Software Tools in Pascal (Part 0 of 6)

Chris Lewis clewis at mnetor.UUCP
Tue Jul 9 00:18:28 AEST 1985

Finally, here is the distribution of Software Tools in Pascal.
Sorry for the delay, but I got bogged down in "real work", and
I had to get permission from Brian Kernighan to post this stuff.
There are 7 items in total, item 0 is this posting which includes
a README file so that you know what you are getting.  I will
be posting two of these per day until they are done.

echo 'Start of pack.out, part 01 of 01:'
echo 'x - ../../README'
sed 's/^X//' > ../../README << '/'
X		A version of Kernighan and Plauger's 
X		Software Tools in Pascal (SWTiP)
X		Chris Lewis, Copyright (c) June 1985
X		{whereever}!utzoo!mnetor!clewis
X	All of the software in this distribution is copyright, see
X	the notices on the individual files to determine the ownership.
X	Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
X	software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
X	or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains 
X	intact.
XTools in this distribution:
XDefine		define handler
XDeskCalculator desk calculator
XExpand		"expand" input "picture"
XKwic		kwic index stuff
XMacro		macro and define expansion
XRot		"rotate" a picture
XScreen		prints table of characters
XSort		generic sort merge
XSortDriv	   "     "     "
XSW		editor
Xswch		sort of a "sed"
XSWTr		more or less UNIX "tr"
XUnique		uniq
XWc		word count
Xfontinit.pascal contains a font definition - you should be able
Xto figure out how to build a driver for it.  It is in two pieces,
Xfontinit.A and fontinit.B (so that the batch is smaller than 50k).
XJust catenate them together.
XSome of these are from SWTiP, some I have written myself - these are
Xnoted in the headers.
XUsing this software (details for Pascal/VS on VM/CMS):
X	1) take the swtools.copy file:
X		convert it to Fixed 80
X		add line numbers in column 73-80
X	    swtools.copy is the complete set of include files required
X	    for building the tools. (from each *COPY to the next)
X	2) Compile all of the source that are "segment"s, and
X	   put the objects in a TXTLIB.
X	   These are library routines used by various programs.
X	3) Compile all of the source that are "program"s, and
X	   link them with TXTLIB.
XMVS users: you will have to change some of the I/O routines (the
Xones copyrighted by me) to use appropriate MVS functions.
XNon-Pascal/VS: you will have to convert the flavour of pascal to
Xwhat you have:
X	Pascal/VS supports separate compilations
X	Pascal/VS supports true strings (which I don't use much)
X	Pascal/VS supports includes
X	Pascal/VS supports fairly complicated initialized global
X		  data types, including binary constants.
X	You may have to throw out all of the I/O, some of the
X	include files, and include all of the routines for a given
X	program together.  Yech!  Good Luck!
XThis software is unsupported, however, upon request I may be able
Xto provide some hints.
echo 'Part 01 of pack.out complete.'
Chris Lewis,
UUCP: {allegra, linus, ihnp4}!utzoo!mnetor!clewis
BELL: (416)-475-8980 ext. 321

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