TVX - status (from the author)

wampler at unmvax.UUCP wampler at unmvax.UUCP
Fri Jan 24 03:08:56 AEST 1986

	What have I done?  Here is the status of TVX as far as I know.
Parts 3 and 4 made it almost everywhere.  The original 5-7 didn't get
anywhere beyond lanl, our feed site.  A repost of 5 to 7 (with 7 split
into 2 parts) made it almost everywhere.  The original 1 and 2 made
it to sites connected to gatech, I think, but not a lot of other places,
and was reposted last friday (I hope - we're having trouble getting
through lanl) the 17th.  Mostly, it seems ihnp4 didn't forward to
all the other ih sites.  And believe it or not, all 7 parts have
made it to a fairly large number of sites.

	Now some comments on posting sources:

	NEVER, NEVER post anything big or interesting to many people
(and believe me, there are a lot of people interested in tvx) over
net.sources!  I found out too late that the proper way to do this is
over mod.sources!  At least then, you won't be responsible for things
getting lost, and the moderator knows how to post stuff in the right
sizes to keep this traffic down.

	If you must post to net.sources, keep your files less that 64K
and post over several days.

	After you post, DUCK!

	When you don't get something, first mail to the author directly
if possible.  Don't post to the net.

	You don't have to post to the whole net!  It is possible to
post to your local area only!  It seems that tvx has pretty good
circulation in all regionss, but some subfeeds have lost it.  If you
post to your region, most likely someone nearby will have the sources
you want, and you can either get local region postings, or use direct

	I have tried to reply to all postings (which I should never see!)
or direct mail (which is the right way!) about current posting status.
If you haven't seen all parts, try a regional posting first, then
mail to me directly, and I will at this point send copies directly.

	One other note - send me an IBM compatible disk and return postage
and I will send you a copy of the IBM version directly.  This ALSO includes
the BSD specific stuff and everything else needed, and could be uploaded
locally.  I'll also send copies for the 520ST if you send a floppy.

	I'm sorry the posting has gone so badly!  I do appreciate the
interest, and would like to get a little positive feed back (or negative
feed back - just not I don't have part 1 feedback!) on how you react
to tvx, how hard it was to port to a different machine, or your general
reactions to modeless vs 2 mode editing.  I will eventually post a summary
of all the reaction.  There are now two good public domain editors to
choose from: emacs (modeless - ugh) and tvx (2 mode - yay).  All good
readers of net.sources can now use the same editor on whatever machine
they use!

Dr. Bruce E. Wampler
University of New Mexico
Department of Computer Science
Albuquerque, NM 87131

..{ucbvax | seismo!gatech | ihnp4!lanl}!unmvax!wampler

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