet */
    encstr(cmdstr);			/* Encode any data. */
    rpt = flci = flco = ffc = 0;	/* Init counters, etc. */
    next = -1;				/* Init file character lookahead. */
    nxtpkt(&pktnum);			/* Increment the packet number */
    spack('X',pktnum,size,data);	/* No incrementing pktnum */
    screen(0,pktnum,cmdstr);		/* Update screen. */
    tlog(F110,"Sending from:",cmdstr,0);
/*  S D A T A -- Send a data packet */

sdata() {
    int len;
    if (cxseen || czseen) return(0);	/* If interrupted, done. */
    if ((len = getpkt(spsiz-chklen-3)) == 0) return(0); /* If no data, done. */
    nxtpkt(&pktnum);			/* Increment the packet number */
    spack('D',pktnum,len,data);		/* Send the packet */

/*  S E O F -- Send an End-Of-File packet */

seof() {
    nxtpkt(&pktnum);			/* Increment the packet number */
    if (czseen || cxseen) {
	tlog(F100," *** interrupted, sending discard request","",0);
    } else {
	tlog(F100," end of file","",0);
	tlog(F101,"  file characters        ","",ffc);
	tlog(F101,"  communication line in  ","",flci);
	tlog(F101,"  communication line out ","",flco);

/*  S E O T -- Send an End-Of-Transaction packet */

seot() {
    char *tp;
    nxtpkt(&pktnum);			/* Increment the packet number */
    cxseen = czseen = 0; 
    tlog(F110,"End of transaction",tp,0);
    if (filcnt > 1) {
	tlog(F101," files","",filcnt);
	tlog(F101," total file characters   ","",tfc);
	tlog(F101," communication line in   ","",tlci);
	tlog(F101," communication line out  ","",tlco);
/*   R P A R -- Fill the data array with my send-init parameters  */

rpar(data) char data[]; {
    data[0] = tochar(spsiz-1);		/* Biggest packet I can receive */
    data[1] = tochar(URTIME);		/* When I want to be timed out */
    data[2] = tochar(mypadn);		/* How much padding I need (none) */
    data[3] = ctl(mypadc);		/* Padding character I want */
    data[4] = tochar(MYEOL);		/* End-Of-Line character I want */
    data[5] = CTLQ;			/* Control-Quote character I send */
    if (ebqflg) data[6] = ebq = '&';
    	else data[6] = 'Y';		/* 8-bit quoting */
    data[7] = bctr + '0';		/* Block check type */
    data[8] = MYRPTQ;			/* Do repeat counts */
    data[9] = '\0';
    return(9);				/* Return the length. */
/*   S P A R -- Get the other system's Send-Init parameters.  */

spar(data) char data[]; {
    int len, x;

    len = strlen(data);		    	/* Number of fields */

    spsiz = (len-- > 0) ? unchar(data[0]) : DSPSIZ; 	/* Packet size */
    if (spsiz < 10) spsiz = DSPSIZ;

    x = (len-- > 0) ? unchar(data[1]) : DMYTIM;	/* Timeout */
    if (!timef) {			/* Only use if not overridden */
	timint = x;
	if (timint < 0) timint = DMYTIM;

    npad = 0; padch = '\0';		    	    	/* Padding */
    if (len-- > 0) {
	npad = unchar(data[2]);
	if (len-- > 0) padch = ctl(data[3]); else padch = 0;

    eol = (len-- > 0) ? unchar(data[4]) : '\r';	    	/* Terminator  */
    if ((eol < 2) || (eol > 037)) eol = '\r';

    ctlq = (len-- > 0) ? data[5] : CTLQ;    	    	/* Control prefix */

    if (len-- > 0) {			    	    	/* 8th-bit prefix */
	ebq = data[6];
	if ((ebq > 040 && ebq < 0100) || (ebq > 0140 && ebq < 0177)) {
	    ebqflg = 1;
	} else if (parity && (ebq == 'Y')) {
	    ebqflg = 1;
	    ebq = '&';
	} else if (ebq == 'N') {
	    ebqflg = 0;
	} else ebqflg = 0;
    } else ebqflg = 0;

    chklen = 1;				    	    	/* Block check */
    if (len-- > 0) {
	chklen = data[7] - '0';
	if ((chklen < 1) || (chklen > 3)) chklen = 1;
    bctr = chklen;

    if (len-- > 0) {			    	    	/* Repeat prefix */
	rptq = data[8]; 
	rptflg = ((rptq > 040 && rptq < 0100) || (rptq > 0140 && rptq < 0177));
    } else rptflg = 0;

    if (deblog) sdebu(len);
/*  S D E B U  -- Record spar results in debugging log  */

sdebu(len) int len; {
    debug(F111,"spar: data",data,len);
    debug(F101," spsiz ","",spsiz);
    debug(F101," timint","",timint);
    debug(F101," npad  ","",npad);
    debug(F101," padch ","",padch);
    debug(F101," eol   ","",eol);
    debug(F101," ctlq  ","",ctlq);
    debug(F101," ebq   ","",ebq);
    debug(F101," ebqflg","",ebqflg);
    debug(F101," chklen","",chklen);
    debug(F101," rptq  ","",rptq);
    debug(F101," rptflg","",rptflg);
/*  G N F I L E  --  Get the next file name from a file group.  */

/*  Returns 1 if there's a next file, 0 otherwise  */

gnfile() {
    int x, y;

/* If file group interruption (C-Z) occured, fail.  */

    debug(F101,"gnfile: czseen","",czseen);

    if (czseen) {
	tlog(F100,"Transaction cancelled","",0);

/* If input was stdin or memory string, there is no next file.  */

    if (sndsrc == 0) return(0);

/* If file list comes from command line args, get the next list element. */

    y = -1;
    while (y < 0) {			/* Keep trying till we get one... */

	if (sndsrc > 0) {
	    if (nfils-- > 0) {
		debug(F111,"gnfile: cmlist filnam",filnam,nfils);
	    } else {
		*filnam = '\0';
		debug(F101,"gnfile cmlist: nfils","",nfils);

/* Otherwise, step to next element of internal wildcard expansion list. */

	if (sndsrc < 0) {
	    x = znext(filnam);
	    debug(F111,"gnfile znext: filnam",filnam,x);
	    if (x == 0) return(0);

/* Get here with a filename. */

	y = zchki(filnam);		/* Check if file readable */
	if (y < 0) {
	    debug(F110,"gnfile skipping:",filnam,0);
	    tlog(F111,filnam,"not sent, reason",y);
	} else fsize = y;
/*  O P E N I  --  Open an existing file for input  */

openi(name) char *name; {
    int x, filno;
    if (memstr) return(1);		/* Just return if file is memory. */

    debug(F101," sndsrc","",sndsrc);

    filno = (sndsrc == 0) ? ZSTDIO : ZIFILE;    /* ... */

    debug(F101," file number","",filno);

    if (zopeni(filno,name)) {		/* Otherwise, try to open it. */
	debug(F110," ok",name,0);
    } else {				/* If not found, */
	char xname[100];		/* convert the name */
	zrtol(name,xname);		/* to local form and then */
	debug(F110," zrtol:",xname,0);
	x = zopeni(filno,xname);	/* try opening it again. */
	debug(F101," zopeni","",x);
	if (x) {
	    debug(F110," ok",xname,0);
	    return(1);			/* It worked. */
        } else {
	    screen(2,0,"Can't open file");  /* It didn't work. */
	    tlog(F110,xname,"could not be opened",0);
	    debug(F110," openi failed",xname,0);
/*  O P E N O  --  Open a new file for output.  */

/*  Returns actual name under which the file was opened in string 'name2'. */

openo(name,name2) char *name, *name2; {
    char xname[100], *xp;

    if (stdouf)				/* Receiving to stdout? */

    debug(F110,"openo: name",name,0);

    xp = xname;
    if (fncnv)				/* If desired, */
    	zrtol(name,xp);			/* convert name to local form */
    else				/* otherwise, */
    	strcpy(xname,name);		/* use it literally */

    debug(F110,"openo: xname",xname,0);

    if (warn) {				/* File collision avoidance? */
	if (zchki(xname) != -1) {	/* Yes, file exists? */
	    znewn(xname,&xp);		/* Yes, make new name. */
	    debug(F110," exists, new name ",xname,0);
    if (zopeno(ZOFILE,xname) == 0) {	/* Try to open the file */
	debug(F110,"openo failed",xname,0);
	tlog(F110,"Failure to open",xname,0);
    } else {
	debug(F110,"openo ok, name2",name2,0);

/*  O P E N T  --  Open the terminal for output, in place of a file  */

opent() {
    ffc = tfc = 0;
/*  C L S I F  --  Close the current input file. */

clsif() {
    if (memstr) {			/* If input was memory string, */
	memstr = 0;			/* indicate no more. */
    } else if (hcflg) {
	zclosf();			/* If host cmd close fork, */
    } else zclose(ZIFILE);		/* else close input file. */

    screen(1,0," [OK]");
    hcflg = cxseen = 0;			/* Reset flags. */

/*  C L S O F  --  Close an output file.  */

clsof() {
    zclose(ZOFILE);			/* Close it. */
    if (czseen || cxseen) {
	zdelet(filnam);   		/* Delete it if interrupted. */
	screen(1,0," [Discarded]");
    } else {
	screen(1,0," [OK]");
    cxseen = 0;
/*  S N D H L P  --  Routine to send builtin help  */

sndhlp() {
    nfils = 0;				/* No files, no lists. */
    xflg = 1;				/* Flag we must send X packet. */
    strcpy(cmdstr,"help text");		/* Data for X packet. */
    next = -1;				/* Init getch lookahead */
    memstr = 1;				/* Just set the flag. */
    memptr = hlptxt;			/* And the pointer. */

/*  C W D  --  Change current working directory  */

 String passed has first byte as length of directory name, rest of string
 is name.  Fails if can't connect, else ACKs (with name) and succeeds. 

cwd(vdir) char *vdir; {
    vdir[unchar(*vdir) + 1] = '\0';	/* End with a null */
    if (zchdir(vdir+1)) {
	tlog(F110,"Changed directory to",vdir+1,0);
    } else {
	tlog(F110,"Failed to change directory to",vdir+1,0);

/*  S Y S C M D  --  Do a system command  */

/*  Command string is formed by concatenating the two arguments.  */

syscmd(prefix,suffix) char *prefix, *suffix; {
    char *cp;

    for (cp = cmdstr; *prefix != '\0'; *cp++ = *prefix++) ;
    while (*cp++ = *suffix++) ;

    if (zxcmd(cmdstr) > 0) {
	debug(F100,"zxcmd ok","",0);
	nfils = sndsrc = 0;		/* Flag that input from stdin */
	xflg = hcflg = 1;		/* And special flags for pipe */
	return (sinit());		/* Send S packet */
    } else {
	debug(F100,"zxcmd failed","",0);
@//E*O*F ckfns.c//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r ckfns.c
echo x - ckmain.c
sed 's/^@//' > "ckmain.c" <<'@//E*O*F ckmain.c//'
char *versio = "C-Kermit 4.0(025) PRERELEASE TEST VERSION, 5 Feb 85";

/* C K M A I N  --  C-Kermit Main program */

 Authors: Frank da Cruz, Bill Catchings, Jeff Damens;
 Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, 1984-85.
 Copyright (C) 1985, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York.
 Permission is granted to any individual or institution to copy or use this
 program except for explicitly commercial purposes, provided this copyright
 notice is retained.
 The Kermit file transfer protocol was developed at Columbia University.
 It is named after Kermit the Frog, star of the television series THE
 MUPPET SHOW; the name is used by permission of Henson Associates, Inc.
 "Kermit" is also Celtic for "free".
 Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this program:
   Bob Cattani & Chris Maio, Columbia CS Dept
   Alan Crosswell, CUCCA
   Herm Fischer, Litton Data Systems
   Carl Fongheiser, CWRU
   Jim Guyton, Rand Corp
   Stan Hanks, Rice U.
   Ken Harrenstein, SRI
   Ken Poulton, HP Labs
   Walter Underwood, Ford Aerospace
   Pieter Van Der Linden, Centre Mondial (Paris)
   Lauren Weinstein, Vortex
 and many others.

#include "ckermi.h"

/* Text message definitions */

char *hlptxt = "C-Kermit Server\n\
Server Function    Customary Command to Invoke the Function\n\
 Send File(s)       GET filespec\n\
 Receive File(s)    SEND filespec\n\
 Directory Listing  REMOTE DIRECTORY [filespec]\n\
 Change Directory   REMOTE CWD [directory]\n\
 Type File(s)       REMOTE TYPE filespec\n\
 Delete File(s)     REMOTE DELETE filespec\n\
 Disk Usage Query   REMOTE SPACE [directory]\n\
 Unix Shell Command REMOTE HOST command-string\n\
 Who's Logged In?   REMOTE WHO [user]\n\
 Help               REMOTE HELP\n\
 Finish Serving     FINISH\n\
char *srvtxt = "\r\n\
C-Kermit server starting.  Return to your local machine by typing\r\n\
its escape sequence for closing the connection, and issue further\r\n\
commands from there.  To shut down the C-Kermit server, issue the\r\n\
FINISH command and then reconnect.\n\

/* Declarations for Send-Init Parameters */

int spsiz =  DSPSIZ,			/* maximum packet size we can send */
    timint = DMYTIM,			/* My timeout interval */
    timef = 0,				/* Flag for override packet timeout */
    npad = MYPADN,			/* How much padding to send */
    mypadn = MYPADN,			/* How much padding to ask for */
    chklen = 1,				/* Length of block check */
    bctr = 1,				/* Block check type requested */
    bctu = 1,				/* Block check type used */
    ebq =  MYEBQ,			/* 8th bit prefix */
    ebqflg = 0,				/* 8th-bit quoting flag */
    rpt = 0,				/* Repeat count */
    rptq = MYRPTQ,			/* Repeat prefix */
    rptflg = 0,				/* Repeat processing flag */
    capas = 0;				/* Capabilities */

char padch = MYPADC,			/* Padding character to send */
    mypadc = MYPADC,			/* Padding character to ask for */
    eol = MYEOL,			/* End-Of-Line character to send */
    ctlq = CTLQ,			/* Control prefix in incoming data */
    myctlq = CTLQ;			/* Outbound control character prefix */

/* Packet-related variables */

int pktnum = 0,				/* Current packet number */
    prvpkt = -1,			/* Previous packet number */
    sndtyp,				/* Type of packet just sent */
    size,				/* Current size of output pkt data */
    osize,				/* Previous output packet data size */
    maxsize,				/* Max size for building data field */
    spktl;				/* Length packet being sent */

char sndpkt[MAXPACK*2], 		/* Entire packet being sent */
    recpkt[RBUFL], 			/* Packet most recently received */
    data[MAXPACK+4],   			/* Packet data buffer */
    srvcmd[MAXPACK*2],			/* Where to decode server command */
    *srvptr,				/* Pointer to above */
    mystch = SOH,			/* Outbound packet-start character */
    stchr = SOH;			/* Incoming packet-start character */
/* File-related variables */

char filnam[50];			/* Name of current file. */

int nfils,				/* Number of files in file group */
    fsize;				/* Size of current file */

/* Communication line variables */

char ttname[50];			/* Name of communication line. */

int parity,				/* Parity specified, 0,'e','o',etc */
    flow,				/* Flow control, 1 = xon/xoff */
    speed = -1,				/* Line speed */
    turn = 0,				/* Line turnaround handshake flag */
    turnch = XON,			/* Line turnaround character */
    duplex = 0,				/* Duplex, full by default */
    escape = 034,			/* Escape character for connect */
    delay = DDELAY;			/* Initial delay before sending */

/* Statistics variables */

int filcnt,			/* Number of files in transaction */
    flci,			/* Characters from line, current file */
    flco,			/* Chars to line, current file  */
    tlci,			/* Chars from line in transaction */
    tlco,   	    	    	/* Chars to line in transaction */
    ffc,			/* Chars to/from current file */
    tfc;			/* Chars to/from files in transaction */

/* Flags */

int deblog = 0,				/* Flag for debug logging */
    pktlog = 0,				/* Flag for packet logging */
    seslog = 0,				/* Session logging */
    tralog = 0,				/* Transaction logging */
    displa = 0,				/* File transfer display on/off */
    stdouf = 0,				/* Flag for output to stdout */
    xflg   = 0,				/* Flag for X instead of F packet */
    hcflg  = 0,				/* Doing Host command */
    fncnv  = 1,				/* Flag for file name conversion */
    binary = 0,				/* Flag for binary file */
    warn   = 0,				/* Flag for file warning */
    quiet  = 0,				/* Be quiet during file transfer */
    local  = 0,				/* Flag for external tty vs stdout */
    server = 0,				/* Flag for being a server */
    cnflg  = 0,				/* Connect after transaction */
    cxseen = 0,				/* Flag for cancelling a file */
    czseen = 0; 	    	    	/* Flag for cancelling file group */

/* Variables passed from command parser to protocol module */

char sstate = 0;			/* Starting state for automaton */
char *cmarg;				/* Pointer to command data */
char *cmarg2;				/* Pointer to second data field */
char **cmlist;				/* Pointer to file list in argv */
/* Miscellaneous */

char **xargv;				/* Global copies of argv */
int  xargc;				/* and argc  */

extern char *dftty;			/* Default tty name from ckx???.c */
extern int dfloc;			/* Default location: remote/local */
extern int dfprty;			/* Default parity */
extern int dfflow;			/* Default flow control */

/*  M A I N  --  C-Kermit main program  */

main(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; {

    char *strcpy();

/* Do some initialization */

    xargc = argc;			/* Make global copies of argc */
    xargv = argv;			/* ...and argv. */
    sstate = 0;				/* No default start state. */
    strcpy(ttname,dftty);		/* Set up default tty name. */
    local = dfloc;			/* And whether it's local or remote */
    parity = dfprty;			/* Set initial parity */
    flow = dfflow;			/*  and flow control */
/* Look for a UNIX-style command line... */

    if (argc > 1) {			/* Command line arguments? */
	sstate = cmdlin();		/* Yes, parse. */
	if (sstate) {
	    proto();			/* Take any requested action, */
	    if (!quiet) conoll("");	/* put cursor back at left margin, */
	    if (cnflg) conect();	/* connect if requested, */
	    doexit();			/* and then exit. */
/* If no action requested on command line, enter interactive parser */

    cmdini();				/* Initialize command parser */
    while(sstate = parser()) {		/* Loop getting commands. */
	if (sstate) proto();		/* Enter protocol if requested. */
@//E*O*F ckmain.c//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r ckmain.c
echo x - ckprot.w
sed 's/^@//' > "ckprot.w" <<'@//E*O*F ckprot.w//'
char *protv = "C-Kermit Protocol Module 4.0(014), 5 Feb 85"; /* -*-C-*- */

/* C K P R O T  -- C-Kermit Protocol Module, in Wart preprocessor notation. */

/* Authors: Jeff Damens, Bill Catchings, Frank da Cruz (Columbia University) */

#include "ckermi.h"

/* Define the states for Wart */

%states rfile rdata ssinit ssdata sseof sseot serve generic get rgen

/* Declare external C variables */

  extern char sstate, *versio, *srvtxt, *cmarg, *cmarg2;
  extern char data[], filnam[], srvcmd[], ttname[], *srvptr;
  extern int pktnum, timint, nfils, image, hcflg, xflg, speed, flow;
  extern int prvpkt, cxseen, czseen, server, local, displa, bctu, bctr, quiet;
  extern int putsrv(), puttrm(), putfil(), errpkt();

#define SERVE  tinit(); BEGIN serve
#define RESUME if (server) { SERVE; } else return

/* Protocol entry points, one for each start state (sstate) */

s { tinit();	    	    	    	    	    /* Do Send command */
    if (sinit()) BEGIN ssinit;
       else RESUME; }
v { tinit(); BEGIN get; }		    	    /* Do Receive command */
r { tinit(); srinit(); BEGIN get; }  	    	    /* Do Get command */
c { tinit(); scmd('C',cmarg); BEGIN rgen; }   	    /* Do host Command */
g { tinit(); scmd('G',cmarg); BEGIN rgen; } 	    /* Do Generic command */
x { SERVE; }	    	    	    	    	    /* Be a Server */

 Note -- Need to add states to allow for sending I-packet before
 generic or host commands, and to ignore error packets received in response.
/* Dynamic states: <current-states>input-character { action } */

<rgen,get,serve>S { rinit(data); bctu = bctr; BEGIN rfile; }

<serve>R { srvptr = srvcmd; decode(data,putsrv); /* Get Receive-Init */
	   cmarg = srvcmd;
	   nfils = -1;
    	   if (sinit()) BEGIN ssinit; else { SERVE; } }

<serve>I { spar(data);			/* Get Init-Parameters */
	   pktnum = 0; prvpkt = -1; }

<serve>G { srvptr = srvcmd; decode(data,putsrv); /* Get & decode command. */
	   putsrv('\0'); putsrv('\0');
	   sstate = srvcmd[0]; BEGIN generic; }

<serve>C { srvptr = srvcmd;		/* Get command for shell */
	   if (syscmd("",srvcmd)) BEGIN ssinit;
	   else { errpkt("Can't do shell command"); SERVE; } }

<serve>. { errpkt("Unimplemented server function"); SERVE; }

<generic>C { if (!cwd(srvcmd+1)) errpkt("Can't change directory");
    	     SERVE; }

<generic>D { if (syscmd(DIRCMD,srvcmd+2)) BEGIN ssinit;
    	     else { errpkt("Can't list directory"); SERVE; } }

<generic>E { if (syscmd(DELCMD,srvcmd+2)) BEGIN ssinit;
    	     else { errpkt("Can't remove file"); SERVE; } }

<generic>F { ack(); return; }

<generic>H { if (sndhlp()) BEGIN ssinit;
    	     else { errpkt("Can't send help"); SERVE; } }

<generic>T { if (syscmd(TYPCMD,srvcmd+2)) BEGIN ssinit;
    	     else { errpkt("Can't type file"); SERVE; } }

<generic>U { int x;			/* Disk Usage query */
    	     x = *(srvcmd+1);
    	     x = ((x == '\0') || (x == unchar(0)));
	     x = (x ? syscmd(SPACMD,"") : syscmd(SPACM2,srvcmd+2));
    	     if (x) BEGIN ssinit; else { errpkt("Can't check space"); SERVE; }}

<generic>W { if (syscmd(WHOCMD,srvcmd+2)) BEGIN ssinit;
    	     else { errpkt("Can't do who command"); SERVE; } }

<generic>. { errpkt("Unimplemented generic server function"); SERVE; }
/* Dynamic states, cont'd */

<rgen>Y { decode(data,puttrm); RESUME; }

<rgen,rfile>F { if (rcvfil()) { ack(); BEGIN rdata; }
		 else { errpkt("Can't open file"); RESUME; } }

<rgen,rfile>X { opent(); ack(); BEGIN rdata; }

<rfile>B { ack(); reot(); RESUME; }

<rdata>D { if (cxseen) ack1("X");
    	   else if (czseen) ack1("Z");
	   else ack();
	   decode(data,putfil); }

<rdata>Z { ack(); reof(); BEGIN rfile; }

<ssinit,ssdata,sseof,sseot>N { resend(); }

<ssinit>Y {  int x; char *s;
    	     bctu = bctr;
	     if (xflg) { x = sxpack(); s = "Can't execute command"; }
	    	  else { x = sfile(); s = "Can't open file"; }
	     if (x) BEGIN ssdata; else { errpkt(s); RESUME; }

<ssdata>Y { if (canned(data) || !sdata()) {
		BEGIN sseof; } }

<sseof>Y { if (gnfile() > 0) {
		if (sfile()) BEGIN ssdata;
		else { errpkt("Can't open file") ; RESUME; }
	   } else {
		BEGIN sseot; } }

<sseot>Y { RESUME; }

E { int x;				/* Error packet */
    ermsg(data);			/* Issue message */
    x = quiet; quiet = 1;		/* Close files silently */
    clsif(); clsof();
    quiet = x; RESUME; }

@. { nack(); }				/* Anything else, nack */
/*  P R O T O  --  Protocol entry function  */

proto() {

    extern int sigint();
    int x;

    conint(sigint);			/* Enable console interrupts */

/* Set up the communication line for file transfer. */

    if (local && (speed < 0)) {
	screen(2,0,"Sorry, you must 'set speed' first");
    if (ttopen(ttname) < 0) {
	screen(2,0,"Can't open line");
    x = (local) ? speed : -1;
    if (ttpkt(x,flow) < 0) {		/* Put line in packet mode, */
	screen(2,0,"Can't condition line"); /* setting speed, flow control */
    if (sstate == 'x') {		/* If entering server mode, */
	server = 1;			/* set flag, */
	if (!quiet) {
	    if (!local)			/* and issue appropriate message. */
	    else {
	    	conol("Entering server mode on ");
    } else server = 0;

 The 'wart()' function is generated by the wart program.  It gets a
 character from the input() routine and then based on that character and
 the current state, selects the appropriate action, according to the state
 table above, which is transformed by the wart program into a big case
 statement.  The function is active for one transaction.

    wart();				/* Enter the state table switcher. */

/* Restore the communication line */
    ttclos();				/* Close the line. */
    if (server) {
	server = 0;
    	if (!quiet)  			/* Give appropriate message */
	    conoll("C-Kermit server done");
    } else
    	screen(BEL,0,"");		/* Or beep */
@//E*O*F ckprot.w//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r ckprot.w
echo Inspecting for damage in transit...
temp=/tmp/shar$$; dtemp=/tmp/.shar$$
trap "rm -f $temp $dtemp; exit" 0 1 2 3 15
cat > $temp <<\!!!
    1228    5662   35285 ckfns.c
     209    1201    7497 ckmain.c
     204     911    6080 ckprot.w
    1641    7774   48862 total
wc  ckfns.c ckmain.c ckprot.w | sed 's=[^ ]*/==' | diff -b $temp - >$dtemp
if [ -s $dtemp ]
then echo "Ouch [diff of wc output]:" ; cat $dtemp
else echo "No problems found."
exit 0

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