ispell repost (less dict) 02/02: enhanced, fixed

geoff at desint.UUCP geoff at desint.UUCP
Sat Mar 14 20:04:14 AEST 1987

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
#	config.h
#	good.c
#	hash.c
#	ispell.c
#	ispell.h
#	lookup.c
#	term.c
#	tree.c
# This archive created: Sat Mar 14 00:59:10 1987
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
echo shar: extracting "'config.h'" '(2543 characters)'
if test -f 'config.h'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'config.h'"
sed 's/^X //' << \SHAR_EOF > 'config.h'
X /*
X ** library directory for hash table(s) / default hash table name
X ** If you intend to use multiple dictionary files, I would suggest
X ** LIBDIR be a directory which will contain nothing else, so sensible
X ** names can be constructed for the -d option without conflict.
X */
X #define LIBDIR "/usr/local/lib"
X #define DEFHASH "ispell.hash"
X #ifdef SYSV
X #define index strchr
X #endif
X /* environment variable for user's word list */
X /* default word list */
X #define DEFPDICT "ispell.words"
X /* mktemp template for temporary file - MUST contain 6 consecutive X's */
X #define TEMPNAME "/usr/tmp/spellXXXXXX"
X /* default dictionary file */
X #define DEFDICT "dict.191"
X /* define LOOK if look(1) command is available */
X #define LOOK
X /* path to egrep (use speeded up version if available) */
X #define EGREPCMD "/usr/local/egrep -i"
X /* path to wordlist for Lookup command (typically /usr/dict/{words|web2} */
X #define WORDS	"/usr/dict/web2"
X /* buffer size to use for file names if not in sys/param.h */
X #define MAXPATHLEN 240
X #endif
X /* word length allowed in dictionary by buildhash */
X #define WORDLEN 30
X /* hash table magic number */
X #define MAGIC 1
X /* suppress the 8-bit character feature */
X #define NO8BIT
X /* Approximate number of words in the full dictionary, after munching.
X ** Err on the high side unless you are very short on memory, in which
X ** case you might want to change the tables in tree.c and also increase
X **
X ** (Note:  dict.191 is a bit over 15000 words.  dict.191 munched with
X ** /usr/dict/words is a little over 28000).
X */
X #define BIG_DICT	29000
X /*
X ** Maximum hash table fullness percentage.  Larger numbers trade space
X ** for time.
X **/
X #define MAXPCT	70		/* Expand table when 70% full */
X /*
X ** the isXXXX macros normally only check ASCII range.  These are used
X ** instead for text characters, which we assume may be 8 bit.  The
X ** NO8BIT ifdef shuts off significance of 8 bit characters.  If you are
X ** using this, and your ctype.h already masks, you can simplify.
X */
X #ifdef NO8BIT
X #define myupper(X) isupper((X)&0x7f)
X #define mylower(X) islower((X)&0x7f)
X #define myspace(X) isspace((X)&0x7f)
X #define myalpha(X) isalpha((X)&0x7f)
X #else
X #define myupper(X) (!((X)&0x80) && isupper(X))
X #define mylower(X) (!((X)&0x80) && islower(X))
X #define myspace(X) (!((X)&0x80) && isspace(X))
X #define myalpha(X) (!((X)&0x80) && isalpha(X))
X #endif
X /*
X ** the NOPARITY mask is applied to user input characters from the terminal
X ** in order to mask out the parity bit.
X */
X #define NOPARITY 0x7f
if test 2543 -ne "`wc -c < 'config.h'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'config.h'" '(should have been 2543 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'good.c'" '(10274 characters)'
if test -f 'good.c'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'good.c'"
sed 's/^X //' << \SHAR_EOF > 'good.c'
X /* -*- Mode:Text -*- */
X /*
X  * good.c - see if a word or its root word
X  * is in the dictionary.
X  *
X  * Pace Willisson, 1983
X  */
X #include <stdio.h>
X #include <ctype.h>
X #include "ispell.h"
X #include "config.h"
X struct dent *lookup();
X static int wordok;
X extern int cflag;
X good (w)
X register char *w;
X {
X 	char nword[100];
X 	register char *p, *q;
X 	register n;
X 	for (p = w, q = nword; *p; p++, q++) {
X 		if (mylower (*p))
X 			*q = toupper (*p);
X 		else
X 			*q = *p;
X 	}
X 	*q = 0;
X 	rootword[0] = 0;
X 	if (cflag)
X 		printf ("%s\n", nword);
X 	else if (lookup (nword, q - nword, 1) != NULL) {
X 		return (1);
X 	}
X 	/* try stripping off suffixes */
X 	n = strlen (w);
X 	if (n == 1)
X 		return (1);
X 	if (n < 4)
X 		return 0;
X 	wordok = 0;
X 	/* this part from 'check.mid' */
X 	switch (q[-1]) {
X 	case 'D': d_ending (nword); break;	/* FOR "CREATED", "IMPLIED", "CROSSED" */
X 	case 'T': t_ending (nword); break;	/* FOR "LATEST", "DIRTIEST", "BOLDEST" */
X 	case 'R': r_ending (nword); break;	/* FOR "LATER", "DIRTIER", "BOLDER" */
X 	case 'G': g_ending (nword); break;	/* FOR "CREATING", "FIXING" */
X 	case 'H': h_ending (nword); break;	/* FOR "HUNDREDTH", "TWENTIETH" */
X 	case 'S': s_ending (nword); break;	/* FOR ALL SORTS OF THINGS ENDING IN "S" */
X 	case 'N': n_ending (nword); break;	/* "TIGHTEN", "CREATION", "MULIPLICATION" */
X 	case 'E': e_ending (nword); break;	/* FOR "CREATIVE", "PREVENTIVE" */
X 	case 'Y': y_ending (nword); break;	/* FOR "QUICKLY" */
X 	default:
X 		break;
X 	}
X 	if (wordok) {
X 		strcpy (rootword, lastdent->word);
X 	}
X 	return (wordok);
X }
X g_ending (w)
X char *w;
X {
X 	char *p;
X 	struct dent *dent;
X 	p = w + strlen (w) - 3;	/* if the word ends in 'ing', then *p == 'i' */
X 	if (strcmp (p, "ING") != 0)
X 		return;
X 	*p = 'E';	/* change I to E, like in CREATING */
X 	*(p+1) = 0;
X 	if (strlen (w) < 2)
X 		return;
X 	if (cflag)
X 		printf ("%s/G\n", w);
X 	else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL
X 	  &&  dent->g_flag) {
X 		wordok = 1;
X 		return;
X 	}
X 	*p = 0;
X 	if (strlen (w) < 2)
X 		return;
X 	if (p[-1] == 'E')
X 		return;	/* this stops CREATEING */
X 	if (cflag)
X 		printf ("%s/G\n", w);
X 	else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL) {
X 		if (dent->g_flag)
X 			wordok = 1;
X 		return;
X 	}
X 	return;
X }
X d_ending (w)
X char *w;
X {
X 	char *p;
X 	struct dent *dent;
X 	p = w + strlen (w) - 2;
X 	if (strcmp (p, "ED") != 0)
X 		return;
X 	p[1] = 0;	/* kill 'D' */
X 	if (cflag)
X 		printf ("%s/D\n", w);
X 	else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL) { /* eg CREATED */
X 		if (dent->d_flag)
X 			wordok = 1;
X 		return;
X 	}
X 	if (strlen (w) < 3)
X 		return;
X 	p[0] = 0;
X 	p--;
X 	/* ED is now completely gone */
X 	if (p[0] == 'I' && !vowel (p[-1])) {
X 		p[0] = 'Y';
X 		if (cflag)
X 			printf ("%s/D\n", w);
X 		else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL
X 		    &&  dent->d_flag) {
X 			wordok = 1;
X 			return;
X 		}
X 		p[0] = 'I';
X 	}
X 	if ((p[0] != 'E' && p[0] != 'Y') ||
X 	    (p[0] == 'Y' && vowel (p[-1]))) {
X 		if (cflag)
X 			printf ("%s/D\n", w);
X 		else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL) {
X 			if (dent->d_flag)
X 				wordok = 1;
X 			return;
X 		}
X 	}
X }
X t_ending (w)
X char *w;
X {
X 	char *p;
X 	struct dent *dent;
X 	p = w + strlen (w) - 3;
X 	if (strcmp (p, "EST") != 0)
X 		return;
X 	p[1] = 0;	/* kill 'S' */
X 	if (cflag)
X 		printf ("%s/T\n", w);
X 	else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL
X 	    &&  dent->t_flag) {
X 		wordok = 1;
X 		return;
X 	}
X 	if (strlen (w) < 3)
X 		return;
X 	p[0] = 0;
X 	p--;
X 	/* EST is now completely gone */
X 	if (p[0] == 'I' && !vowel (p[-1])) {
X 		p[0] = 'Y';
X 		if (cflag)
X 			printf ("%s/T\n", w);
X 		else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL
X 		    &&  dent->t_flag) {
X 			wordok = 1;
X 			return;
X 		}
X 		p[0] = 'I';
X 	}
X 	if ((p[0] != 'E' && p[0] != 'Y') ||
X 	    (p[0] == 'Y' && vowel (p[-1]))) {
X 		if (cflag)
X 			printf ("%s/T\n", w);
X 		else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL) {
X 			if (dent->t_flag)
X 				wordok = 1;
X 			return;
X 		}
X 	}
X }
X r_ending (w)
X char *w;
X {
X 	char *p;
X 	struct dent *dent;
X 	p = w + strlen (w) - 2;
X 	if (strcmp (p, "ER") != 0)
X 		return;
X 	p[1] = 0;	/* kill 'R' */
X 	if (cflag)
X 		printf ("%s/R\n", w);
X 	else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL
X 	    &&  dent->r_flag) {
X 		wordok = 1;
X 		return;
X 	}
X 	if (strlen (w) < 3)
X 		return;
X 	p[0] = 0;
X 	p--;
X 	/* ER is now completely gone */
X 	if (p[0] == 'I' && !vowel (p[-1])) {
X 		p[0] = 'Y';
X 		if (cflag)
X 			printf ("%s/R\n", w);
X 		else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL
X 		    &&  dent->r_flag) {
X 			wordok = 1;
X 			return;
X 		}
X 		p[0] = 'I';
X 	}
X 	if ((p[0] != 'E' && p[0] != 'Y') ||
X 	    (p[0] == 'Y' && vowel (p[-1]))) {
X 		if (cflag)
X 			printf ("%s/R\n", w);
X 		else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL) {
X 			if (dent->r_flag)
X 				wordok = 1;
X 			return;
X 		}
X 	}
X }
X h_ending (w)
X char *w;
X {
X 	char *p;
X 	struct dent *dent;
X 	p = w + strlen (w) - 2;
X 	if (strcmp (p, "TH") != 0)
X 		return;
X 	*p = 0;
X 	p -= 2;
X 	if (p[1] != 'Y') {
X 		if (cflag)
X 			printf ("%s/H\n", w);
X 		else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL
X 		    &&  dent->h_flag)
X 			wordok = 1;
X 	}
X 	if (strcmp (p, "IE") != 0)
X 		return;
X 	p[0] = 'Y';
X 	p[1] = 0;
X 	if (cflag)
X 		printf ("%s/H\n", w);
X 	else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL)
X 		if (dent->h_flag)
X 			wordok = 1;
X }
X /*
X  * check for flags: X, J, Z, S, P, M
X  *
X  * X	-ions or -ications or -ens
X  * J	-ings
X  * Z	-ers or -iers
X  * S	-ies or -es or -s
X  * P	-iness or -ness
X  * M	-'S
X  */
X s_ending (w)
X char *w;
X {
X 	char *p;
X 	struct dent *dent;
X 	p = w + strlen (w);
X 	p[-1] = 0;
X 	if (index ("SXZHY", p[-2]) == NULL || (p[-2] == 'Y' && vowel (p[-3]))) {
X 		if (cflag)
X 			printf ("%s/S\n", w);
X 		else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL
X 		    &&  dent->s_flag) {
X 			wordok = 1;
X 			return;
X 		}
X 	}
X 	switch (p[-2]) {	/* letter before S */
X 	case 'N':	/* X */
X 		if (strcmp (p-4, "ION") == 0) {
X 			p[-4] = 'E';
X 			p[-3] = 0;
X 			if (cflag)
X 				printf ("%s/X\n", w);
X 			else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL
X 			  &&  dent->x_flag) {
X 				wordok = 1;
X 				return;
X 			}
X 		}
X 		if (strcmp (p-8, "ICATE") == 0) {
X 			p[-8] = 'Y';
X 			p[-7] = 0;
X 			if (cflag)
X 				printf ("%s/X\n", w);
X 			else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL
X 			    && dent->x_flag)
X 				wordok = 1;
X 			return;
X 		}
X 		if (strcmp (p-3, "EN") == 0 && p[-4] != 'E' && p[-4] != 'Y') {
X 			p[-3] = 0;
X 			if (cflag)
X 				printf ("%s/X\n", w);
X 			else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL
X 			    && dent->x_flag)
X 				wordok = 1;
X 			return;
X 		}
X 	case 'G':	/* J */
X 		if (strcmp (p-4, "ING") != 0)
X 			return;
X 		p[-4] = 'E';
X 		p[-3] = 0;
X 		if (cflag)
X 			printf ("%s/J\n", w);
X 		else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL
X 		    &&  dent->j_flag) {
X 			wordok = 1;
X 			return;
X 		}
X 		if (p[-5] == 'E')
X 			return;		/* This stops CREATEING */
X 		p[-4] = 0;
X 		if (cflag)
X 			printf ("%s/J\n", w);
X 		else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL
X 		    && dent->j_flag)
X 			wordok = 1;
X 		return;
X 	case 'R':	/* Z */
X 		if (strcmp (p-3, "ER") != 0)
X 			return;
X 		p[-2] = 0;
X 		if (cflag)
X 			printf ("%s/Z\n", w);
X 		else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL
X 		    &&  dent->z_flag) {
X 			wordok = 1;
X 			return;
X 		}
X 		if (p[-4] == 'I'  &&  !vowel (p[-5])) {
X 			p[-4] = 'Y';
X 			p[-3] = 0;
X 			if (cflag)
X 				printf ("%s/Z\n", w);
X 			else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL
X 			    && dent->z_flag) {
X 				wordok = 1;
X 				return;
X 			}
X 			p[-4] = 'I';
X 		}
X 		if ((p[-4] != 'E' && p[-4] != 'Y') ||
X 		    (p[-4] == 'Y' && vowel (p[-5]))) {
X 			p[-3] = 0;
X 			if (cflag)
X 				printf ("%s/Z\n", w);
X 			else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL
X 			  && dent->z_flag)
X 				wordok = 1;
X 		}
X 		return;
X 	case 'E': /* S (except simple adding of an S) */
X 		p[-2] = 0;	/* drop the ES */
X 		if (index ("SXZH", p[-3]) != NULL) {
X 			if (cflag)
X 				printf ("%s/S\n", w);
X 			else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL) {
X 				if (dent->s_flag)
X 					wordok = 1;;
X 				return;
X 			}
X 		}
X 		if (p[-3] == 'I') {
X 			p[-3] = 'Y';
X 			if (cflag)
X 				printf ("%s/S\n", w);
X 			else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL
X 			    && dent->s_flag)
X 				wordok = 1;
X 			return;
X 		}
X 		return;
X 	case 'S':	/* P */
X 		if (strcmp (p-4, "NES") != 0)
X 			return;
X 		p[-4] = 0;	/* kill 'N' */
X 		if (p[-5] != 'Y' || vowel (p[-6])) {
X 			if (cflag)
X 				printf ("%s/P\n", w);
X 			else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL
X 			    &&  dent->p_flag) {
X 				wordok = 1;
X 				return;
X 			}
X 		}
X 		if (p[-5] == 'I') {
X 			p[-5] = 'Y';
X 			if (cflag)
X 				printf ("%s/P\n", w);
X 			else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL
X 			    && dent->p_flag)
X 				wordok = 1;
X 		}
X 		return;
X 	case '\'':	/* M */
X 		p[-2] = '\0';
X 		if (cflag)
X 			printf ("%s/M\n", w);
X 		else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL
X 		    &&  dent->m_flag)
X 			wordok = 1;
X 		return;
X 	}
X }
X /* only the N flag */
X n_ending (w)
X char *w;
X {
X 	char *p;
X 	struct dent *dent;
X 	p = w + strlen (w);
X 	if (p[-2] == 'E') {
X 		if (p[-3] == 'E' || p[-3] == 'Y')
X 			return;
X 		p[-2] = 0;
X 		if (cflag)
X 			printf ("%s/N\n", w);
X 		else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL
X 		    && dent->n_flag)
X 			wordok = 1;
X 		return;
X 	}
X 	if (strcmp (p-3, "ION") != 0)
X 		return;
X 	p[-3] = 'E';
X 	p[-2] = 0;
X 	if (cflag)
X 		printf ("%s/N\n", w);
X 	else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL) {
X 		if (dent->n_flag)
X 			wordok = 1;
X 		return;
X 	}
X 	if (strcmp (p-7, "ICATE") != 0)	/* check is really against "ICATION" */
X 		return;
X 	p[-7] = 'Y';
X 	p[-6] = 0;
X 	if (cflag)
X 		printf ("%s/N\n", w);
X 	else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL && dent->n_flag)
X 		wordok = 1;
X 	return;
X }
X /* flags: v */
X e_ending (w)
X char *w;
X {
X 	char *p;
X 	struct dent *dent;
X 	p = w + strlen (w);
X 	if (strcmp (p-3, "IVE") != 0)
X 		return;
X 	p[-3] = 'E';
X 	p[-2] = 0;
X 	if (cflag)
X 		printf ("%s/V\n", w);
X 	else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL
X 	  &&  dent->v_flag) {
X 		wordok = 1;
X 		return;
X 	}
X 	if (p[-4] == 'E')
X 		return;
X 	p[-3] = 0;
X 	if (cflag)
X 		printf ("%s/V\n", w);
X 	else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL && dent->v_flag)
X 		wordok = 1;
X 	return;
X }
X /* flags: y */
X y_ending (w)
X char *w;
X {
X 	char *p;
X 	struct dent *dent;
X 	p = w + strlen (w);
X 	if (strcmp (p-2, "LY") != 0)
X 		return;
X 	p[-2] = 0;
X 	if (cflag)
X 		printf ("%s/Y\n", w);
X 	else if ((dent = lookup (w, strlen (w), 1)) != NULL && dent->y_flag)
X 		wordok = 1;
X 	return;
X }
X vowel (c)
X char c;
X {
X 	return (c == 'A' || c == 'E' || c == 'I' || c == 'O' || c == 'U');
X }
if test 10274 -ne "`wc -c < 'good.c'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'good.c'" '(should have been 10274 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'hash.c'" '(343 characters)'
if test -f 'hash.c'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'hash.c'"
sed 's/^X //' << \SHAR_EOF > 'hash.c'
X /* -*- Mode:Text -*- */
X /*
X  * hash.c - a simple hash function for ispell
X  *
X  * Pace Willisson, 1983
X  */
X hash (s, n, hashsize)
X register char *s;
X register n;
X register hashsize;
X {
X 	register short h = 0;
X 	while (n--) {
X 		h ^= *s++;
X 		if (h < 0) {
X 			h <<= 1;
X 			h++;
X 		} else {
X 			h <<= 1;
X 		}
X 	}
X 	h &= 077777;
X 	return (h %= hashsize);
X }
if test 343 -ne "`wc -c < 'hash.c'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'hash.c'" '(should have been 343 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'ispell.c'" '(16239 characters)'
if test -f 'ispell.c'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'ispell.c'"
sed 's/^X //' << \SHAR_EOF > 'ispell.c'
X /* -*- Mode:Text -*- */
X /*
X  * ispell.c - An interactive spelling corrector.
X  *
X  * Copyright (c), 1983, by Pace Willisson
X  * Permission for non-profit use is hereby granted.
X  * All other rights reserved.
X  *
X  * 1987, Robert McQueer, added:
X  *	-w option & handling of extra legal word characters
X  *	-d option for alternate dictionary file
X  *	-p option & WORDLIST variable for alternate personal dictionary
X  *	-x option to suppress .bak files.
X  *	8 bit text & config.h parameters
X  * 1987, Geoff Kuenning, added:
X  *	-c option for creating suffix suggestions from raw words
X  *	suffixes in personal dictionary file
X  *	hashed personal dictionary file
X  */
X #include <stdio.h>
X #include <ctype.h>
X #include <sys/param.h>
X #include "ispell.h"
X #include "config.h"
X FILE *infile;
X FILE *outfile;
X char hashname[MAXPATHLEN];
X extern struct dent *treeinsert();
X /*
X ** we use extended character set range specifically to allow intl.
X ** character set characters.  We are being REALLY paranoid about indexing
X ** this array - explicitly cast into unsigned INTEGER, then mask
X ** If NO8BIT is set, text will be masked to ascii range.
X */
X static int Trynum;
X #ifdef NO8BIT
X static char Try[128];
X static char Checkch[128];
X #define iswordch(X) (Checkch[((unsigned)(X))&0x7f])
X #else
X static char Try[256];
X static char Checkch[256];
X #define iswordch(X) (Checkch[((unsigned)(X))&0xff])
X #endif
X givehelp ()
X {
X 	erase ();
X 	printf ("Whenever a word is found that is not in the dictionary,\r\n");
X 	printf ("it is printed on the first line of the screen.  If the dictionary\r\n");
X 	printf ("contains any similar words, they are listed with a single digit\r\n");
X 	printf ("next to each one.  You have the option of replacing the word\r\n");
X 	printf ("completely, or choosing one of the suggested words.\r\n");
X 	printf ("\r\n");
X 	printf ("Commands are:\r\n\r\n");
X 	printf ("R       Replace the misspelled word completely.\r\n");
X 	printf ("Space   Accept the word this time only\r\n");
X 	printf ("A       Accept the word for the rest of this file.\r\n");
X 	printf ("I       Accept the word, and put it in your private dictionary.\r\n");
X 	printf ("0-9     Replace with one of the suggested words.\r\n");
X 	printf ("L       Look up words in system dictionary.\r\n");
X 	printf ("Q       Write the rest of this file, ignoring misspellings, ");
X 	printf (         "and start next file.\r\n");
X 	printf ("X       Exit immediately.  Asks for confirmation.  ");
X 	printf (         "Leaves file unchanged.\r\n");
X 	printf ("!       Shell escape.\r\n");
X 	printf ("^L      Redraw screen.\r\n");
X 	printf ("\r\n\r\n");
X 	printf ("-- Type space to continue --");
X 	fflush (stdout);
X 	getchar ();
X }
X char *getline();
X int cflag = 0;
X int lflag = 0;
X int aflag = 0;
X int fflag = 0;
X #ifndef USG
X int sflag = 0;
X #endif
X int xflag = 0;
X char *askfilename;
X static char *Cmd;
X usage ()
X {
X 	fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s [-dfile | -pfile | -wchars | -x] file .....\n",Cmd);
X 	fprintf (stderr, "       %s [-dfile | -pfile | -wchars] -l\n",Cmd);
X #ifdef USG
X 	fprintf (stderr, "       %s [-dfile | -pfile | -ffile | -s] -a\n",Cmd);
X #else
X 	fprintf (stderr, "       %s [-dfile | -pfile | -ffile] -a\n",Cmd);
X #endif
X 	fprintf (stderr, "       %s [-wchars] -c\n");
X 	exit (1);
X }
X static initckch()
X {
X 	int c;
X 	Trynum = 0;
X #ifdef NO8BIT
X 	for (c = 0; c < 128; ++c) {
X #else
X 	for (c = 0; c < 256; ++c) {
X #endif
X 		if (myalpha((char) c)) {
X 			Checkch[c] = (char) 1;
X 			if (myupper((char) c)) {
X 				Try[Trynum] = (char) c;
X 				++Trynum;
X 			}
X 		}
X 		else
X 			Checkch[c] = (char) 0;
X 	}
X }
X main (argc, argv)
X char **argv;
X {
X 	char *p;
X 	char *cpd;
X 	char num[4];
X 	unsigned mask;
X 	Cmd = *argv;
X 	initckch();
X 	sprintf(hashname,"%s/%s",LIBDIR,DEFHASH);
X 	cpd = NULL;
X 	argv++;
X 	argc--;
X 	while (argc && **argv == '-') {
X 		switch ((*argv)[1]) {
X 		case 'a':
X 			aflag++;
X 			break;
X 		case 'c':
X 			cflag++;
X 			lflag++;
X 			break;
X 		case 'x':
X 			xflag++;
X 			break;
X 		case 'f':
X 			fflag++;
X 			p = (*argv)+2;
X 			if (*p == '\0') {
X 				argv++; argc--;
X 				if (argc == 0)
X 					usage ();
X 				p = *argv;
X 			}
X 			askfilename = p;
X 			break;
X 		case 'l':
X 			lflag++;
X 			break;
X #ifndef USG
X 		case 's':
X 			sflag++;
X 			break;
X #endif
X 		case 'p':
X 			cpd = (*argv)+2;
X 			if (*cpd == '\0') {
X 				argv++; argc--;
X 				if (argc == 0)
X 					usage ();
X 				cpd = *argv;
X 			}
X 			break;
X 		case 'd':
X 			p = (*argv)+2;
X 			if (*p == '\0') {
X 				argv++; argc--;
X 				if (argc == 0)
X 					usage ();
X 				p = *argv;
X 			}
X 			if (*p == '/')
X 				strcpy(hashname,p);
X 			else
X 				sprintf(hashname,"%s/%s",LIBDIR,p);
X 			break;
X 		case 'w':
X 			num[3] = '\0';
X #ifdef NO8BIT
X 			mask = 0x7f;
X #else
X 			mask = 0xff;
X #endif
X 			p = (*argv)+2;
X 			if (*p == '\0') {
X 				argv++; argc--;
X 				if (argc == 0)
X 					usage ();
X 				p = *argv;
X 			}
X 			while (Trynum <= mask && *p != '\0') {
X 				if (*p != 'n') {
X 					Checkch[((unsigned)(*p))&mask] = (char) 1;
X 					Try[Trynum] = *p & mask;
X 					++p;
X 				}
X 				else {
X 					++p;
X 					num[0] = *p; ++p;
X 					num[1] = *p; ++p;
X 					num[2] = *p; ++p;
X 					Try[Trynum] = atoi(num) & mask;
X 					Checkch[atoi(num)&mask] = (char) 1;
X 				}
X 				++Trynum;
X 			}
X 			break;
X 		default:
X 			usage();
X 		}
X 		argv++; argc--;
X 	}
X 	if (!argc && !lflag && !aflag)
X 		usage ();
X 	if (linit () < 0)
X 		exit (0);
X 	treeinit (cpd);
X 	if (aflag) {
X 		askmode ();
X 		exit (0);
X 	}
X 	if (lflag) {
X 		infile = stdin;
X 		checkfile ();
X 		exit (0);
X 	}
X 	terminit ();
X 	while (argc--)
X 		dofile (*argv++);
X 	done ();
X }
X char firstbuf[BUFSIZ], secondbuf[BUFSIZ];
X char *currentchar;
X char token[BUFSIZ];
X int quit;
X char *currentfile = NULL;
X dofile (filename)
X char *filename;
X {
X 	int c;
X 	char	bakfile[256];
X 	currentfile = filename;
X 	if ((infile = fopen (filename, "r")) == NULL) {
X 		fprintf (stderr, "Can't open %s\r\n", filename);
X 		sleep (2);
X 		return;
X 	}
X 	if (access (filename, 2) < 0) {
X 		fprintf (stderr, "Can't write to %s\r\n", filename);
X 		sleep (2);
X 		return;
X 	}
X 	strcpy(tempfile, TEMPNAME);
X 	mktemp (tempfile);
X 	if ((outfile = fopen (tempfile, "w")) == NULL) {
X 		fprintf (stderr, "Can't create %s\r\n", tempfile);
X 		sleep (2);
X 		return;
X 	}
X 	quit = 0;
X 	checkfile ();
X 	fclose (infile);
X 	fclose (outfile);
X 	if (!cflag)
X 		treeoutput ();
X 	if ((infile = fopen (tempfile, "r")) == NULL) {
X 		fprintf (stderr, "tempoary file disappeared (%s)\r\n", tempfile);	
X 		sleep (2);
X 		return;
X 	}
X 	sprintf(bakfile, "%s.bak", filename);
X 	if(link(filename, bakfile) == 0)
X 		unlink(filename);
X 	/* if we can't write new, preserve .bak regardless of xflag */
X 	if ((outfile = fopen (filename, "w")) == NULL) {
X 		fprintf (stderr, "can't create %s\r\n", filename);
X 		sleep (2);
X 		return;
X 	}
X 	while ((c = getc (infile)) != EOF)
X 		putc (c, outfile);
X 	fclose (infile);
X 	fclose (outfile);
X 	unlink (tempfile);
X 	if (xflag)
X 		unlink(bakfile);
X }
X checkfile ()
X {
X 	int c;
X 	char *p;
X 	int len;
X 	secondbuf[0] = 0;
X 	currentchar = secondbuf;
X 	while (1) {
X 		strcpy (firstbuf, secondbuf);
X 		if (quit) {	/* quit can't be set in l mode */
X 			while (fgets (secondbuf, sizeof secondbuf, infile) != NULL)
X 				fputs (secondbuf, outfile);
X 			break;
X 		}
X 		if (fgets (secondbuf, sizeof secondbuf, infile) == NULL)
X 			break;
X 		currentchar = secondbuf;
X 		len = strlen (secondbuf) - 1;
X 		if (secondbuf [ len ] == '\n')
X 			secondbuf [ len ] = 0;
X 		/* if this is a formatter command, skip over it */
X 		if (*currentchar == '.') {
X 			while (*currentchar && !myspace (*currentchar)) {
X 				if (!lflag)
X 					putc (*currentchar, outfile);
X 				currentchar++;
X 			}
X 			if (*currentchar == 0) {
X 				if (!lflag)
X 					putc ('\n', outfile);
X 				continue;
X 			}
X 		}
X 		while (1) {
X 			while (*currentchar && !iswordch(*currentchar)) {
X 				/* formatting escape sequences */
X 				if (*currentchar == '\\') {
X 				    if(currentchar[1] == 'f') {
X 					/* font change: \fX */
X 					copyout(&currentchar, 3);
X 					continue;
X 				    }
X 				    else if(currentchar[1] == 's') {
X 					/* size change */
X 					if(currentchar[2] < 6 &&
X 					   currentchar[2] != 0)
X 						/* two digit size */
X 						copyout(&currentchar, 4);
X 					else
X 						/* one digit size */
X 						copyout(&currentchar, 3);
X 					continue;
X 				    }
X 				    else if(currentchar[1] == '(') {
X 					/* extended char set escape: \(XX */
X 					copyout(&currentchar, 4);
X 					continue;
X 				    }
X 				}
X 				if (!lflag)
X 					putc (*currentchar, outfile);
X 				currentchar++;
X 			}
X 			if (*currentchar == 0)
X 				break;
X 			p = token;
X 			while (iswordch(*currentchar) ||
X 			       (*currentchar == '\'' &&
X 				iswordch(*(currentchar + 1))))
X 			  *p++ = *currentchar++;
X 			*p = 0;
X 			if (lflag) {
X 				if (!good (token)  &&  !cflag)
X 					printf ("%s\r\n", token);
X 			} else {
X 				if (!quit)
X 				correct (token, &currentchar);
X 			}
X 			if (!lflag)
X 				fprintf (outfile, "%s", token);
X 		}
X 		if (!lflag)
X 			putc ('\n', outfile);
X 	}
X }
X char possibilities[10][BUFSIZ];
X int pcount;
X correct (token, currentchar)
X char *token;
X char **currentchar;
X {
X 	int c;
X 	int i;
X 	char *p;
X 	int len;
X 	char *begintoken;
X 	len = strlen (token);
X 	begintoken = *currentchar - len;
X checkagain:
X 	if (good (token))
X 		return;
X 	erase ();
X 	printf ("    %s", token);
X 	if (currentfile)
X 		printf ("              File: %s", currentfile);
X 	printf ("\r\n\r\n");
X 	makepossibilities (token);
X 	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
X 		if (possibilities[i][0] == 0)
X 			break;
X 		printf ("%d: %s\r\n", i, possibilities[i]);
X 	}
X 	move (15, 0);
X 	printf ("%s\r\n", firstbuf);
X 	for (p = secondbuf; p != begintoken; p++)
X 		putchar (*p);
X 	inverse ();
X 	for (i = strlen (token); i > 0; i--)
X 		putchar (*p++);
X 	normal ();
X 	while (*p)
X 		putchar (*p++);
X 	printf ("\r\n");
X 	while (1) {
X 		switch (c = (getchar () & NOPARITY)) {
X #ifndef USG
X 		case 'Z' & 037:
X 			stop ();
X 			erase ();
X 			goto checkagain;
X #endif
X 		case ' ':
X 			erase ();
X 			return;
X 		case 'x': case 'X':
X 			printf ("Are you sure you want to throw away your changes? ");
X 			c = (getchar () & NOPARITY);
X 			if (c == 'y' || c == 'Y') {
X 				erase ();
X 				done ();
X 			}
X 			putchar (7);
X 			goto checkagain;
X 		case 'i': case 'I':
X 			treeinsert (token, 1);
X 			erase ();
X 			return;
X 		case 'a': case 'A':
X 			treeinsert (token, 0);
X 			erase ();
X 			return;
X 		case 'L' & 037:
X 			goto checkagain;
X 		case '?':
X 			givehelp ();
X 			goto checkagain;
X 		case '!':
X 			{
X 				char buf[200];
X 				move (18, 0);
X 				putchar ('!');
X 				if (getline (buf) == NULL) {
X 					putchar (7);
X 					erase ();
X 					goto checkagain;
X 				}
X 				printf ("\r\n");
X 				shellescape (buf);
X 				erase ();
X 				goto checkagain;
X 			}
X 		case 'r': case 'R':
X 			move (18, 0);
X 			printf ("Replace with: ");
X 			if (getline (token) == NULL) {
X 				putchar (7);
X 				erase ();
X 				goto checkagain;
X 			}
X 			inserttoken (secondbuf, begintoken, token, currentchar);
X 			erase ();
X 			goto checkagain;
X 		case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
X 		case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
X 			if (possibilities[c - '0'][0] != 0) {
X 				strcpy (token, possibilities[c - '0']);
X 				inserttoken (secondbuf, begintoken, token, currentchar);				erase ();
X 				return;
X 			}
X 			putchar (7);
X 			break;
X 		case 'l': case 'L':
X 			{
X 				char buf[100];
X 				move (18, 0);
X 				printf ("Lookup string ('*' is wildcard): ");
X 				if (getline (buf) == NULL) {
X 					putchar (7);
X 					erase ();
X 					goto checkagain;
X 				}
X 				printf ("\r\n\r\n");
X 				lookharder (buf);
X 				erase ();
X 				goto checkagain;
X 			}
X 		case 'q': case 'Q':
X 			quit = 1;
X 			erase ();
X 			return;
X 		default:
X 			putchar (7);
X 			break;
X 		}
X 	}
X }
X inserttoken (buf, start, token, currentchar)
X char *buf, *start, *token;
X char **currentchar;
X {
X 	char copy[BUFSIZ];
X 	char *p, *q;
X 	strcpy (copy, buf);
X 	for (p = buf, q = copy; p != start; p++, q++)
X 		*p = *q;
X 	while (*token)
X 		*p++ = *token++;
X 	q += *currentchar - start;
X 	*currentchar = p;
X 	while (*p++ = *q++)
X 		;
X }
X makepossibilities (word)
X char word[];
X {
X 	int i;
X 	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
X 		possibilities[i][0] = 0;
X 	pcount = 0;
X 	if (pcount < 10) wrongletter (word);
X 	if (pcount < 10) extraletter (word);
X 	if (pcount < 10) missingletter (word);
X 	if (pcount < 10) transposedletter (word);
X }
X char *cap();
X insert (word)
X char *word;
X {
X 	int i;
X 	for (i = 0; i < pcount; i++)
X 		if (strcmp (possibilities[i], word) == 0)
X 			return (0);
X 	strcpy (possibilities[pcount++], word);
X 	if (pcount >= 10)
X 		return (-1);
X 	else
X 		return (0);
X }
X wrongletter (word)
X char word[];
X {
X 	int i, j, c, n;
X 	char newword[BUFSIZ];
X 	n = strlen (word);
X 	strcpy (newword, word);
X 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
X 		for (j=0; j < Trynum; ++j) {
X 			newword[i] = Try[j];
X 			if (good (newword)) {
X 				if (insert (cap (newword, word)) < 0)
X 					return;
X 			}
X 		}
X 		newword[i] = word[i];
X 	}
X }
X extraletter (word)
X char word[];
X {
X 	char newword[BUFSIZ], *p, *s, *t;
X 	if (strlen (word) < 3)
X 		return;
X 	for (p = word; *p; p++) {
X 		for (s = word, t = newword; *s; s++)
X 			if (s != p)
X 				*t++ = *s;
X 		*t = 0;
X 		if (good (newword)) {
X 			if (insert (cap (newword, word)) < 0)
X 				return;
X 		}
X 	}
X }
X missingletter (word)
X char word[];
X {
X 	char newword[BUFSIZ], *p, *r, *s, *t;
X 	int i;
X 	for (p = word; p == word || p[-1]; p++) {
X 		for (s = newword, t = word; t != p; s++, t++)
X 			*s = *t;
X 		r = s++;
X 		while (*t)
X 			*s++ = *t++;
X 		*s = 0;
X 		for (i=0; i < Trynum; ++i) {
X 			*r = Try[i];
X 			if (good (newword)) {
X 				if (insert (cap (newword, word)) < 0)
X 					return;
X 			}
X 		}
X 	}
X }
X transposedletter (word)
X char word[];
X {
X 	char newword[BUFSIZ];
X 	int t;
X 	char *p;
X 	strcpy (newword, word);
X 	for (p = newword; p[1]; p++) {
X 		t = p[0];
X 		p[0] = p[1];
X 		p[1] = t;
X 		if (good (newword)) {
X 			if (insert (cap (newword, word)) < 0)
X 				return;
X 		}
X 		t = p[0];
X 		p[0] = p[1];
X 		p[1] = t;
X 	}
X }
X char *
X cap (word, pattern)
X char word[], pattern[];
X {
X 	static char newword[BUFSIZ];
X 	char *p, *q;
X 	if (*word == 0)
X 		return;
X 	if (myupper (pattern[0])) {
X 		if (myupper (pattern[1])) {
X 			for (p = word, q = newword; *p; p++, q++) {
X 				if (mylower (*p))
X 					*q = toupper (*p);
X 				else
X 					*q = *p;
X 			}
X 			*q = 0;
X 		} else {
X 			if (mylower (word [0]))
X 				newword[0] = toupper (word[0]);
X 			else
X 				newword[0] = word[0];
X 			for (p = word + 1, q = newword + 1; *p; p++, q++)
X 				if (myupper (*p))
X 					*q = tolower (*p);
X 				else
X 					*q = *p;
X 			*q = 0;
X 		}
X 	} else {
X 		for (p = word, q = newword; *p; p++, q++)
X 			if (myupper (*p))
X 				*q = tolower (*p);
X 			else
X 				*q = *p;
X 		*q = 0;
X 	}
X 	return (newword);
X }
X char *
X getline (s)
X char *s;
X {
X 	char *p;
X 	int c;
X 	p = s;
X 	while (1) {
X 		c = (getchar () & NOPARITY);
X 		if (c == '\\') {
X 			putchar ('\\');
X 			c = (getchar () & NOPARITY);
X 			backup ();
X 			putchar (c);
X 			*p++ = c;
X 		} else if (c == ('G' & 037)) {
X 			return (NULL);
X 		} else if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') {
X 			*p = 0;
X 			return (s);
X 		} else if (c == erasechar) {
X 			if (p != s) {
X 				p--;
X 				backup ();
X 				putchar (' ');
X 				backup ();
X 			}
X 		} else if (c == killchar) {
X 			while (p != s) {
X 				p--;
X 				backup ();
X 				putchar (' ');
X 				backup ();
X 			}
X 		} else {
X 			*p++ = c;
X 			putchar (c);
X 		}
X 	}
X }
X askmode ()
X {
X 	char buf[BUFSIZ];
X 	int i;
X 	if (fflag) {
X 		if (freopen (askfilename, "w", stdout) == NULL) {
X 			fprintf (stderr, "Can't create %s\n", askfilename);
X 			exit (1);
X 		}
X 	}
X 	setbuf (stdin, NULL);
X 	setbuf (stdout, NULL);
X 	while (gets (buf) != NULL) {
X 		if (good (buf)) {
X 			if (rootword[0] == 0) {
X 				printf ("*\n");	/* perfect match */
X 			} else {
X 				printf ("+ %s\n", rootword);
X 			}
X 		} else {
X 			makepossibilities (buf);
X 			if (possibilities[0][0]) {
X 				printf ("& ");
X 				for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
X 					if (possibilities[i][0] == 0)
X 						break;
X 					printf ("%s ", possibilities[i]);
X 				}
X 				printf ("\n");
X 			} else {
X 				printf ("#\n");
X 			}
X 		}
X #ifndef USG
X 		if (sflag) {
X 			stop ();
X 			if (fflag) {
X 				rewind (stdout);
X 				creat (askfilename, 0666);
X 			}
X 		}
X #endif
X 	}
X }
X copyout(cc, cnt)
X char	**cc;
X {
X 	while (--cnt >= 0) {
X 		if (*(*cc) == 0)
X 			break;
X 		if (!lflag)
X 			putc (*(*cc), outfile);
X 		(*cc)++;
X 	}
X }
X lookharder(string)
X char *string;
X {
X 	char cmd[150];
X 	char *g, *s, grepstr[100];
X 	int wild = 0;
X 	g = grepstr;
X 	for (s = string; *s != '\0'; s++)
X 		if (*s == '*') {
X 			wild++;
X 			*g++ = '.';
X 			*g++ = '*';
X 		} else
X 			*g++ = *s;
X 	*g = '\0';
X 	if (grepstr[0]) {
X #ifdef LOOK
X 		if (wild)
X 			/* string has wild card characters */
X 			sprintf (cmd, "%s '^%s$' %s", EGREPCMD, grepstr, WORDS);
X 		else
X 			/* no wild, use look(1) */
X 			sprintf (cmd, "/usr/bin/look -df %s %s", grepstr, WORDS);
X #else
X 		sprintf (cmd, "%s '^%s$' %s", EGREPCMD, grepstr, WORDS);
X #endif
X 		shellescape (cmd);
X 	}
X }
if test 16239 -ne "`wc -c < 'ispell.c'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'ispell.c'" '(should have been 16239 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'ispell.h'" '(4964 characters)'
if test -f 'ispell.h'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'ispell.h'"
sed 's/^X //' << \SHAR_EOF > 'ispell.h'
X /* -*- Mode: Text -*- */
X #define LIBDIR "/tmp2/lib"
X struct dent {
X 	struct dent *next;
X 	char *word;
X 	unsigned short used : 1;
X /* bit fields for all of the flags */
X 	unsigned short v_flag : 1;
X 		/*
X 			"V" flag:
X 		        ...E --> ...IVE  as in CREATE --> CREATIVE
X 		        if # .ne. E, ...# --> ...#IVE  as in PREVENT --> PREVENTIVE
X 		*/
X 	unsigned short n_flag : 1;
X 		/*
X 			"N" flag:
X 			        ...E --> ...ION  as in CREATE --> CREATION
X 			        ...Y --> ...ICATION  as in MULTIPLY --> MULTIPLICATION
X 			        if # .ne. E or Y, ...# --> ...#EN  as in FALL --> FALLEN
X 		*/
X 	unsigned short x_flag : 1;
X 		/*
X 			"X" flag:
X 			        ...E --> ...IONS  as in CREATE --> CREATIONS
X 			        ...Y --> ...ICATIONS  as in MULTIPLY --> MULTIPLICATIONS
X 			        if # .ne. E or Y, ...# --> ...#ENS  as in WEAK --> WEAKENS
X 		*/
X 	unsigned short h_flag : 1;
X 		/*
X 			"H" flag:
X 			        ...Y --> ...IETH  as in TWENTY --> TWENTIETH
X 			        if # .ne. Y, ...# --> ...#TH  as in HUNDRED --> HUNDREDTH
X 		*/
X 	unsigned short y_flag : 1;
X 		/*
X 			"Y" FLAG:
X 			        ... --> ...LY  as in QUICK --> QUICKLY
X 		*/
X 	unsigned short g_flag : 1;
X 		/*
X 			"G" FLAG:
X 			        ...E --> ...ING  as in FILE --> FILING
X 			        if # .ne. E, ...# --> ...#ING  as in CROSS --> CROSSING
X 		*/
X 	unsigned short j_flag : 1;
X 		/*
X 			"J" FLAG"
X 			        ...E --> ...INGS  as in FILE --> FILINGS
X 			        if # .ne. E, ...# --> ...#INGS  as in CROSS --> CROSSINGS
X 		*/
X 	unsigned short d_flag : 1;
X 		/*
X 			"D" FLAG:
X 			        ...E --> ...ED  as in CREATE --> CREATED
X 			        if @ .ne. A, E, I, O, or U,
X 			                ... at Y --> ... at IED  as in IMPLY --> IMPLIED
X 			        if # .ne. E or Y, or (# = Y and @ = A, E, I, O, or U)
X 			                ...@# --> ...@#ED  as in CROSS --> CROSSED
X 			                                or CONVEY --> CONVEYED
X 		*/
X 	unsigned short t_flag : 1;
X 		/*
X 			"T" FLAG:
X 			        ...E --> ...EST  as in LATE --> LATEST
X 			        if @ .ne. A, E, I, O, or U,
X 			                ... at Y --> ... at IEST  as in DIRTY --> DIRTIEST
X 			        if # .ne. E or Y, or (# = Y and @ = A, E, I, O, or U)
X 			                ...@# --> ...@#EST  as in SMALL --> SMALLEST
X 			                                or GRAY --> GRAYEST
X 		*/
X 	unsigned short r_flag : 1;
X 		/*
X 			"R" FLAG:
X 			        ...E --> ...ER  as in SKATE --> SKATER
X 			        if @ .ne. A, E, I, O, or U,
X 			                ... at Y --> ... at IER  as in MULTIPLY --> MULTIPLIER
X 			        if # .ne. E or Y, or (# = Y and @ = A, E, I, O, or U)
X 			                ...@# --> ...@#ER  as in BUILD --> BUILDER
X 			                                or CONVEY --> CONVEYER
X 		*/
X 	unsigned short z_flag : 1;
X 		/*
X 			"Z FLAG:
X 			        ...E --> ...ERS  as in SKATE --> SKATERS
X 			        if @ .ne. A, E, I, O, or U,
X 			                ... at Y --> ... at IERS  as in MULTIPLY --> MULTIPLIERS
X 			        if # .ne. E or Y, or (# = Y and @ = A, E, I, O, or U)
X 			                ...@# --> ...@#ERS  as in BUILD --> BUILDERS
X 			                                or SLAY --> SLAYERS
X 		*/
X 	unsigned short s_flag : 1;
X 		/*
X 			"S" FLAG:
X 			        if @ .ne. A, E, I, O, or U,
X 			                ... at Y --> ... at IES  as in IMPLY --> IMPLIES
X 			        if # .eq. S, X, Z, or H,
X 			                ...# --> ...#ES  as in FIX --> FIXES
X 			        if # .ne. S,X,Z,H, or Y, or (# = Y and @ = A, E, I, O, or U)
X 			                ...# --> ...#S  as in BAT --> BATS
X 			                                or CONVEY --> CONVEYS
X 		*/
X 	unsigned short p_flag : 1;
X 		/*
X 			"P" FLAG:
X 			        if @ .ne. A, E, I, O, or U,
X 			                ... at Y --> ... at INESS  as in CLOUDY --> CLOUDINESS
X 			        if # .ne. Y, or @ = A, E, I, O, or U,
X 			                ...@# --> ...@#NESS  as in LATE --> LATENESS
X 			                                or GRAY --> GRAYNESS
X 		*/
X 	unsigned short m_flag : 1;
X 		/*
X 			"M" FLAG:
X 			        ... --> ...'S  as in DOG --> DOG'S
X 		*/
X 	unsigned short keep : 1;
X };
X #define WORDLEN 30
X struct hashheader {
X 	int magic;
X 	int stringsize;
X 	int tblsize;
X };
X #define MAGIC 1
X /*
X  * termcap variables
X  */
X char *tgetstr();
X char PC;	/* padding character */
X char *BC;	/* backspace if not ^H */
X char *UP;	/* Upline (cursor up) */
X char *cd;	/* clear to end of display */
X char *ce;	/* clear to end of line */
X char *cl;	/* clear display */
X char *cm;	/* cursor movement */
X char *dc;	/* delete character */
X char *dl;	/* delete line */
X char *dm;	/* delete mode */
X char *ed;	/* exit delete mode */
X char *ei;	/* exit insert mode */
X char *ho;	/* home */
X char *ic;	/* insert character */
X char *il;	/* insert line */
X char *im;	/* insert mode */
X char *ip;	/* insert padding */
X char *nd;	/* non-destructive space */
X char *vb;	/* visible bell */
X char *so;	/* standout */
X char *se;	/* standout end */
X int bs;
X int li, co;	/* lines, columns */
X char termcap[1024];
X char termstr[1024];	/* for string values */
X char *termptr;
X char rootword[BUFSIZ];
X struct dent *lastdent;
X char *hashstrings;
X int aflag;
X int lflag;
X int erasechar;
X int killchar;
X char tempfile[200];
if test 4964 -ne "`wc -c < 'ispell.h'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'ispell.h'" '(should have been 4964 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'lookup.c'" '(2762 characters)'
if test -f 'lookup.c'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'lookup.c'"
sed 's/^X //' << \SHAR_EOF > 'lookup.c'
X /* -*- Mode:Text -*- */
X /*
X  * lookup.c - see if a word appears in the dictionary
X  *
X  * Pace Willisson, 1983
X  */
X #include <stdio.h>
X #include "ispell.h"
X #include "config.h"
X struct dent *hashtbl;
X int hashsize;
X extern char hashname[];
X static inited = 0;
X linit ()
X {
X 	int hashfd;
X 	struct hashheader hashheader;
X 	register int i;
X 	register struct dent *dp;
X 	if (inited)
X 		return;
X 	if ((hashfd = open (hashname, 0)) < 0) {
X 		fprintf (stderr, "can't open %s\r\n", hashname);
X 		return (-1);
X 	}
X 	hashsize = read (hashfd, &hashheader, sizeof hashheader);
X 	if (hashsize == 0) {
X 		/*
X 		 * Empty file - create an empty dummy table.  We
X 		 * actually have to have one entry since the hash
X 		 * algorithm involves a divide by the table size
X 		 * (actually modulo, but zero is still unacceptable).
X 		 * So we create an entry with a word of all lowercase,
X 		 * which can't match because the comparison string has
X 		 * been converted to uppercase by then.
X 		 */
X 		close (hashfd);
X 		hashsize = 1;		/* This prevents divides by zero */
X 		hashtbl = (struct dent *) calloc (1, sizeof (struct dent));
X 		if (hashtbl == NULL) {
X 			(void) fprintf (stderr,
X 			    "Couldn't allocate space for hash table\n");
X 			return (-1);
X 		}
X 		hashtbl[0].word = "xxxxxxxxxxx";
X 		hashtbl[0].next = NULL;
X 		hashtbl[0].keep = 0;
X 		hashtbl[0].used = 1;
X 		/* The flag bits don't matter, but calloc cleared them. */
X 		inited = 1;
X 		return 0;
X 	}
X 	else if (hashsize < 0  ||  hashheader.magic != MAGIC) {
X 		fprintf (stderr, "Illegal format hash table\r\n");
X 		return (-1);
X 	}
X 	hashstrings = (char *) malloc (hashheader.stringsize);
X 	hashtbl = (struct dent *) malloc (hashheader.tblsize * sizeof (struct dent));
X 	if (hashtbl == NULL  ||  hashstrings == NULL) {
X 		(void) fprintf (stderr,
X 		    "Couldn't allocate space for hash table\n");
X 		return (-1);
X 	}
X 	hashsize = hashheader.tblsize;
X 	read (hashfd, hashstrings, hashheader.stringsize);
X 	read (hashfd, hashtbl, hashheader.tblsize * sizeof (struct dent));
X 	close (hashfd);
X 	for (i = hashsize, dp = hashtbl;  --i >= 0;  dp++) {
X 		dp->word = &hashstrings [ (int)(dp->word) ];
X 		if (dp->next == (struct dent *) -1)
X 			dp->next = NULL;
X 		else
X 			dp->next = &hashtbl [ (int)(dp->next) ];
X 	}
X 	inited = 1;
X 	return (0);
X }
X /* n is length of s */
X struct dent *
X lookup (s, n, dotree)
X register char *s;
X {
X 	int i;
X 	register struct dent *dp;
X 	register char *s1, *s2;
X 	dp = &hashtbl [ hash (s, n, hashsize) ];
X 	for (  ; dp != NULL; dp = dp->next) {
X 		/* quick strcmp, but only for equality */
X 		s1 = dp->word;
X 		s2 = s;
X 		while (*s1 == *s2++)
X 			if (*s1++=='\0') {
X 				lastdent = dp;
X 				return (lastdent);
X 			}
X 	}
X 	if (dotree) {
X 		i = s[n];
X 		s[n] = '\0';
X 		if ((dp = treelookup (s)) != NULL)
X 			lastdent = dp;
X 		s[n] = i;
X 		return dp;
X 	}
X 	else
X 		return NULL;
X }
if test 2762 -ne "`wc -c < 'lookup.c'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'lookup.c'" '(should have been 2762 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'term.c'" '(3781 characters)'
if test -f 'term.c'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'term.c'"
sed 's/^X //' << \SHAR_EOF > 'term.c'
X /* -*- Mode:Text -*- */
X /*
X  * term.c - deal with termcap, and unix terminal mode settings
X  *
X  * Pace Willisson, 1983
X  */
X #include <stdio.h>
X #ifdef USG
X #include <termio.h>
X #else
X #include <sgtty.h>
X #endif
X #include <signal.h>
X #include "ispell.h"
X int putch();
X erase ()
X {
X 	if (cl)
X 		tputs(cl, li, putch);
X 	else {
X 		if (ho)
X 			tputs(ho, 100, putch);
X 		else if (cm)
X 			tputs(tgoto(cm, 0, 0), 100, putch);
X 		tputs(cd, li, putch);
X 	}
X }
X move (row, col)
X {
X 	tputs (tgoto (cm, col, row), 100, putch);
X }
X inverse ()
X {
X 	tputs (so, 10, putch);
X }
X normal ()
X {
X 	tputs (se, 10, putch);
X }
X backup ()
X {
X 	if (BC)
X 		tputs (BC, 1, putch);
X 	else
X 		putchar ('\b');
X }
X putch (c)
X {
X 	putchar (c);
X }
X #ifdef USG
X struct termio sbuf, osbuf;
X #else
X struct sgttyb sbuf, osbuf;
X #endif
X static termchanged = 0;
X terminit ()
X {
X 	int done();
X #ifdef USG
X 	if (!isatty(0)) {
X 		fprintf (stderr, "Can't deal with non interactive use yet.\n");
X 		exit (1);
X 	}
X 	ioctl (0, TCGETA, &osbuf);
X 	termchanged = 1;
X 	sbuf = osbuf;
X 	sbuf.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ECHOK | ECHONL | ICANON);
X 	sbuf.c_oflag &= ~(OPOST);
X 	sbuf.c_iflag &= ~(INLCR | IGNCR | ICRNL);
X 	sbuf.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
X 	sbuf.c_cc[VTIME] = 1;
X 	ioctl (0, TCSETAW, &sbuf);
X 	erasechar = osbuf.c_cc[VERASE];
X 	killchar = osbuf.c_cc[VKILL];
X 	signal (SIGINT, done);
X #else
X 	int tpgrp;
X 	int onstop();
X retry:
X 	sigsetmask(1<<SIGTSTP | 1<<SIGTTIN | 1<<SIGTTOU);
X 	if (ioctl(0, TIOCGPGRP, &tpgrp) != 0) {
X 		fprintf (stderr, "Can't deal with non interactive use yet.\n");
X 		exit (1);
X 	}
X 	if (tpgrp != getpgrp(0)) { /* not in foreground */
X 		sigsetmask(1<<SIGTSTP | 1<<SIGTTIN);
X 		signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_DFL);
X 		kill(0, SIGTTOU);
X 		/* job stops here waiting for SIGCONT */
X 		goto retry;
X 	}
X 	ioctl (0, TIOCGETP, &osbuf);
X 	termchanged = 1;
X 	sbuf = osbuf;
X 	sbuf.sg_flags &= ~ECHO;
X 	sbuf.sg_flags |= RAW;
X 	ioctl (0, TIOCSETP, &sbuf);
X 	erasechar = sbuf.sg_erase;
X 	killchar = sbuf.sg_kill;
X 	signal (SIGINT, done);
X 	sigsetmask(0);
X 	signal(SIGTTIN, onstop);
X 	signal(SIGTTOU, onstop);
X 	signal(SIGTSTP, onstop);
X #endif
X 	tgetent(termcap, getenv("TERM"));
X 	termptr = termstr;
X 	bs = tgetflag("bs");
X 	BC = tgetstr("bc", &termptr);
X 	UP = tgetstr("up", &termptr);
X 	cd = tgetstr("cd", &termptr);
X 	ce = tgetstr("ce", &termptr);	
X 	cl = tgetstr("cl", &termptr);
X 	cm = tgetstr("cm", &termptr);
X 	dc = tgetstr("dc", &termptr);
X 	dl = tgetstr("dl", &termptr);
X 	dm = tgetstr("dm", &termptr);
X 	ed = tgetstr("ed", &termptr);
X 	ei = tgetstr("ei", &termptr);
X 	ho = tgetstr("ho", &termptr);
X 	ic = tgetstr("ic", &termptr);
X 	il = tgetstr("al", &termptr);
X 	im = tgetstr("im", &termptr);
X 	ip = tgetstr("ip", &termptr);
X 	nd = tgetstr("nd", &termptr);
X 	vb = tgetstr("vb", &termptr);
X 	so = tgetstr("so", &termptr);	/* inverse video on */
X 	se = tgetstr("se", &termptr);	/* inverse video off */
X 	co = tgetnum("co");
X 	li = tgetnum("li");	
X }
X done ()
X {
X 	unlink (tempfile);
X 	if (termchanged)
X #ifdef USG
X 		ioctl (0, TCSETAW, &osbuf);
X #else
X 		ioctl (0, TIOCSETP, &osbuf);
X #endif
X 	exit (0);
X }
X #ifndef USG
X onstop(signo)
X int signo;
X {
X 	ioctl (0, TIOCSETP, &osbuf);
X 	signal(signo, SIG_DFL);
X 	kill(0, signo);
X 	/* stop here until continued */
X 	signal(signo, onstop);
X 	ioctl (0, TIOCSETP, &sbuf);
X }
X stop ()
X {
X 	onstop (SIGTSTP);
X }
X #endif
X shellescape (buf)
X char *buf;
X {
X #ifdef USG
X 	ioctl (0, TCSETAW, &osbuf);
X 	signal (SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
X 	signal (SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
X #else
X 	ioctl (0, TIOCSETP, &osbuf);
X 	signal (SIGINT, 1);
X 	signal (SIGQUIT, 1);
X 	signal(SIGTTIN, SIG_DFL);
X 	signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_DFL);
X 	signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_DFL);
X #endif
X 	system (buf);
X #ifndef USG
X 	signal(SIGTTIN, onstop);
X 	signal(SIGTTOU, onstop);
X 	signal(SIGTSTP, onstop);
X #endif
X 	signal (SIGINT, done);
X 	signal (SIGQUIT, SIG_DFL);
X #ifdef USG
X 	ioctl (0, TCSETAW, &sbuf);
X #else
X 	ioctl (0, TIOCSETP, &sbuf);
X #endif
X 	printf ("\n-- Type space to continue --");
X 	getchar ();
X }
if test 3781 -ne "`wc -c < 'term.c'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'term.c'" '(should have been 3781 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'tree.c'" '(10534 characters)'
if test -f 'tree.c'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'tree.c'"
sed 's/^X //' << \SHAR_EOF > 'tree.c'
X /* -*- Mode:Text -*- */
X /*
X  * tree.c - a hash style dictionary for user's personal words
X  *
X  * Pace Willisson, 1983
X  * Hash support added by Geoff Kuenning, 1987
X  */
X #include <stdio.h>
X #include <ctype.h>
X #include <sys/param.h>
X #include "ispell.h"
X #include "config.h"
X char *getenv();
X struct dent *lookup();
X char *upcase();
X static int cantexpand = 0;	/* NZ if an expansion fails */
X static struct dent *htab = NULL; /* Hash table for our stuff */
X static int hsize = 0;		/* Space available in hash table */
X static int hcount = 0;		/* Number of items in hash table */
X /*
X  * Hash table sizes.  Prime is probably a good idea, though in truth I
X  * whipped the algorithm up on the spot rather than looking it up, so
X  * who knows what's really best?  If we overflow the table, we just
X  * use a double-and-add-1 algorithm.
X  *
X  * The strange pattern in the table is because this table is sometimes
X  * used with huge dictionaries, and we want to get the table bigger fast.
X  * 23003 just happens to be such that the original dict.191 will fill
X  * the table to just under 70%.  31469 is similarly selected for dict.191
X  * combined with /usr/dict/words.  The other numbers are on 10000-word
X  * intervals starting at 30000.  (The table is still valid if MAXPCT
X  * is changed, but the dictionary sizes will no longer fall on neat
X  * boundaries).
X  */
X static int goodsizes[] = {
X 	53, 223, 907,
X #if ((BIG_DICT * 100) / MAXPCT) <= 23003
X 	23003,				/* ~16000 words */
X #endif
X #if ((BIG_DICT * 100) / MAXPCT) <= 31469
X 	31469,				/* ~22000 words */
X #endif
X #if ((BIG_DICT * 100) / MAXPCT) <= 42859
X 	42859,				/* ~30000 words */
X #endif
X #if ((BIG_DICT * 100) / MAXPCT) <= 57143
X 	57143,				/* ~40000 words */
X #endif
X 	71429				/* ~50000 words */
X };
X struct dent *treeinsert();
X struct dent *tinsert();
X struct dent *treelookup();
X static char personaldict[MAXPATHLEN];
X static FILE *dictf;
X static newwords = 0;
X extern char *index ();
X extern struct dent *hashtbl;
X extern int hashsize;
X treeinit (p)
X char *p;
X {
X 	char *h;
X 	char *orig;
X 	char buf[BUFSIZ];
X 	struct dent *dp;
X 	/*
X 	** if p exists and begins with '/' we don't really need HOME,
X 	** but it's not very likely that HOME isn't set anyway.
X 	*/
X 	orig = p;
X 	if (p == NULL)
X 		p = getenv (PDICTVAR);
X 	if ((h = getenv ("HOME")) == NULL)
X 		return;
X 	if (p == NULL)
X 		sprintf(personaldict,"%s/%s",h,DEFPDICT);
X 	else {
X 		if (*p == '/')
X 			strcpy(personaldict,p);
X 		else {
X 			/*
X 			** The user gave us a relative pathname.  How we
X 			** interpret it depends on how it was given:
X 			**
X 			** -p switch:  as-is first, then $HOME/name
X 			** PDICTVAR:   $HOME/name first, then as-is
X 			**/
X 			if (orig == NULL)
X 				sprintf (personaldict, "%s/%s", h, p);
X 			else			/* -p switch */
X 				strcpy (personaldict, p);
X 		}
X 	}
X 	if ((dictf = fopen (personaldict, "r")) == NULL) {
X 		/* The file doesn't exist. */
X 		if (p != NULL) {
X 			/* If pathname is relative, try another place */
X 			if (*p != '/') {
X 				if (orig == NULL)
X 					strcpy (personaldict, p);
X 				else			/* -p switch */
X 					sprintf (personaldict, "%s/%s", h, p);
X 				dictf = fopen (personaldict, "r");
X 			}
X 			if (dictf == NULL) {
X 				(void) fprintf (stderr, "Couldn't open ");
X 				perror (p);
X 				if (*p != '/') {
X 					/*
X 					** Restore the preferred default, so
X 					** that output will go th the right
X 					** place.
X 					*/
X 					if (orig == NULL)
X 						sprintf (personaldict,
X 						  "%s/%s", h, p);
X 					else			/* -p switch */
X 						strcpy (personaldict, p);
X 				}
X 			}
X 		}
X 		/* If the name wasn't specified explicitly, we don't object */
X 		return;
X 	}
X 	while (fgets (buf, sizeof buf, dictf) != NULL) {
X 		int len = strlen (buf) - 1;
X 		if (buf [ len ] == '\n')
X 			buf [ len-- ] = '\0';
X 		if ((h = index (buf, '/')) != NULL)
X 			*h++ = '\0';
X 		dp = treeinsert (buf, 1);
X 		while (h != NULL) {
X 			switch (*h++) {
X 			case 'D':
X 			case 'd':
X 				dp->d_flag = 1;
X 				break;
X 			case 'G':
X 			case 'g':
X 				dp->g_flag = 1;
X 				break;
X 			case 'H':
X 			case 'h':
X 				dp->h_flag = 1;
X 				break;
X 			case 'J':
X 			case 'j':
X 				dp->j_flag = 1;
X 				break;
X 			case 'M':
X 			case 'm':
X 				dp->m_flag = 1;
X 				break;
X 			case 'N':
X 			case 'n':
X 				dp->n_flag = 1;
X 				break;
X 			case 'P':
X 			case 'p':
X 				dp->p_flag = 1;
X 				break;
X 			case 'R':
X 			case 'r':
X 				dp->r_flag = 1;
X 				break;
X 			case 'S':
X 			case 's':
X 				dp->s_flag = 1;
X 				break;
X 			case 'T':
X 			case 't':
X 				dp->t_flag = 1;
X 				break;
X 			case 'V':
X 			case 'v':
X 				dp->v_flag = 1;
X 				break;
X 			case 'X':
X 			case 'x':
X 				dp->x_flag = 1;
X 				break;
X 			case 'Y':
X 			case 'y':
X 				dp->y_flag = 1;
X 				break;
X 			case 'Z':
X 			case 'z':
X 				dp->z_flag = 1;
X 				break;
X 			default:
X 				fprintf (stderr,
X 				  "Illegal flag in personal dictionary - %c (word %s)\n",
X 				  h[-1], buf);
X 				break;
X 			}
X 			/* Exit loop if no more flags */
X 			if (*h++ != '/')
X 				break;
X 		}
X 	}
X 	fclose (dictf);
X 	newwords = 0;
X 	if (!lflag && !aflag && access (personaldict, 2) < 0)
X 		printf ("Warning: Cannot update personal dictionary (%s)\r\n", personaldict);
X }
X treeprint ()
X {
X 	register int i;
X 	register struct dent *dp;
X 	register struct dent *cp;
X 	printf ("(");
X 	for (i = 0;  i < hsize;  i++) {
X 		dp = &htab[i];
X 		if (dp->used) {
X 			for (cp = dp;  cp != NULL;  cp = cp->next)
X 				printf ("%s ", cp->word);
X 		}
X 	}
X 	printf (")");
X }
X struct dent *
X treeinsert (word, keep)
X char *word;
X {
X 	register int i;
X 	struct dent *dp;
X 	struct dent *olddp;
X 	struct dent *oldhtab;
X 	int oldhsize;
X 	char nword[BUFSIZ];
X 	strcpy (nword, word);
X 	upcase (nword);
X 	if ((dp = lookup (nword, strlen (nword), 0)) != NULL) {
X 		if (keep)
X 			dp->keep = 1;
X 		return dp;
X 	}
X 	/*
X 	 * Expand hash table when it is MAXPCT % full.
X 	 */
X 	if (!cantexpand  &&  (hcount * 100) / MAXPCT >= hsize) {
X 		oldhsize = hsize;
X 		oldhtab = htab;
X 		for (i = 0;  i < sizeof goodsizes / sizeof (goodsizes[0]);  i++)
X 			if (goodsizes[i] > hsize)
X 				break;
X 		if (i >= sizeof goodsizes / sizeof goodsizes[0])
X 			hsize += hsize + 1;
X 		else
X 			hsize = goodsizes[i];
X 		htab = (struct dent *) calloc (hsize, sizeof (struct dent));
X 		if (htab == NULL) {
X 			(void) fprintf (stderr,
X 			    "Ran out of space for personal dictionary\n");
X 			/*
X 			 * Try to continue anyway, since our overflow
X 			 * algorithm can handle an overfull (100%+) table,
X 			 * and the malloc very likely failed because we
X 			 * already have such a huge table, so small mallocs
X 			 * for overflow entries will still work.
X 			 */
X 			if (oldhtab == NULL)
X 				exit (1);	/* No old table, can't go on */
X 			(void) fprintf (stderr,
X 			    "Continuing anyway (with reduced performance).\n");
X 			cantexpand = 1;		/* Suppress further messages */
X 			hsize = oldhsize;	/* Put this back how the were */
X 			htab = oldhtab;		/* ... */
X 			newwords = 1;		/* And pretend it worked */
X 			return tinsert (nword, (struct dent *) NULL, keep);
X 		}
X 		/*
X 		 * Re-insert old entries into new table
X 		 */
X 		for (i = 0;  i < oldhsize;  i++) {
X 			dp = &oldhtab[i];
X 			if (oldhtab[i].used) {
X 				tinsert ((char *) NULL, dp, 0);
X 				dp = dp->next;
X 				while (dp != NULL) {
X 					tinsert ((char *) NULL, dp, 0);
X 					olddp = dp;
X 					dp = dp->next;
X 					free ((char *) olddp);
X 				}
X 			}
X 		}
X 		if (oldhtab != NULL)
X 			free ((char *) oldhtab);
X 	}
X 	newwords = 1;
X 	return tinsert (nword, (struct dent *) NULL, keep);
X }
X static
X struct dent *
X tinsert (word, proto, keep)
X char *word;			/* One of word/proto must be null */
X struct dent *proto;
X {
X 	int hcode;
X 	register struct dent *hp; /* Next trial entry in hash table */
X 	struct dent *php;	/* Previous value of hp, for chaining */
X 	if (word == NULL)
X 		word = proto->word;
X 	hcode = hash (word, strlen (word), hsize);
X 	php = NULL;
X 	hp = &htab[hcode];
X 	if (hp->used) {
X 		while (hp != NULL) {
X 			if (strcmp (word, hp->word) == 0) {
X 				if (keep)
X 					hp->keep = 1;
X 				return hp;
X 			}
X 			php = hp;
X 			hp = hp->next;
X 		}
X 		hp = (struct dent *) calloc (1, sizeof (struct dent));
X 		if (hp == NULL) {
X 			(void) fprintf (stderr,
X 			    "Ran out of space for personal dictionary\n");
X 			exit (1);
X 		}
X 	}
X 	if (proto != NULL) {
X 		*hp = *proto;
X 		if (php != NULL)
X 			php->next = hp;
X 		hp->next = NULL;
X 		return &htab[hcode];
X 	} else {
X 		if (php != NULL)
X 			php->next = hp;
X 		hp->word = (char *) malloc (strlen (word) + 1);
X 		if (hp->word == NULL) {
X 			(void) fprintf (stderr,
X 			    "Ran out of space for personal dictionary\n");
X 			exit (1);
X 		}
X 		hp->used = 1;
X 		hp->next = NULL;
X 		hp->d_flag = 0;
X 		hp->g_flag = 0;
X 		hp->h_flag = 0;
X 		hp->j_flag = 0;
X 		hp->m_flag = 0;
X 		hp->n_flag = 0;
X 		hp->p_flag = 0;
X 		hp->r_flag = 0;
X 		hp->s_flag = 0;
X 		hp->t_flag = 0;
X 		hp->v_flag = 0;
X 		hp->x_flag = 0;
X 		hp->y_flag = 0;
X 		hp->z_flag = 0;
X 		strcpy (hp->word, word);
X 		hp->keep = keep;
X 		hcount++;
X 		return (hp);
X 	}
X }
X struct dent *
X treelookup (word)
X char *word;
X {
X 	int hcode;
X 	register struct dent *hp;
X 	char nword[BUFSIZ];
X 	if (hsize <= 0)
X 		return NULL;
X 	strcpy (nword, word);
X 	hcode = hash (nword, strlen (nword), hsize);
X 	hp = &htab[hcode];
X 	while (hp != NULL  &&  hp->used) {
X 		if (strcmp (nword, hp->word) == 0)
X 			break;
X 		hp = hp->next;
X 	}
X 	if (hp != NULL  &&  hp->used)
X 		return hp;
X 	else
X 		return NULL;
X }
X treeoutput ()
X {
X 	if (newwords == 0)
X 		return;
X 	if ((dictf = fopen (personaldict, "w")) == NULL) {
X 		fprintf (stderr, "Can't create %s\r\n", personaldict);
X 		return;
X 	}
X 	toutput1 ();
X 	fclose (dictf);
X }
X static
X toutput1 ()
X {
X 	register struct dent *cent;	/* Current entry */
X 	register struct dent *lent;	/* Linked entry */
X 	for (cent = htab;  cent - htab < hsize;  cent++) {
X 		for (lent = cent;  lent != NULL;  lent = lent->next) {
X 			if (lent->used  &&  lent->keep)
X 				toutput2 (lent);
X 		}
X 	}
X 	for (cent = hashtbl, lent = hashtbl + hashsize;
X 	    cent < lent;
X 	    cent++) {
X 		if (cent->used  &&  cent->keep)
X 			toutput2 (cent);
X 	}
X }
X static
X toutput2 (cent)
X register struct dent *cent;
X {
X 	fprintf (dictf, "%s", cent->word);
X 	if (cent->d_flag)
X 		fprintf (dictf, "/D");
X 	if (cent->g_flag)
X 		fprintf (dictf, "/G");
X 	if (cent->h_flag)
X 		fprintf (dictf, "/H");
X 	if (cent->j_flag)
X 		fprintf (dictf, "/J");
X 	if (cent->m_flag)
X 		fprintf (dictf, "/M");
X 	if (cent->n_flag)
X 		fprintf (dictf, "/N");
X 	if (cent->p_flag)
X 		fprintf (dictf, "/P");
X 	if (cent->r_flag)
X 		fprintf (dictf, "/R");
X 	if (cent->s_flag)
X 		fprintf (dictf, "/S");
X 	if (cent->t_flag)
X 		fprintf (dictf, "/T");
X 	if (cent->v_flag)
X 		fprintf (dictf, "/V");
X 	if (cent->x_flag)
X 		fprintf (dictf, "/X");
X 	if (cent->y_flag)
X 		fprintf (dictf, "/Y");
X 	if (cent->z_flag)
X 		fprintf (dictf, "/Z");
X 	fprintf (dictf, "\n");
X }
X char *
X upcase (s)
X register char *s;
X {
X 	register char *os = s;
X 	while (*s) {
X 		if (mylower (*s))
X 			*s = toupper (*s);
X 		s++;
X 	}
X 	return (os);
X }
if test 10534 -ne "`wc -c < 'tree.c'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'tree.c'" '(should have been 10534 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
#	End of shell archive
exit 0

	Geoff Kuenning

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