v16i004: Multi-user conference system, Part04/05

Rich Salz rsalz at uunet.uu.net
Tue Sep 13 06:08:45 AEST 1988

Submitted-by: Keith Gabryelski <ucsd!elgar!ag>
Posting-number: Volume 16, Issue 4
Archive-name: conf/part04

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
#	confsig.c
#	confstr.c
#	extern.h
#	structs.h
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
if test -f 'confsig.c'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'confsig.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'confsig.c'
#include "conf.h"

int nsig = 16;

char *sig_list[] =
	"Unkown Signal: 0",
	"Illegal Instruction",
	"Trace Trap", 
	"IOT Instruction",
	"EMT Instruction",
	"Floating Point Exception",
	"Bus Error",
	"Segmentation Violation",
	"Bad Argument To System Call",
	"Write On A Pipe With No One To Read It",
	"Alarm Clock",
	"Software Termination Signal From Kill",

int sig;
    int p;

    (void) printf("\nFatal Signal %d (%s).\n", sig, putsig(sig));

    p = kill(cuser.cu_procid, sig);
    if (p < 0)
	(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Couldn't kill proccess %d (%s)\n",
		       progname, cuser.cu_procid, puterr(errno));

    (void) exit(-1);

char *
int sig;
    static char qwerty[42];

    (void) sprintf(qwerty, "Unknown Signal: %d", sig);

    return ((unsigned)sig >= nsig) ? qwerty : sig_list[sig];
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'confstr.c'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'confstr.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'confstr.c'
#include "conf.h"

unsigned int wordlen;

char *
parsestr(string, length, flags)
char *string;
int length, flags;
    static char *retbuf;
    static int buflen = 0;
    static char *prevs;
    static int prevl;
    char *p;

    if (buflen == 0)
	retbuf = mymalloc((unsigned)(buflen = PAGESIZ));

    p = retbuf;

    if (!length)
	string = prevs;
	length = prevl;

    while (length && isspace(*string))

    prevs = string;
    prevl = length;

    if (!length)
	wordlen = linelen = 0;
	return NULL;

    while (length &&
	   ((flags&THEREST) || (!isspace(*string) &&
				(*string != ',') && (*string != '='))))
	if (*string == '"')
	    ++string;  --length;

	    while (length && (*string != '"'))
		if (*string == '\\')
		    ++string; --length;

		    if (length && isdigit(*string))
			int x, c;

			x = (*string++ - '0');  --length;

			if (length && isdigit(*string))
			    x = (x * 10) + (*string++ - '0');  --length;

			    if (length && isdigit(*string))
				c = (x * 10) + (*string - '0');
				if (c < 256)
				    x = c;
				    ++string;  --length;

			*p++ = x;
			if (length)
			    *p++ = *string++;  --length;
		    *p++ = *string++; --length;
	    if (*string == '\\')
		++string; --length;

		if (length && isdigit(*string))
		    int x, c;

		    x = (*string++ - '0');  --length;

		    if (length && isdigit(*string))
			x = (x * 10) + (*string++ - '0');  --length;

			if (length && isdigit(*string))
			    c = (x * 10) + (*string - '0');
			    if (c < 256)
				x = c;
				++string;  --length;

		    *p++ = x;
		    if (length)
			*p++ = *string++;  --length;
		*p++ = *string++; --length;

    *p = '\0';

    while (length && isspace(*string))
        ++string;  --length;

    if (length && ((*string == ',') || (*string == '=')))
	++string;  --length;

    prevs = string;
    prevl = length;

    linelen = length;
    wordlen = p - retbuf;

    return wordlen ? retbuf : NULL;

cpystr(to, from, length)
register char *to, *from;
register unsigned int length;
   while(length--) *to++ = *from++;

char *
int error;
    static char qwerty[42];

    (void) sprintf(qwerty, "Unknown error %d", error);

    return ((unsigned)error >= sys_nerr) ? qwerty : sys_errlist[error];
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'extern.h'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'extern.h'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'extern.h'
extern errno;

extern struct passwd *getpwuid();

extern FILE *fopen(), *popen();
extern char *getlogin(), *malloc(), *realloc(), *strchr(), *strrchr();
extern char *ttyname(), *getenv(), *strcpy(), *strncpy(), *strcat();

extern char *tgetstr();
extern void tputs();

extern char *sys_errlist[];
extern int sys_nerr;
extern long lseek();
extern void free(), longjmp();
extern unsigned alarm(), sleep();

extern char *progname;
extern int log_rfd, log_wfd, usr_fd;
extern long ourplace;
extern FILE *rec_fp;
extern int confing, columns, lines;
extern char ichar, qchar;

extern char *wrdata, replytty[], replyname[];
extern unsigned wdlen;

extern struct cusrfil cuser, tuser;
extern struct clogfil clog, tlog;

extern int banner, seeme, informe, lineinput, beep;
extern int expand8bit, expandctrl;
extern unsigned linelen, wordlen;

extern int nice_exit(), write_log();
extern int version(), do_to(), messptr(), colprnt(), fatal();
extern int getopts(), getrc(), setopts(), dispchar(), do_ring();
extern char *logname, *homedir;
extern char *pager, *shell, *normform, *lineform, *shoutform, *sendform;
extern char *informform, *recfile;

extern char *cls;

#ifdef	SYSV
extern struct termio term, saveterm;
#endif	SYSV

#ifdef	BSD
extern struct tchars chrstr;
extern struct sgttyb ktty;
extern int ttyflags;
#endif	BSD

extern char *getline(), *mymalloc(), *myrealloc(), *puterr();
extern char *getword(), *parsestr(), *putsig();
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'structs.h'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'structs.h'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'structs.h'
 * logfile (CONFLOG) struct 

struct clogfil
    int type;
    int f_line;
    unsigned int f_usrlen;
    unsigned int f_ttylen;
    unsigned int t_utlen;
    unsigned int messlen;

 * message type

#define	NORMAL		0
#define	SEND		1
#define	SHOUT		2
#define	INFORM		3

 * userfile (CONFUSERS) struct

struct cusrfil
    int cu_flags;
    char cu_cname[MAXNAMELEN];
    char cu_tty[MAXTTYLEN];
    int cu_line;
    short cu_procid;

 * cu_flags

#define	USER_OFF	0
#define	USER_ON		1
#define	USER_RECORD	2

 * Structure of valid options

struct varopts
	char *name;
	int type;
	int *var;
	int extra;
	int (*var_func)();

 * Some flags to go with varopt struct

#define	BOOLEAN		0
#define	NUMBER		1
#define	STRING		2
#define	VARMASK		3

#define	DISPLAY		0
#define	NODISPLAY	4

#define	POINTER		1
#define	ROUTINE		2

 * Return values from setops

#define	NOOPT		0
#define	FOUNDOPT	1
#define	AMBIGUOUS	2

 * for the who routine

struct whostr
	char name[MAXNAMELEN+1];
	char tty[MAXTTYLEN+1];
	int line;
	int flags;
fi # end of overwriting check
#	End of shell archive
exit 0
  "If green is all there is to be, then green is good enough for me" - ktf
[  Keith   ]  UUCP: {ucsd, cbosgd!crash, sdcsvax!crash, nosc!crash}!elgar!ag
[Gabryelski]  INET: ag at elgar.cts.com                 ARPA: elgar!ag at ucsd.edu

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