PC-More Version 1.3 posting

Donald L. Nash dlnash at ut-ngp.UUCP
Fri Jan 17 05:27:41 AEST 1986

Here is the latest version of PC-More.  It is version 1.3.  The clear screen
function should work well for any machine which makes a half-hearted attempt
at replicating the IBM bios, but don't gripe if it doen't.  I KNOW it will
work for a CGA and a Mono display because I have tried them both.  I have not
tried it on any other PClone, so I can't say for sure if it will work.  If
you have a PClone, try it, then let me know if it works or not.  I would like
to get a list of machines it will work on.

Read the history section of pc-more.c to find out what's new in this version.

As usual, I welcome any bug reports (flames to /dev/null; if you can't say
it nicely, I don't want to hear it).

					Don Nash

UUUU        UUUU
 UU          UU      UUCP:  ...!{ihnp4,allegra,seismo!ut-sally}!ut-ngp!dlnash
 UU       TT UU
  UU      TTUU
    UUUUUUUU         The University of Texas at Austin
          TT         Hook 'em Horns!

#	This is a shell archive.
#	Remove everything above and including the cut line.
#	Then run the rest of the file through sh.
#	Pc-more.uuencode is the uuencoded executable.  Use uudecode to obtain
#	pc-more.exe.  Use Kermit (or some other file transferring method)
#	to upload pc-more.c, pc-more.doc, and pc-more.exe to your IBM PC.
#	Be sure to use "set file type text [or ascii]" for the first 2 files
#	and "set file type binary" for the executable.
-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----
# shar:	Shell Archiver
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	pc-more.c
#	pc-more.doc
#	pc-more.uuencode
# This archive created: Thu Jan 16 13:02:07 1986
echo shar: extracting pc-more.c '(35944 characters)'
cat << \SHAR_EOF > pc-more.c

    Ver 1.3   New clear screen function installed, written by Harry McGavran.
              All references to crt_cls() and crt_mode() eliminated.  This new 
              clear screen function works on either a monochrome or color 

              Nextfile() rewritten to understand that "-" on the command line
              represents stdin.  The " case 'f': " part of wait() was modified 
              in the same way.  

              New functions cpi() and opi() added to allow stdin to be 
              reopened to the console when it is redirected to a file or a 
              pipe.  This allows the user to execute a "!" or a "e" when a
              pipe is present.  Of course, you still can't edit the pipe.
              The knowledge to implement cpi() and opi() was provided by
              Brandon S. Allbery.

              Nextfile() modified to find the file's size and put it in the 
              external variable x_fs.  Wait() also modified so that when it
              constructs the prompt, it uses x_fs to compute what percent of
              the file has been read.  When the prompt is printed, this 
              percentage is included as part of the prompt.

              Wait() modified to clear the screen when a file is rewound.

    Ver 1.21  This version fixed a bug which prevented PC-More from working on 
              a color monitor.  Under previous versions, only machines 
              equipped with a monochrome monitor would run PC-More properly.  
              The problem was a hardware-dependendent function call to 
              crt_mode().  The problem was fixed by determining the type of 
              monitor in use and using the correct function to clear the 

    Ver 1.2   This was the initial release to USENET.  Other earlier versions 
              were too buggy for a general release.

#include <stdio.h>

#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define NCPL 79     /* Number of characters per line. */
#define NLPS 24     /* Number of lines per screen. */
#define NLPHS 12    /* Number of lines per half screen. */ 
#define CMASK 0377  /* Masks high bits of an int to zero. */

int x_mnl, x_srf, x_argc, x_siold;
long x_rwp, x_fs;
char x_file[128], *x_argv[128];
char *x_spc = "                                                     ";
FILE *x_fp = 0;

x_argc and x_argv are the external copies of argc and argv.

x_file is an array which holds the name of the file currently being read from.
it is large enough to hold a very long pathname.

x_fp is the file pointer from which data is read.

x_fs contains the size of the current file, or 0 if reading from a pipe.

x_mnl is the number of line to print before calling wait().

x_rwp is the offset relative to the beginning of file which is given to fseek() 
in the bang() function.  The fseek() will return the file to where it was left 
before the push took place.

x_siold is where the duplicate of the redirected stdin is kept.

x_spc points to the string used by several functions to clear the screen.

x_srf if a flag which is set to 1 if stdin is redirected, 0 if not.

main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];

    int ci, c, nc, nl, nlp, ts, i, isdev;
    char *strcpy();
    struct regval {int ax, bx, cx, dx, si, di, ds, es; } reg;

c is ci with the upper 8 bits masked to zero.

ci is the character read from the file.

i is a working variable used in for loops, etc.

nc is the number of characters on the current line.  It is used to detect lines 
that are too long and to determine where the next tab stop is.

nl is used to determine when to exit the for loop and call wait.

nlp is used to determine when to clear the screen.  The screen is only cleared 
when it is full.

reg is a structure used by the sysint21() function.  It is used to set up the
registers for a DOS function call.  Each element in the register represents
one register.

ts is a working variable for the tab expander.  It is the number of spaces to 
the next tab stop.

    x_argc = argc;              /* \   These 3 lines set up the external */
    for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)  /*  >  copies of argc and argv.          */
        x_argv[i] = argv[i];    /* /                                     */

    reg.ax = 0x4400;            /* DOS function 0x44, subfunction 0. */
    reg.bx = 0x0000;            /* File handle for DOS stdin. */
    sysint21(&reg, &reg);       /* Call IOCTL on the DOS stdin file handle. */
    isdev = reg.dx & 0x80;      /* Is stdin a device or a file? */

    x_siold = -1;   /* File handles never < 0, this means x_siold not used. */

    if (!isdev) {   /* If isdev is false, then stdin is redirected to file. */
        x_srf = TRUE;       /* Since stdio is redirected, set x_srf = TRUE. */
        if (argc == 1) {    /* If no arguments on the commant line, then */
            x_fp = stdin;   /*  read from stdin. */
        else {              /* If arguments on the command line, then */
            cpi();          /*  close pipe and reopen stdin to console, */
            nextfile(1);    /*  and get first file on command line. */
        }  /* else */
    }  /* if */

    else {          /* If isdev is true, then stdin is not redirected. */
        x_srf = FALSE;      /* Stdio isn't redirected, so set x_srf = FALSE. */
        nextfile(1);    /* Get first file from command line. */
    }  /* else */

    x_mnl = NLPS;   /* Start off by outputing one screenful. */
    nc = 0;         /* Haven't put out any characters yet. */
    nlp = 24;       /* This will make sure that the screen is cleared. */
    while(TRUE) {   /* Loop forever, guts of the loop will exit the loop. */
        if ((nlp >= NLPS) && (x_mnl != 1)) {

The (x_mnl != 1) condition keeps the screen from being cleared if only one
line is to be displayed.

            cls();      /* This clears the screen. */
            nlp = 0;    /* Reset number of lines printed. */
        for (nl = 0; nl < x_mnl; ) { /* Put out x_mnl number of lines. */
            if ((ci = getc(x_fp)) == EOF) {
                wait(1);    /* Prompt for next file. */
                nlp = 0;    /* Wait(1) will clear screen, so reset nlp */
                nl = 0;     /*  and nl to 0 to reflect this. */
                ci = '\0';  /* Ci will still be printed, so make it a null. */
            c = ci & CMASK; /* Mask off upper 8 bits for safety. */
            if (c == '\t') {  /* Tab expander */
                if ( nc > NCPL - 6) {   /* This is part 1 (see notes below). */
                    c = '\n';
                else {                  /* This is part 2. */
                    ts = 8 - (nc % 8);  /* Find spaces to next tab. */
                    if (ts == 8)        /* If it comes out to be 8, */
                        ts = 0;         /* then it should be 0. */
                    for (i = 1; i < ts; i++) {
                        nc++;           /* Increment # of chars. */
                    }  /* for */
                }  /* else */
            }  /* End of tab expander */

If 73 or more chars have been printed out, then part 1 of the tab expander
will turn the tab into a newline.  In this program, tab stop 81 is the same as
column 1 on the next line.  Since 81 is the next tab stop after 73, changing
the tab into a newline is the correct solution.  The rest of the program does
not even know that this has happened and simply thinks that a newline was read
from the file.

If 72 or less chars have been printed, then part 2 finds out how many spaces
to the next stop and increments nc the proper number of times minus 1.  The tab
is not actually expanded, the char count is just incremented.  When the tab
prints, it is automagically expanded.  It is important that this tab expander
should come before newline detection and the truncate-too-long-line algorithm.

            if ((nc >= NCPL) && (c != '\n')) {  /* If beyond right margin, */
                nl++;           /* increment # of lines, */
                nlp++;          /* increment # of lines on current screen, */
                nc = 0;         /* reset # of chars on current line to 0, */
                putchar('\n');  /* start a new line, */
                ungetc(c,x_fp); /* put the char back where it came from, */
                c = '\0';       /* and make c a NULL character. */

c is made a NULL so that a test can be performed before "putchar(c)" and 
"nc++" are executed.  If c is a NULL, these operations are not performed.
The "ungetc(c,x_fp)" is executed so that the char is the first one available
for the next line.  This stuff is needed so that printing out one line to the
screen will not result in the char being printed in front of the prompt.
This does not happen when printing several lines.  A newline is not ungetced
because it will cause a blank line to be printed when it is put on the next

            }  /* if */
            if (c != '\0') {    /* If c is not a NULL, */
                putchar(c);     /* print the character, */
                nc++;           /* and increment # of chars on line. */
            }  /* if */
            if (c == '\n') {    /* If c is a newline, */
                nl++;           /* increment # of lines, */
                nlp++;          /* increment # lines on current screen, */
                nc = 0;     /* and reset # of chars on current line to 0. */
        }  /* for */

    wait(0); /* After max # of lines have been output, prompt user. */
    }  /* while */
}  /* main */

wait(e_o_f)  /* Print prompt, then wait for and iterpret command. */

If wait is called with an argument of 0, then it has been called in the middle 
of a file.  If it is called with an argument of 1, then it has been called at 
EOF and it will call nextfile() as necessary.  The prompt is also made
different at EOF.

int e_o_f;

    int w_c, i, arglen, pgf;
    char cmd[116], prompt[128], arg[6], *editor, *envfind(), *strcat();
    char *strcpy();
    FILE *fopen(), *temp;
    long fseek(), ftell();

    strcpy(prompt, x_file);         /* Prompt with the filename. */
    if (x_fs && !e_o_f) {           /* If file size != 0 and not at EOF, */
        strcat(prompt, " ");        /* Put a space on the end of the prompt. */
        ltoa( (long) ( (double) ftell(x_fp) / (double) x_fs * 100.0 ),\
            prompt + strlen(prompt) );

That last statement requires some clarification.  The contruction

        (double) ftell(x_fp) / (double) x_fs

determines the current position if the file as a fraction.  The casts are
necessary, since integer division would have resulted in zero.  The integers
are casted into doubles instead of floats since real arithmatic is done in
double precision anyway.  This saves an extra conversion from float to double.
Multiplying this quantity by 100 determines the percentage of the file already
seen.  Finally, this value is cast back to a long, which is what ltoa expects.
The construction

        prompt + strlen(prompt)

is used to pass the address of the first available space in the prompt string
after the filename.  This address is where ltoa will put the converted number.
See the PC-More User's Guide for more information on this function.

        strcat(prompt, "%");        /* Put a % after the number. */

    if (e_o_f)
        strcat(prompt, " [EOF]");   /* If at EOF, make "EOF" part of prompt. */
    printf("--%s--",prompt);        /* Print prompt. */
    arg[0] = '\0';                  /* Initialize the argument string and */
    arglen = 0;                     /*  its length. */
    pgf = FALSE;                    /* Set the "prompt gone flag". */


Get char from keyboard and mask off upper 8 bits, which contain the scan code
of the key pressed.  Then act on it as a command.

    w_c = (key_getc() & CMASK); /* Get char and mask off scan code. */

All the cases in this switch statment (except the for the default) which end 
in a "goto getcmd;" statement contain the statments: 

            arg[0] = '\0';
            arglen = 0;
            pgf = FALSE;

This resets the argument back to 0.  Even commands which do not use the
argument must reset it to 0 to avoid problems.  This also resets the
"prompt gone flag" to false.  This flag is used to determine if the prompt
has been erased for printing the argument.  If the prompt has not been erased,
pgf = FALSE.  When a digit is typed, the prompt is erased, the digit printed, 
and pgf set to TRUE.  When a command is executed, it will always cause the 
prompt or some message to be printed, so pgf is set to FALSE again.  This is
not needed when a case ends in "break," since wait() returns when the switch

An argument of 0 is interpreted by the function getval() to mean 1, so when
no argument is entered, the default is 1.

    switch (w_c) {
        case ' ':               /* Space means "next screen". */
            if (e_o_f)          /* If at end of current file, */
                nextfile(1);    /*  go to next file. */
            x_mnl = NLPS * getval(arg); /* Get # of pages to move. */
            x_rwp = ftell(x_fp);    /* Save current position in file for !. */
            break;              /* Break out of switch. */
        case '\n':
        case '\r':              /* Enter key means "next line". */
            if (e_o_f)          /* Everything else is similar to above. */
            x_mnl = getval(arg);
            x_rwp = ftell(x_fp);
        case 'h':
        case 'H':               /* 'H' means "next half screen". */
            if (e_o_f)
            x_mnl = NLPHS * getval(arg);
            x_rwp = ftell(x_fp);
        case 'r':
        case 'R':               /* 'R' Means "rewind current file". */
            x_mnl = NLPS;       /* Print out full screen next time. */
            x_rwp = 0L;         /* Current position in file is beginning. */
            cls();              /* Clear the screen for the next file. */
        case 'n':
        case 'N':               /* 'N' means "go to next file". */
            nextfile(1);    /* Nextfile(1) goes to next file. */
            x_mnl = NLPS;       /* Put out a full screen next time. */
        case 'p':
        case 'P':               /* 'P' means "go to previous file". */
            x_mnl = NLPS;       /* Put out a full screen next time. */
            if (nextfile(0)) {  /* Nextfile(0) goes to prev. file. */
                arg[0] = '\0';
                arglen = 0;
                pgf = FALSE;
                goto getcmd;    /* If you tried to go before 1st file, */
            }  /* if */         /*  a message is printed and you try a diff. */
                break;          /*  command, otherwise, exit "switch". */
        case 'f':
        case 'F':
            printf("\r%s\rNew file:  ",x_spc);
            i = key_gets(cmd, 13, "New file:  Aborted.");   /* Get filename. */
            if (i == -1) {
                arg[0] = '\0';
                arglen = 0;
                pgf = FALSE;
                goto getcmd;
            }  /* if */
            if ( !(strcmp(cmd, "-")) ) {    /* If cmd is a hyphen, then */
                if (x_srf) {                /*  if stdin is redirected, */
                    opi();                  /*   reattach pipe to stdin, */
                    temp = stdin;           /*   and assign stdin to temp; */
                else {                      /*  if stdin isn't redirected, */
                    printf("\r%s\rCannot read from console.",x_spc);
                    arg[0] = '\0';          /*   then abort 'f' command. */
                    arglen = 0;
                    pgf = FALSE;
                    goto getcmd;
            }  /* if */
            else                            /* If cmd is not a hyphen, then */
                temp = fopen(cmd,"r");      /*  attempt to open file. */
            if (temp == 0) {                /* If couldn't open file, then */
                printf("\r%s\rCould not open %s.", x_spc, cmd); /*  say so. */
                arg[0] = '\0';
                arglen = 0;
                pgf = FALSE;
                goto getcmd;
            }  /* if */
            if ( !(strcmp(x_file, "stdin")) )   /* If current file is stdin, */
                cpi();              /*  then disconnect pipe from console. */
            else                    /* Otherwise, */
                fclose(x_fp);       /*  close the file. */
            x_fp = temp;            /* Set x_fp to the new file. */
            x_mnl = NLPS;           /* Set x_mnl to its default. */
            x_rwp = 0L;             /* Find current read/write position. */
            if ( !(strcmp(cmd, "-")) ) {    /* If cmd is a hyphen, then */
                strcpy(x_file, "stdin");    /*  set x_file to "stdin", */
                x_fs = 0;                   /*  and set file size to zero. */
            else {                          /* Otherwise, */
                strcpy(x_file, cmd);        /*  set x_file to cmd, */
                x_fs = fseek(x_fp, 0L, 2);  /*  get file size, */
                fseek(x_fp, 0L, 0);         /*  and fseek back to beginning. */

Note that x_srf is not reset to 0.  Even if you quit reading from stdin, it is
still redirected because of the < or | on the command line.  This means that
all of the restrictions still apply; i.e. you still cannot push to an inferior
shell after you change files, etc.  You will also not be able to edit if you 
change files after reading from a pipe.  This should not be too much of an 
annoyance, since reading from a pipe and reading from a file are usually not 
done in the same invokation of More.
        case 'q':
        case 'Q':               /* 'Q' means "quit". */
            printf("\r%s\r",x_spc); /* Erase prompt or message on last line. */
        case 'e':
        case 'E':               /* 'E' means "edit current file". */
            if ( !(strcmp(x_file,"stdin")) ) {  /* If reading from pipe, */
                printf("\r%s\rCannot edit stdin.", x_spc);
                arg[0] = '\0';
                arglen = 0;
                pgf = FALSE;
                goto getcmd;    /* Go get another command. */
            }  /* if */
            editor = envfind("EDITOR"); /* Get editor name from environ var. */
            if (editor == 0)            /* If there is no such environ var., */
                editor = "edlin";       /* then use EDLIN. */
            strcpy(cmd, editor);        /* Start command string with editor. */
            strcat(cmd, " ");           /* Now put a space. */
            strcat(cmd, x_file);        /* Now end command with filename. */
            if (strcmp(editor,"edlin")) /* If editor != "edlin", string was */
                free(editor);           /*  obtained with malloc, free it. */
            bang(strlen(cmd),cmd,prompt);   /* Execute the command. */
            arg[0] = '\0';
            arglen = 0;
            pgf = FALSE;
            goto getcmd;                /* Get next command. */
        case '!':                       /* '!' means "execute DOS command". */

            printf("\r%s\r!",x_spc);    /* Erase last line, print '!'. */
            i = key_gets(cmd, 115, "Push aborted.");  /* Get command string. */
            if (i == -1) {
                arg[0] = '\0';
                arglen = 0;
                pgf = FALSE;
                goto getcmd;
            }  /* if */

A command string passed to DOS must not be more than 127 characters long.  DOS 
will ignore the rest.  Since the system() command must always pass the string
"command /c" to DOS (see DOS 2.0 manual), that leaves 117 characters.  I
rounded to 115 to give myself a bit of headroom.

See definition of key_gets() to see what it expects for arguments.  It returns 
the number of characters read from the keyboard or -1 if it was aborted.

            if ( !(strcmp(x_file,"stdin")) ) {  /* If reading from stdin, */
                cpi();          /*  close the pipe, attach stdin to CON: */

            bang(i,cmd,prompt); /* Bang pushes to an inferior command.com. */
            arg[0] = '\0';
            arglen = 0;
            pgf = FALSE;

            if ( !(strcmp(x_file,"stdin")) ) {  /* If reading from stdin, */
                opi();                          /*  reattach stdin to pipe. */

            goto getcmd;

        case '?':           /* '?' means "help". */
            printf("\r%s",x_spc);   /* Erase prompt or message. */
            help(prompt);   /* Help prints out the prompt, so it needs it, */
            fseek(x_fp, x_rwp, 0);  /* and reposition read/write pointer. */
The read/write pointer is backed up so that the screen which was erased by
help is reprinted.

            arg[0] = '\0';
            arglen = 0;
            pgf = FALSE;
            goto getcmd;
        case 'v':
        case 'V':               /* 'V' means "print version number." */
            printf("\r%s\rPC-More v1.3",x_spc);
            arg[0] = '\0';
            arglen = 0;
            pgf = FALSE;
            goto getcmd;
        case '\007':            /* ^G means abort current argument. */
            arg[0] = '\0';
            arglen = 0;
            pgf = FALSE;
            printf("\r%s\r--%s--", x_spc, prompt);  /* Erase argument. */
            goto getcmd;
            if (w_c >= '0' && w_c <= '9') { /* If w_c is a digit, */
                if (!pgf) {                     /* If prompt is not gone, */
                    printf("\r%s\r",x_spc);     /* erase it, */
                    pgf = 1;                    /* and set flag. */
                arg[arglen++] = w_c;        /*  add w_c to string, */
                arg[arglen] = '\0';         /*  terminate string properly, */
                putchar(w_c);               /*  and put w_c on screen. */
                if (arglen > 3) {           /* If more than 3 digits long, */
                    printf("\r%s\rArgument too long.",x_spc);   /* say so, */
                    arg[0] = '\0';          /*  and start over. */
                    arglen = 0;
                    pgf = FALSE;
                }  /* if */
                goto getcmd;
            }  /* if */

Arg[] is limited to 3 digits because the largest integer which can be held in
a int is 32767.  Arg[] is multiplied by a number which can be as large as 24.
24 * 999 (the largest 3 digit number) = 23976, which is within the range of an
int.  24 * 9999 (the largest 4 digit number) = 239976, which is too big to fit
in an int.  Therefore, it is a safety precaution not to allow any number larger
than 3 digits to be entered as an argument.

            if (w_c == '\b' && arglen >= 1) {    /* If w_c is a backspace, */
                arg[--arglen] = '\0';   /* then delete the last char in */
                fputs("\b \b",stdout);  /* arg[] if there is one there */
                goto getcmd;            /* and erase it from the screen. */
            }  /* if */
            putchar('\007');    /* If the above tests fail, then beep. */
            goto getcmd;
    }  /* switch */
    printf("\r%s\r",x_spc);         /* Erase prompt or message. */
}  /* wait */                       /* Now return to main(). */

help(prompt)    /* Prints out help text and the prompt. */

char *prompt;

    char *ht;

    ht = "\nPC-More Help:\n\n    <sp>    next screen\n    <cr>    next line\n\
    h       next half page\n    r       rewind current file\n\
    e       edit current file\n    n       go to next file\n\
    p       go to previous file \n    f       choose a new file\n\
    !       push to shell\n    ?       print this text\n\
    v       print version\n    ^G      abort a command while entering text\n\
    q       quit\n\n";


cpi()   /* Close stdin handle and reopen it to the console. */

    struct regval { int ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,ds,es; } reg;
    int fr;

fr contains the contents of the 8088 flag register, which sysint21() returns.

    /* Make duplicate of redirected stdin file handle. */
    reg.ax = 0x4500;            /* Call DOS function 0x45 (DUP) */
    reg.bx = 0x0000;            /*  on file handle 0. */
    fr = sysint21(&reg, &reg);  /* Issue the interrupt, get flags. */
    if (fr & 0x001)             /* If carry is set, error occured. */
        abort("DOS Error %d occured on DOS function call 0x45.\n", reg.ax);
    x_siold = reg.ax;           /* Store duplicate. */

    /* Close the original stdin.  The copy remains open. */
    reg.ax = 0x3E00;    /* Call DOS function 0x3E (Close file handle) */
    reg.bx = 0x0000;    /*  on file handle 0. */
    fr = sysint21(&reg, &reg);  /* Issue the interrupt, get flags. */
    if (fr & 0x001)             /* If carry is set, error occured. */
        abort("DOS Error %d occured on DOS function call 0x3E.\n", reg.ax);

    /* Reopen the console.  It is automagically assigned file handle 0. */
    reg.ax = 0x3D00;    /* Call DOS function 0x3D (Open file) */
    reg.dx = "CON";     /*  on the console.  Must be uppercase, no ":". */
    segread(&reg.si);   /* Find the current value of DS. */
The above line is somewhat cryptic.  segread() expects the address of a struct 
containing 4 ints.  The structure reg can be used if setread() is passed the 
address of its last 4 elements, which start with reg.si.  The purpose of this 
is to get the current value of DS into the reg structure before calling 
sysint21().  In the structure that segread() expects, DS is the third item.  
When &reg.si is passed to segread(), DS is also the third item, so the proper 
assignment is made.
    fr = sysint21(&reg, &reg);  /* Issue the interrupt, get flags. */
    if (fr & 0x001)             /* If carry is set, error occured. */
        abort("DOS Error %d occured on DOS function call 0x3D\n", reg.ax);

}  /* cpi */

opi()   /* Reattach stdin file handle to pipe. */
    struct regval { int ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,ds,es; } reg;
    int fr;

    /* Copy the file handle for the pipe back to the stdin file handle. */
    reg.ax = 0x4600;            /* Call DOS function 0x46 (DUP2) */
    reg.bx = x_siold;           /*  on file handle x_siold. */
    reg.cx = 0x0000;            /* File handle 0 is the target. */
    fr = sysint21(&reg, &reg);  /* Issue the interrupt and get flags. */
    if (fr & 0x001)             /* If carry is set, error occured. */
        abort("DOS Error %d occured on DOS function call 0x46.\n", reg.ax);

    /* Close the duplicate pipe file handle. */
    reg.ax = 0x3E00;    /* Call DOS function 0x3E, (Close file handle) */
    reg.bx = x_siold;   /*  on x_siold. */
    fr = sysint21(&reg, &reg);  /* Issue the interrupt and get flags. */
    if (fr & 0x001)             /* If carry is set, error occured. */
        abort("DOS Error %d occured on DOS function call 0x3E.\n", reg.ax);

}  /* opi */


Bang() will push to an inferior shell if i == 0 or it will execute the 
command pointed to by cmd if i != 0.  The command can be an internal DOS
command or it can be a program to run.

int i;          /* Length of command to execute. */
char *cmd;      /* Pointer to command to execute. */
char *prompt;   /* Pointer to prompt to print when done. */

    int retrn;
    FILE *fopen();
    long fseek();

    if (!x_srf)                     /* If reading from a file, then */
        fclose(x_fp);               /* close file before push. */

    if (!i)                         /* If no command was entered, */
        retrn = system("command");  /* push to DOS. */

    else                            /* If a command was entered, */
        retrn = system(cmd);        /* give DOS the command in cmd[]. */

    if (retrn)
        printf("Push not successful, DOS error code = %d.", retrn);

    if (!x_srf) {                   /* If reading from a file, */
        x_fp = fopen(x_file,"r");   /* reopen file, */
        if (x_fp == 0)              /* check to see if it was reopened, */
            abort("Unable to reopen file after push to DOS.\n");

        fseek(x_fp, x_rwp, 0);      /* and reposition read/write pointer. */

    fputs("\n\nReturning to more...\n\n",stdout);


key_gets(string, len, msg)

Key_gets() gets a string by reading one character at a time from the keyboard, 
not from stdin.  It reads up to len-1 characters and puts them in string[].  
If the user tries to backspace too far, then this is interpreted to mean "I 
really didn't want to do this after all," and key_gets() aborts, returning -1 
to signal error.  Key_gets() will read up until it receives a carriage return, 
a linefeed, or an end of file indication.  It returns the number of characters 
actually read, or -1 if it was aborted.  
I can't use gets() to collect the string since it reads from stdin.  If stdin 
is redirected, strange things will happen.  That's why I wrote key_gets() to 
read from the keyboard.  


int len;        /* How much to get. */
char string[];  /* Where to put it. */
char *msg;      /* What to say when aborting. */


    int i, k_c;

    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { /* Get len-1 characters for the string. */
        k_c = (key_getc() & CMASK);     /* Get char, mask scan code. */ 

        if (k_c == '\r' || k_c == '\n' || k_c == EOF) {
            break;  /* If 'Enter' or EOF found, quit getting characters. */
        }  /* if */

        if (k_c == '\b') {  /* If 'backspace', */
            if (i > 0) {    /* don't erase before start of command. */
                string[--i] = '\0'; /* remove last char in string[], */
                fputs("\b \b",stdout);  /* erase it from screen. */
            }  /* if */
            else {  /* If user tries to erase too far, then abort. */
                printf("\r%s",msg); /* Print aborting message. */
                return (-1);        /* Return with error. */
            }  /* else */
            i--;    /* Dec. i again since 'for' will increment it, */
            continue;               /* and go to end of for loop. */
        }  /* if */

        if (k_c == '\007') {                /* If 'bell', then abort: */
            printf("\r%s\r%s", x_spc, msg); /* Erase anything, print msg, */
            return (-1);                    /* and return with error. */
        }  /* if */

        putchar(k_c);   /* If not 'enter' or 'bs', then echo it, */
        string[i] = k_c;   /* and add it to the command string. */
    }  /* for */
    string[i] = '\0';  /* Terminate the command string. */
    return (i);
}  /* key_gets() */


int next;

Nextfile steps through the argument list on the command line, trying to open 
each argument as a file.  If it succeeds, then x_fp points to the file and 
x_file points to a string which is the name of the file.  If it fails, abort is 
called.  Since where is a static variable, this function "remembers" where it 
was the last time it was called and moves on to the next argument on the
command line each time it is called.  Nextfile also sets x_rwp to point 
to the top of the file.  Nextfile will return a value of 1 only if you try to 
go to the file which is before the first file on the command line.  If no 
error occurs, then it returns 0.  If any other error occurs, then it is fatal 
and execution is aborted.  The only place where the return value is checked is 
"case 'p':" segment of the wait() subroutine.  

    long fseek();
    static int where;
    FILE *fopen();

    if (next) {                 /* If going to next file do this: */
        if (++where == x_argc)  /* Go to next file.  Gone too far? */
            exit(0);            /* If so, exit. */
    }  /* if */
    else {                      /* If going to previous file, do this: */
        if (--where < 1) {      /* Go to prev file.  Gone too far? */
            printf("\r%s\rAt first file.",x_spc);   /* If so, say so, */
            where++;            /* put where back where it belongs, */
            return(1);          /* and return with an error code. */
        }  /* if */
    }  /* else */

    if (x_fp != 0) {    /* If x_fp != 0, then a file is open, so close it. */

        /* The following if{} is the closing sequence for stdin. */
        if ( !(strcmp(x_file, "stdin")) ) { /* If just-finish file is stdin: */
            cpi();          /*  then call cpi to reattach stdin to console. */

        /* The following else{} is the closing sequence for a file. */
        else {                      /* If just-finished file isn't stdin: */
            fclose(x_fp);           /*  then close it as a normal file. */
    }  /* if */

    /* The following if{} is the opening sequence for stdin. */
    if ( !(strcmp(x_argv[where], "-")) ) {  /* If upcoming file is "-" : */
        if (x_srf) {            /* If stdio is redirected: */
            opi();              /*  Reattach stdin to pipe. */
            x_fp = stdin;       /*  Set file pointer to stdin. */
            x_fs = 0L;          /*  Don't know the size of a pipe. */
            strcpy(x_file,"stdin"); /*  Set x_file to "stdin". */
        }  /* if */
        else                    /* If stdio isn't redirected: */
            goto next;          /*  Just go to next file. */
    }  /* if */

    /* The following else{} is the opening sequence for a file. */
    else {                      /* If upcoming file is not "-" then: */
        x_fp = fopen(x_argv[where], "r");   /* Open next or (prev) file. */
        if (x_fp == 0)          /* If file pointer is bad, abort. */
            abort("Could not open file %s.\n",x_argv[where]);
        x_fs = fseek(x_fp, 0L, 2);          /* Get file size. */
        fseek(x_fp, 0L, 0);     /* Put file pointer back to start of file. */
        strcpy(x_file, x_argv[where]);      /* Set x_file to new filename. */
        x_rwp = 0L;                         /* Reset !'s copy of rwp. */
    }  /* else */

    cls();          /* Clear screen before going to the next file. */
    return(0);      /* For consistancy, return with an OK code. */
}  /* nextfile */

char *string;

    int i;                          /* This function gets the number entered */

    i = atoi(string);               /* as an argument in wait().  If atoi() */
    if (i == 0)                     /* returns 0, then it is assumed that no */
        i = 1;                      /* argument was entered and that the */
                                    /* default of 1 should be used. */

cls()   /* Clear the screen and set the curser to home */

This function was written by Harry McGavran at Los Alamos National
Laboratory, hgm at lanl.


    unsigned char cur_mode;

    struct regval {int ax, bx, cx, dx, si, di, ds, es; } reg;

    /* get current active display mode into al */
    reg.ax = 0x0f00;
    sysint(0x10, &reg, &reg);
    cur_mode = reg.ax & 0xff;

    /* set blank line attribute bh, based on current display mode */
    if ((cur_mode > 3) && (cur_mode != 7))
        reg.bx = 0;
        reg.bx = 0x0700;

    /* scroll active page up, bh = blank line attribute */
    reg.ax = 0x0600;
    reg.cx = 0;
    reg.dx = 0x184f;
    sysint(0x10, &reg, &reg);

    /* put the cursor at home */
    reg.ax = 0x0200;
    reg.bx = 0;
    reg.dx = 0;
    sysint(0x10, &reg, &reg);

    /* reset the display mode, if not done characters don't print */
    reg.ax = cur_mode;
    sysint(0x10, &reg, &reg);


if test 35944 -ne "`wc -c pc-more.c`"
echo shar: error transmitting pc-more.c '(should have been 35944 characters)'
echo shar: extracting pc-more.doc '(17867 characters)'
cat << \SHAR_EOF > pc-more.doc

                              by Donald L. Nash

                                December, 1985
                                 Version 1.3


                            Section 1:  Introduction

    PC-More is a pager program similar to the UNIX* more program.  It is
designed to work on the IBM Personal Computer, PC XT, and PC AT, as well as
compatibles.  The purpose of PC-More is to display a file one screenful at a
time for easy viewing.  The PC-DOS "type" command can do this, but the text
scrolls too fast for most people to read.  Beginning with version 2.0, PC-DOS
supplied its own version of a more filter, but it is extremely limited in its
usefulness, since it can only display one screenful at a time.  People who are
used to the UNIX version of more expect to be able to move through the file in
any increment they choose, not just a screenful at a time.  PC-More corrects
this problem.

                          Section 2:  Invoking PC-More

    PC-More can be used to read from a file or to read from a pipe.  To invoke
PC-More to read from a file, simple type the following in responce to the PC-
DOS prompt:

        A>more file1.ext [file2.ext ... ]

    The part in brackets is optional.  It simply means that you can type any
number of filenames after the word "more."  When PC-More reaches the end of one
file, it will automatically go on to the next one on the command line.  Moving
between files is explained below.

    If you want PC-More to read from a pipe, where it will read the output of
some other command as its input, then you would invoke it like this:

        A>command | more [file1.exe - [file2.exe ... ] ]

where "command" is some program or PC-DOS command which writes to the PC-DOS
stdout device (usually the console screen).  The hyphen is used to indicate
"read from stdin."  It is listed on the command line just as if it were a
filename, and need not be the second item in the list, as indicated above.  In
fact, the hyphen doesn't need to be there at all if there are no other files
on the command line.  If there are other files on the command line, and you
want PC-More to read from the pipe, then the hyphen is necessary.

    *UNIX is a trademark of ATT Bell Laboratories.

                                    - 1 -    

The command set for PC-More is the same regardless of whether it is reading
from a pipe or from a file, with one exception:  You cannot call up an editor
to edit the pipe.

                          Section 3:  PC-More Commands

Part 1:  Motion Commands

    If you have used programs like PC-More before, then you should skip the
first four parts of this section, since they are something of a tutorial
description of the PC-More commands.  Part 5 has a summary of all the commands
which will probably be enough for you.

    Once PC-More has been invoked, it will clear the screen and display the
first screenful of data.  When the screen fills, the following message appears
on the bottom line of the screen:


where "filename.ext" is the name of the file from which PC-More is reading.  If
it is reading from a pipe, then "filename.ext" will be "stdin."  You may now
type any of the PC-More commands.

    To see the next screenful of data, simply type a space.  The screen will
clear and the next screenful will appear.  PC-More will clear the screen every
time it reaches the bottom with the following exceptions:

    1.  Advancing one line at a time will never clear the screen, even if it is
        full.  This is a feature which allows you to display two lines which
        may be on different (but consecutive) screens.

    2.  If the screen is not full when the prompt appears and command is given
        which will fill the screen and cause scrolling, then PC-More will not
        clear the screen when it fills.  An example of this would be the
        following situation:  The screen is currently full.  The user types 'h'
        to request the next half screen of data.  The screen is cleared and the
        next half screen appears at the top of the screen.  The user then types
        a space to see the next full screen.  The text will scroll down until
        it hits the bottom of the screen.  PC-More will not clear the screen to
        display the rest of the data.  Instead, it will scroll up the text
        already on the screen.

                                    - 2 -    

    Now that the issue of screen clearing is out of the way, the other two
motion commands can be described.  To advance only one line, hit the return
key.  The next line will appear and the prompt will reappear.  To advance half
a screen, which would be the next 12 lines, hit the 'h' key in responce to the
prompt.  The screen will be cleared if necessary and the next 12 lines will
appear, followed by the prompt.

    These three commands can be preceded by a numeric argument up to three
digits long.  This argument will tell the following motion command to repeat
itself the specified number of times.  Note that when the "advance one line"
command is given an argument, it will clear the screen when necessary.  As an
example of using arguments, the following command will show the next five
screenfuls of data without pausing or clearing the screen when given to the


Here, <sp> means "hit the space bar."  Similarly, <cr> would mean "hit the
enter key."  Only the three motion commands will use the argument.  The other
commands will simply ignore the argument and clear it when they finish.

    The final motion command is 'r', for "rewind file."  This will reset the
read/write pointer to the beginning of the file.  This is handy if you
accidently pass up what you are looking for.  You can rewind the file and start
over at the beginning.  While this is not as handy as backward paging commands
would be, it is all that is available at the moment.  Backward paging commands
may come out in future versions of PC-More.  Important Note:  "rewind file"
will not work if you are reading from a pipe!  There is no way to tell PC-DOS
to rewind the pipe.

Part 2:  File commands

    If you listed more than one filename on the command line which invoked PC-
More, then you can move between them with the 'n' "next file" and 'p' "previous
file" commands.  When PC-More reaches the end of a file, it pauses and prints
out the following prompt:

--filename.ext [EOF]--

This means that there is no more data in the current file.  Any of the forward
motion commands described above will automatically move to the next file on the
command line.  You can go on to the next file at any time by simply typing 'n'

                                    - 3 -    

in responce to the prompt.  The current file is closed and the next file is
opened.  If you are on the last file (or if you are reading from a pipe), then
typing 'n' will cause PC-More to exit, since there is no next file.

    If you wish to go to the previous file on the command line, then simply
type a 'p'.  The current file is closed and the previous file is opened.  If
you are reading from the first file on the command line (or from a pipe), then
'p' will have no effect other than printing a message on the last line which
says that you are already on the first file.

    If you wish to read from some file that is not listed on the command line,
type 'f'.  The prompt is replaced with the message:

New file:

You may now type the name of the file you wish to read from.  You can also
type a hyphen if you wish to read from stdin, but if stdin is not redirected,
then this will have no effect.  If you make a typo, use the backspace key to
fix it.  If you try to backspace over the prompt, then the command is aborted.
Likewise, if you type a control-G at any time while entering the new filename,
the command will be aborted.  Control-G can be used at any time to erase
either the numeric argument or any text arguments that some of the commands
prompt for.

    You may use "open new file" at any time, even when you are reading from a
pipe.  The rest of the pipe is ignored.  However, you will not be able to edit
the new file or push to an inferior command interpreter.  These commands and
their restrictions are explained below in Part 3 of this section.

Part 3:  Running Other Programs Under PC-More

    If you wish to execute a PC-DOS command, run a program, or load in inferior
command interpreter, then use the '!' "push to DOS" command.  '!' may be
followed by an optional command which PC-DOS is to execute.  This command may
an internal PC-DOS command or a program on disk.  If the '!' is not followed
by any text, then the DOS command interpreter is loaded.  When a DOS command
finishes, or when a program exits, or when you type "exit" to the inferior
shell, control returns to PC-More and the last screen of data is redisplayed.

    As a special case of the above command, you can call up an editor on the
current file by typing 'e', for "edit current file."  The name of the editor
to use is obtained by translating the environment variable EDITOR.  If EDITOR
is not set, then the PC-DOS line editor "edlin" is used.  To set the environ-

                                    - 4 -    

ment variable EDITOR, type the following to PC-DOS before invoking PC-More:

        A>set editor=whatever

The word "editor" does not need to be capitalized.  However, there must be no
spaces to the left of the = sign.  Spaces are significant and will be part of
the variable name.  PC-More will NOT recognize the following:

        A>set editor = whatever

If you type something like this, you will get "edlin" when you type 'e'.

If you should type 'e' when the current file is a pipe, then you will be told
that you may not edit stdin.

Part 4:  Other commands

    If you forget what the PC-More commands are, type '?', which is the help
command.  It will print a summary of the commands known to PC-More.

    Typing a 'v' will print the version number of your copy of PC-More.

    If you are entering a numeric argument for the motion commands or a text
argument for the '!' or 'f' commands, then you can cancel the argument by
typing control-G.  This will also abort the '!' and 'f' commands and return
you to the PC-More command level.

    Of course, there is a quit command for PC-More as well.  Type 'q' and you
will be returned to the process which called PC-More (usually PC-DOS).

Part 5:  Command Summary

    Here is a summary of all PC-More commands.  If you have used programs like
PC-More before (which most of you probably have), then this is probably all
you will need to be able to use PC-More:

        <sp>    next screen
        <cr>    next line
        h       next half screen
        r       rewind the current file
        e       edit the current file
        n       go to the next file
        p       go to the previous file

                                    - 5 -    

        f       open a new file
        !       push do DOS
        ^G      clear argument or abort '!' or 'f'
        ?       help
        v       print the version number
        q       quit to DOS

               Section 4:  Source Notes and Portability Concerns

    PC-More is written in Computer Innovations C86 version 2.20G.  The code is
pretty straight-forward and heavily commented.  It should not be very hard to
determine what a piece of code does.

    I made extensive use of external variables in PC-More.  There are 10
external variables in the program.  This is necessary because they are used by
several functions.  Some of the external variables are used by only two
functions, but one function does not always call the other one directly.
Instead, funtion a() and funtion c() may both use a variable, but a() does not
call c().  Rather, a() calls b() which then calls c().  This isn't the best
style of programming, but PC-More is small and not very complicated.  Besides,
all external variables start with the characters "x_", to they are easy to

    There are only four functions used in PC-More which may not be supplied
with other C compilers.  These are:

    key_getc()  This function reads a character directly from the keyboard
                rather than from stdin.  It returns an int with the ASCII
                code of the character typed in the lower byte and the scan
                code of the key struck in the upper byte.  In PC-More, the
                scan code is masked off to zero.  This function will wait
                for a key to be struck and the return key is not needed to
                make it return.

    sysint21()  This function allows you to make calls to PC-DOS directly
                through the INT 21H instruction.  The syntax of sysint21() is:

                    int fr, sysint21();
                    struct regval {int ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,ds,es; } sreg,rreg;

                    fr = sysint21(&sreg, &rreg);

                                    - 6 -    

                The regval structure contains elements for each of the 8088
                registers except cs, ss, and bp.  You set up the registers
                in sreg the way you want them before the call.  The state of
                the registers after the call is returned in rreg.  Note the
                '&' "address of" operator before the name of each structure in
                the sysint21() call.  It is necessary to pass the address of
                the structures, since you cannot actually pass a structure as
                an argument.  Note that the structures can overlap or even be
                the same structure entirely.  The value of the 8088 flag
                register is returned by sysint21().

    sysint()    This function is exactly like sysint21(), except that you can
                specify which interrupt you want to use.  The syntax is:

                    int fr, intno, sysint();
                    struct regval {same struct as above} ssreg, rreg;

                    fr = sysint(intno, &sreg, &rreg);

                where intno is the interrupt number to use.  Note that
                sysint21() could be written as sysint(0x21, &sreg, &rreg),
                but using sysint21 is slightly more efficient.

    ltoa()      This function takes a long integer and converts it into an
                ASCII string of equivalent digits.  The syntax is:

                    int ltoa();
                    long n, lenbuf;
                    char *buffer;

                    lenbuf = ltoa(n, buffer);

                where n is the number to be converted and buffer is a pointer
                to a place to put the resulting string.  The number n is
                assumed to be signed.  ltoa() returns the length of the string
                in buffer after the conversion takes place.  This number is
                equivalent to:

                    lenbuf = strlen(buffer);

All the other functions I used in PC-More are available in the standard UNIX
C libraries under 4.2 BSD.  If your compiler does not come with some of these

                                    - 7 -    

functions, look them up in section 3 of the UNIX manual to find out what they


    Ver 1.3   New clear screen function installed, written by Harry McGavran.
              All references to crt_cls() and crt_mode() eliminated.  This new
              clear screen function works on either a monochrome or color

              Nextfile() rewritten to understand that "-" on the command line
              represents stdin.  The " case 'f': " part of wait() was modified
              in the same way.

              New functions cpi() and opi() added to allow stdin to be
              reopened to the console when it is redirected to a file or a
              pipe.  This allows the user to execute a "!" or a "e" when a
              pipe is present.  Of course, you still can't edit the pipe.
              The knowledge to implement cpi() and opi() was provided by
              Brandon S. Allbery.

              Nextfile() modified to find the file's size and put it in the
              external variable x_fs.  Wait() also modified so that when it
              constructs the prompt, it uses x_fs to compute what percent of
              the file has been read.  When the prompt is printed, this
              percentage is included as part of the prompt.

              Wait() modified to clear the screen when a file is rewound.

    Ver 1.21  This version fixed a bug which prevented PC-More from working on
              a color monitor.  Under previous versions, only machines
              equipped with a monochrome monitor would run PC-More properly.
              The problem was a hardware-dependendent function call to
              crt_mode().  The problem was fixed by determining the type of
              monitor in use and using the correct function to clear the

    Ver 1.2   This was the initial release to USENET.  Other earlier versions
              were too buggy for a general release.

                            Section 5:  Conclusion

                                    - 8 -    

As a final note to add to the end of this manual, I'd like to say that PC-More
is a public domain program.  You can copy it, modify it chop it up, whatever
you want to do, but please don't sell it.  I welcome any comments, bug fixes,
new features (searches and backward paging would be nice), etc.  My e-mail
address is:

    UUCP:   ...!{ihnp4 | allegra | seismo!ut-sally}!ut-ngp!dlnash

    ARPA:   dlnash at ngp.UTEXAS.EDU


                                    - 9 -    
if test 17867 -ne "`wc -c pc-more.doc`"
echo shar: error transmitting pc-more.doc '(should have been 17867 characters)'
echo shar: extracting pc-more.uuencode '(22292 characters)'
cat << \SHAR_EOF > pc-more.uuencode
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if test 22292 -ne "`wc -c pc-more.uuencode`"
echo shar: error transmitting pc-more.uuencode '(should have been 22292 characters)'
#	End of shell archive
exit 0

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