PPERT the man page

VanRietschote jchvr at ihlpg.UUCP
Wed Apr 30 00:06:21 AEST 1986

#-- cut here file= ppert.man
.\" name \- one-line description for in permuted index
ppert \- to print pert graphs from unity database
.\" bnf on command syntax
ppert [-douwlivsncaATI] [-f input]
.\" semantics
ppert takes its input from a file which consists of item
descriptions. Each item description is terminiated by a carriage
return. Each item consists of at least the following fields (in the
given order).
.in +9
.ti -9
.tr ?
id???????unique identifier of item. Max length 16. All printing
ASCII are allowed as identifier except for SPACE and '~'.
.ti -9
status???either 'ready' or something else.
.ti -9
start????start week. Need not be filled in if after is filled in.
However if filled in then after is not used.
.ti -9
duration?number of weeks that the item will take to complete.
.ti -9
after????list of id's of items that need to be done before this
item can start. The items are separated by either SPACES or '~'.
.ti -9
end??????number of end week. Should be filled in if status=ready.
.ti -9
title????a maximum 32 character title for this item. Any character are
allowed expect TAB.
.in -9
More fields after these may be given and are ignored by ppert. A
unity descriptor file for the pert-file would be:
        id      t\\t     16l      ID
        status  t\\t     6l      STATUS
        start   t\\t     5r      START
        duration        t\\t     8r      DURATION
        after   t\\t     9l      AFTER
        end     t\\t     3r      END
        title   t\\t     32l     TITLE
        ...     t\\n     ...     ...

.tr ~
.in +6
.ti -6
-d~~~~turns on debug mode. This will show all items as they are
read and also a list of all options and their values. Default is
.ti -6
-o~~~~this option takes as argument a filename. If given a list of
all items is printed together with the calculated start and end weeks.
The format of this file is unity compatible:
       id     t\\t      16l
       start  t\\t      3r
       end    t\\n      3r
.ti -6
-u~~~~this option will prevent the printing of the 'uitloop' weeks,
which are indicated by '....' in the output. By default the
\&'uitloop' is printed with '....'
.ti -6
-w~~~~turns off printing of warnings messages. Be careful about
turning this off. Default is on.
.ti -6
-l~~~~this option will make sure that all dependencies are printed
above the item needing them, even if they have already been printed
once. The default is that items are printed only once.
.ti -6
-i~~~~takes as argument an item-id. This item is then printed
instead of the default. The default is the first item in the
.ti -6
-v~~~~prints version number and exit. This is not the default
.ti -6
-s~~~~takes a week number as argument and makes it  the week at
which to start printing. Default is 501.
.ti -6
-n~~~~takes an integer as argument and makes it the number of weeks
that need to be printed. Default is 12.
.ti -6
-c~~~~takes an integer as argument and makes it the incremenmt in which weeks
areprinted. Default is 1 (so every week is printed).
.ti -6
-a~~~~forces all items that are not ready to be printed. 
The default is to print only
those items that either start or finish in the printing window.
.ti -6
-A~~~~forces all items to be printed. Even those that are ready.
.ti -6
-T~~~~takes as argument the printlength of the TITLE field in the output.
This does not influence the inputlength. Default 12. Minimum 5.
.ti -6
-I~~~~takes as argument the printlength of the ID field in the output.
This does not influence the inputlength. Default 8. Minimum 2.
.ti -6
-f~~~~takes as argument the name of the input file. Default is the
file 'pert' in the current directory.
.in -6
.tr ~~
ppert                   # to print file pert with all defaults
ppert -f planning       # print pert contained in the file planning
ppert -s530             # print pert starting at week 530
ppert -I2 -T20          # print pert with different sizes in output
If item 0 depends on 1 and 2. And item 1 depends on 11, 12 and 13.
And item 2 depends on 21. Then the datafile could look like:
|id      |status|start|duration|after    |end|title       |
|0       |      |     |0       | 1 2     |   |nul         |
|1       |      |     |1       |11 12 13 |   |een         |
|2       |      |     |2       |21       |   |twee        |
|11      |      |500  |1       |         |   |eeneen      |
|12      |      |501  |2       |         |   |eentwee     |
|13      |      |502  |3       |         |   |eendrie     |
|21      |      |504  |4       |         |   |twee een    |

The output from 'ppert -s500' would be:

                              Dec Jan             Feb             Mar         
ID       TITLE        STR END 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 
21       twee een     504 507                 ----------------
2        twee         508 509                                 --------
13       eendrie      502 504         ------------
12       eentwee      501 502     --------........
11       eeneen       500 500 ----................
1        een          505 505                     ----................
0        nul              509                                         

pert                    # unity file containing items
Dpert                   # unity descriptor file (not needed)
ppert tries very hard to detect all errors and aborts if too many
serious errors are found.
ppert will produce warnings in all cases where an field does not
fit into the allowed space or if carriage returns are missing.
These warning messages can be turned of with the -w option.
Version 1.01 : checks that all id's are unique.
               progam now works between 1985 and 1995
	       circular dependencies are caught
The program will not work after 1994 or before 1985.
Items with duration =0 are allowed but get a funny treatement.

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