v21i068: Pascal to C translator, Part23/32

Rich Salz rsalz at uunet.uu.net
Thu Mar 29 23:48:54 AEST 1990

Submitted-by: Dave Gillespie <daveg at csvax.caltech.edu>
Posting-number: Volume 21, Issue 68
Archive-name: p2c/part23

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then unpack
# it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file".  To overwrite existing
# files, type "sh file -c".  You can also feed this as standard input via
# unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g..  If this archive is complete, you
# will see the following message at the end:
#		"End of archive 23 (of 32)."
# Contents:  src/pexpr.c.1
# Wrapped by rsalz at litchi.bbn.com on Mon Mar 26 14:29:46 1990
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
if test -f 'src/pexpr.c.1' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'src/pexpr.c.1'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'src/pexpr.c.1'\" \(48768 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'src/pexpr.c.1' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X/* "p2c", a Pascal to C translator.
X   Copyright (C) 1989 David Gillespie.
X   Author's address: daveg at csvax.caltech.edu; 256-80 Caltech/Pasadena CA 91125.
XThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
Xit under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
Xthe Free Software Foundation (any version).
XThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
Xbut WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
XGNU General Public License for more details.
XYou should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
Xalong with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
Xthe Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
X#include "trans.h"
XExpr *dots_n_hats(ex, target)
XExpr *ex;
XType *target;
X    Expr *ex2, *ex3;
X    Type *tp, *tp2, *ot;
X    Meaning *mp, *tvar;
X    int bits, hassl;
X    for (;;) {
X	if ((ex->val.type->kind == TK_PROCPTR ||
X	     ex->val.type->kind == TK_CPROCPTR) &&
X	    curtok != TOK_ASSIGN &&
X	    ((mp = (tp2 = ex->val.type)->basetype->fbase) == NULL ||
X	     (mp->isreturn && mp->xnext == NULL) ||
X	     curtok == TOK_LPAR) &&
X	    (tp2->basetype->basetype != tp_void || target == tp_void) &&
X	    (!target || (target->kind != TK_PROCPTR &&
X			 target->kind != TK_CPROCPTR))) {
X	    hassl = tp2->escale;
X	    ex2 = ex;
X	    ex3 = copyexpr(ex2);
X	    if (hassl != 0)
X		ex3 = makeexpr_cast(makeexpr_dotq(ex3, "proc", tp_anyptr),
X				    makepointertype(tp2->basetype));
X	    ex = makeexpr_un(EK_SPCALL, tp2->basetype->basetype, ex3);
X	    if (mp && mp->isreturn) {  /* pointer to buffer for return value */
X		tvar = makestmttempvar(ex->val.type->basetype,
X				       (ex->val.type->basetype->kind == TK_STRING) ? name_STRING : name_TEMP);
X		insertarg(&ex, 1, makeexpr_addr(makeexpr_var(tvar)));
X		mp = mp->xnext;
X	    }
X	    if (mp) {
X		if (wneedtok(TOK_LPAR)) {
X		    ex = p_funcarglist(ex, mp, 0, 0);
X		    skipcloseparen();
X		}
X	    } else if (curtok == TOK_LPAR) {
X		gettok();
X		if (!wneedtok(TOK_RPAR))
X		    skippasttoken(TOK_RPAR);
X	    }
X	    if (hassl != 1 || hasstaticlinks == 2) {
X		freeexpr(ex2);
X	    } else {
X		ex2 = makeexpr_dotq(ex2, "link", tp_anyptr),
X		ex3 = copyexpr(ex);
X		insertarg(&ex3, ex3->nargs, copyexpr(ex2));
X		tp = maketype(TK_FUNCTION);
X		tp->basetype = tp2->basetype->basetype;
X		tp->fbase = tp2->basetype->fbase;
X		tp->issigned = 1;
X		ex3->args[0]->val.type = makepointertype(tp);
X		ex = makeexpr_cond(makeexpr_rel(EK_NE, ex2, makeexpr_nil()),
X				   ex3, ex);
X	    }
X	    if (tp2->basetype->fbase &&
X		tp2->basetype->fbase->isreturn &&
X		tp2->basetype->fbase->kind == MK_VARPARAM)
X		ex = makeexpr_hat(ex, 0);    /* returns pointer to structured result */
X	    continue;
X	}
X        switch (curtok) {
X            case TOK_HAT:
X	    case TOK_ADDR:
X                gettok();
X                ex = makeexpr_hat(ex, 1);
X                break;
X            case TOK_LBR:
X                do {
X                    gettok();
X                    tp = ex->val.type;
X                    if (tp->kind == TK_STRING) {
X                        ex2 = p_expr(tp_integer);
X                        if (checkconst(ex2, 0))   /* is it "s[0]"? */
X                            ex = makeexpr_bicall_1("strlen", tp_char, ex);
X                        else
X                            ex = makeexpr_index(ex, ex2, makeexpr_long(1));
X                    } else if (tp->kind == TK_ARRAY ||
X                               tp->kind == TK_SMALLARRAY) {
X                        if (tp->smax) {
X                            ord_range_expr(tp->indextype, &ex2, NULL);
X                            ex2 = makeexpr_minus(p_ord_expr(),
X						 copyexpr(ex2));
X                            if (!nodependencies(ex2, 0) &&
X                                *getbitsname == '*') {
X                                mp = makestmttempvar(tp_integer, name_TEMP);
X                                ex3 = makeexpr_assign(makeexpr_var(mp), ex2);
X                                ex2 = makeexpr_var(mp);
X                            } else
X                                ex3 = NULL;
X                            ex = makeexpr_bicall_3(getbitsname, tp_int,
X                                                   ex, ex2,
X                                                   makeexpr_long(tp->escale));
X                            if (tp->kind == TK_ARRAY) {
X                                if (tp->basetype == tp_sshort)
X                                    bits = 4;
X                                else
X                                    bits = 3;
X                                insertarg(&ex, 3, makeexpr_long(bits));
X                            }
X                            ex = makeexpr_comma(ex3, ex);
X                            ot = ord_type(tp->smax->val.type);
X                            if (ot->kind == TK_ENUM && ot->meaning && useenum)
X                                ex = makeexpr_cast(ex, tp->smax->val.type);
X                            ex->val.type = tp->smax->val.type;
X                        } else {
X                            ord_range_expr(ex->val.type->indextype, &ex2, NULL);
X                            if (debug>2) { fprintf(outf, "ord_range_expr returns "); dumpexpr(ex2); fprintf(outf, "\n"); }
X                            ex = makeexpr_index(ex, p_ord_expr(),
X						copyexpr(ex2));
X                        }
X                    } else {
X                        warning("Index on a non-array variable [287]");
X			ex = makeexpr_bin(EK_INDEX, tp_integer, ex, p_expr(tp_integer));
X		    }
X                } while (curtok == TOK_COMMA);
X                if (!wneedtok(TOK_RBR))
X		    skippasttotoken(TOK_RBR, TOK_SEMI);
X                break;
X            case TOK_DOT:
X                gettok();
X                if (!wexpecttok(TOK_IDENT))
X		    break;
X		if (ex->val.type->kind == TK_STRING) {
X		    if (!strcicmp(curtokbuf, "LENGTH")) {
X			ex = makeexpr_bicall_1("strlen", tp_int, ex);
X		    } else if (!strcicmp(curtokbuf, "BODY")) {
X			/* nothing to do */
X		    }
X		    gettok();
X		    break;
X		}
X                mp = curtoksym->fbase;
X                while (mp && mp->rectype != ex->val.type)
X                    mp = mp->snext;
X                if (mp)
X                    ex = makeexpr_dot(ex, mp);
X                else {
X                    warning(format_s("No field called %s in that record [288]", curtokbuf));
X		    ex = makeexpr_dotq(ex, curtokcase, tp_integer);
X		}
X                gettok();
X                break;
X		gettok();
X		if (wexpecttok(TOK_IDENT)) {
X		    ex = pascaltypecast(curtokmeaning->type, ex);
X		    gettok();
X		}
X		break;
X            default:
X                return ex;
X        }
X    }
XExpr *fake_dots_n_hats(ex)
XExpr *ex;
X    for (;;) {
X        switch (curtok) {
X            case TOK_HAT:
X	    case TOK_ADDR:
X	        if (ex->val.type->kind == TK_POINTER)
X		    ex = makeexpr_hat(ex, 0);
X		else {
X		    ex->val.type = makepointertype(ex->val.type);
X		    ex = makeexpr_un(EK_HAT, ex->val.type->basetype, ex);
X		}
X                gettok();
X                break;
X            case TOK_LBR:
X                do {
X                    gettok();
X                    ex = makeexpr_bin(EK_INDEX, tp_integer, ex, p_expr(tp_integer));
X                } while (curtok == TOK_COMMA);
X                if (!wneedtok(TOK_RBR))
X		    skippasttotoken(TOK_RBR, TOK_SEMI);
X                break;
X            case TOK_DOT:
X                gettok();
X                if (!wexpecttok(TOK_IDENT))
X		    break;
X                ex = makeexpr_dotq(ex, curtokcase, tp_integer);
X                gettok();
X                break;
X		gettok();
X		if (wexpecttok(TOK_IDENT)) {
X		    ex = pascaltypecast(curtokmeaning->type, ex);
X		    gettok();
X		}
X		break;
X            default:
X                return ex;
X        }
X    }
XStatic void bindnames(ex)
XExpr *ex;
X    int i;
X    Symbol *sp;
X    Meaning *mp;
X    if (ex->kind == EK_NAME) {
X	sp = findsymbol_opt(fixpascalname(ex->val.s));
X	if (sp) {
X	    mp = sp->mbase;
X	    while (mp && !mp->isactive)
X		mp = mp->snext;
X	    if (mp && !strcmp(mp->name, ex->val.s)) {
X		ex->kind = EK_VAR;
X		ex->val.i = (long)mp;
X		ex->val.type = mp->type;
X	    }
X	}
X    }
X    i = ex->nargs;
X    while (--i >= 0)
X	bindnames(ex->args[i]);
Xvoid var_reference(mp)
XMeaning *mp;
X    Meaning *mp2;
X    mp->refcount++;
X    if (mp->ctx && mp->ctx->kind == MK_FUNCTION &&
X	mp->ctx->needvarstruct &&
X	(mp->kind == MK_VAR ||
X	 mp->kind == MK_VARREF ||
X	 mp->kind == MK_VARMAC ||
X	 mp->kind == MK_PARAM ||
X	 mp->kind == MK_VARPARAM ||
X	 (mp->kind == MK_CONST &&
X	  (mp->type->kind == TK_ARRAY ||
X	   mp->type->kind == TK_RECORD)))) {
X        if (debug>1) { fprintf(outf, "varstruct'ing %s\n", mp->name); }
X        if (!mp->varstructflag) {
X            mp->varstructflag = 1;
X            if (mp->constdefn &&      /* move init code into function body */
X		mp->kind != MK_VARMAC) {
X                mp2 = addmeaningafter(mp, curtoksym, MK_VAR);
X                curtoksym->mbase = mp2->snext;  /* hide this fake variable */
X                mp2->snext = mp;      /* remember true variable */
X                mp2->type = mp->type;
X                mp2->constdefn = mp->constdefn;
X                mp2->isforward = 1;   /* declare it "static" */
X                mp2->refcount++;      /* so it won't be purged! */
X                mp->constdefn = NULL;
X                mp->isforward = 0;
X            }
X        }
X        for (mp2 = curctx->ctx; mp2 != mp->ctx; mp2 = mp2->ctx)
X            mp2->varstructflag = 1;
X        mp2->varstructflag = 1;
X    }
XStatic Expr *p_variable(target)
XType *target;
X    Expr *ex, *ex2;
X    Meaning *mp;
X    Symbol *sym;
X    if (curtok != TOK_IDENT) {
X        warning("Expected a variable [289]");
X	return makeexpr_long(0);
X    }
X    if (!curtokmeaning) {
X	sym = curtoksym;
X        ex = makeexpr_name(curtokcase, tp_integer);
X        gettok();
X        if (curtok == TOK_LPAR) {
X            ex = makeexpr_bicall_0(ex->val.s, tp_integer);
X            do {
X                gettok();
X                insertarg(&ex, ex->nargs, p_expr(NULL));
X            } while (curtok == TOK_COMMA || curtok == TOK_ASSIGN);
X            if (!wneedtok(TOK_RPAR))
X		skippasttotoken(TOK_RPAR, TOK_SEMI);
X        }
X	if (!tryfuncmacro(&ex, NULL))
X	    undefsym(sym);
X        return fake_dots_n_hats(ex);
X    }
X    var_reference(curtokmeaning);
X    mp = curtokmeaning;
X    if (mp->kind == MK_FIELD) {
X        ex = makeexpr_dot(copyexpr(withexprs[curtokint]), mp);
X    } else if (mp->kind == MK_CONST &&
X	       mp->type->kind == TK_SET &&
X	       mp->constdefn) {
X	ex = copyexpr(mp->constdefn);
X	mp = makestmttempvar(ex->val.type, name_SET);
X        ex2 = makeexpr(EK_MACARG, 0);
X        ex2->val.type = ex->val.type;
X	ex = replaceexprexpr(ex, ex2, makeexpr_var(mp));
X        freeexpr(ex2);
X    } else if (mp->kind == MK_CONST &&
X               (mp == mp_false ||
X                mp == mp_true ||
X                mp->anyvarflag ||
X                (foldconsts > 0 &&
X                 (mp->type->kind == TK_INTEGER ||
X                  mp->type->kind == TK_BOOLEAN ||
X                  mp->type->kind == TK_CHAR ||
X                  mp->type->kind == TK_ENUM ||
X                  mp->type->kind == TK_SUBR ||
X                  mp->type->kind == TK_REAL)) ||
X                (foldstrconsts > 0 &&
X                 (mp->type->kind == TK_STRING)))) {
X        if (mp->constdefn) {
X            ex = copyexpr(mp->constdefn);
X            if (ex->val.type == tp_int)   /* kludge! */
X                ex->val.type = tp_integer;
X        } else
X            ex = makeexpr_val(copyvalue(mp->val));
X    } else if (mp->kind == MK_VARPARAM ||
X               mp->kind == MK_VARREF) {
X        ex = makeexpr_hat(makeexpr_var(mp), 0);
X    } else if (mp->kind == MK_VARMAC) {
X        ex = copyexpr(mp->constdefn);
X	bindnames(ex);
X        ex = gentle_cast(ex, mp->type);
X        ex->val.type = mp->type;
X    } else if (mp->kind == MK_SPVAR && mp->handler) {
X        gettok();
X        ex = (*mp->handler)(mp);
X        return dots_n_hats(ex, target);
X    } else if (mp->kind == MK_VAR ||
X               mp->kind == MK_CONST ||
X               mp->kind == MK_PARAM) {
X        ex = makeexpr_var(mp);
X    } else {
X        symclass(mp->sym);
X        ex = makeexpr_name(mp->name, tp_integer);
X    }
X    gettok();
X    return dots_n_hats(ex, target);
XExpr *p_ord_expr()
X    return makeexpr_charcast(p_expr(tp_integer));
XStatic Expr *makesmallsetconst(bits, type)
Xlong bits;
XType *type;
X    Expr *ex;
X    ex = makeexpr_long(bits);
X    ex->val.type = type;
X    if (smallsetconst != 2)
X        insertarg(&ex, 0, makeexpr_name("%#lx", tp_integer));
X    return ex;
XExpr *packset(ex, type)
XExpr *ex;
XType *type;
X    Meaning *mp;
X    Expr *ex2;
X    long max2;
X    if (ex->kind == EK_BICALL) {
X        if (!strcmp(ex->val.s, setexpandname) &&
X            (mp = istempvar(ex->args[0])) != NULL) {
X            canceltempvar(mp);
X            return grabarg(ex, 1);
X        }
X        if (!strcmp(ex->val.s, setunionname) &&
X            (mp = istempvar(ex->args[0])) != NULL &&
X            !exproccurs(ex->args[1], ex->args[0]) &&
X            !exproccurs(ex->args[2], ex->args[0])) {
X            canceltempvar(mp);
X            return makeexpr_bin(EK_BOR, type, packset(ex->args[1], type),
X                                              packset(ex->args[2], type));
X        }
X        if (!strcmp(ex->val.s, setaddname)) {
X            ex2 = makeexpr_bin(EK_LSH, type,
X                               makeexpr_longcast(makeexpr_long(1), 1),
X                               ex->args[1]);
X            ex = packset(ex->args[0], type);
X            if (checkconst(ex, 0))
X                return ex2;
X            else
X                return makeexpr_bin(EK_BOR, type, ex, ex2);
X        }
X        if (!strcmp(ex->val.s, setaddrangename)) {
X            if (ord_range(type->indextype, NULL, &max2) && max2 == setbits-1)
X                note("Range construction was implemented by a subtraction which may overflow [278]");
X            ex2 = makeexpr_minus(makeexpr_bin(EK_LSH, type,
X                                              makeexpr_longcast(makeexpr_long(1), 1),
X                                              makeexpr_plus(ex->args[2],
X                                                            makeexpr_long(1))),
X                                 makeexpr_bin(EK_LSH, type,
X                                              makeexpr_longcast(makeexpr_long(1), 1),
X                                              ex->args[1]));
X            ex = packset(ex->args[0], type);
X            if (checkconst(ex, 0))
X                return ex2;
X            else
X                return makeexpr_bin(EK_BOR, type, ex, ex2);
X        }
X    }
X    return makeexpr_bicall_1(setpackname, type, ex);
X#define MAXSETLIT 400
XExpr *p_setfactor(type)
XType *type;
X    Expr *ex, *exmax = NULL, *ex2;
X    Expr *first[MAXSETLIT], *last[MAXSETLIT];
X    char doneflag[MAXSETLIT];
X    int i, j, num, donecount;
X    int isconst, guesstype = 0;
X    long maxv, max2;
X    Value val;
X    Type *tp;
X    Meaning *tvar;
X    if (curtok == TOK_LBRACE)
X	gettok();
X    else if (!wneedtok(TOK_LBR))
X	return makeexpr_long(0);
X    if (curtok == TOK_RBR || curtok == TOK_RBRACE) {        /* empty set */
X        gettok();
X        val.type = tp_smallset;
X        val.i = 0;
X        val.s = NULL;
X        return makeexpr_val(val);
X    }
X    if (!type)
X        guesstype = 1;
X    maxv = -1;
X    isconst = 1;
X    num = 0;
X    for (;;) {
X        if (num >= MAXSETLIT) {
X            warning(format_d("Too many elements in set literal; max=%d [290]", MAXSETLIT));
X            ex = p_expr(type);
X            while (curtok != TOK_RBR && curtok != TOK_RBRACE) {
X                gettok();
X                ex = p_expr(type);
X            }
X            break;
X        }
X        if (guesstype && num == 0) {
X            ex = p_ord_expr();
X            type = ord_type(ex->val.type);
X        } else {
X            ex = p_expr(type);
X        }
X        first[num] = ex = gentle_cast(ex, type);
X        doneflag[num] = 0;
X        if (curtok == TOK_DOTS) {
X            val = eval_expr(ex);
X            if (val.type) {
X		if (val.i > maxv) {     /* In case of [127..0] */
X		    maxv = val.i;
X		    exmax = ex;
X		}
X	    } else
X                isconst = 0;
X            gettok();
X            last[num] = ex = gentle_cast(p_expr(type), type);
X        } else {
X            last[num] = NULL;
X        }
X        val = eval_expr(ex);
X        if (val.type) {
X            if (val.i > maxv) {
X                maxv = val.i;
X                exmax = ex;
X            }
X        } else {
X            isconst = 0;
X            maxv = LONG_MAX;
X        }
X        num++;
X        if (curtok == TOK_COMMA)
X            gettok();
X        else
X            break;
X    }
X    if (curtok == TOK_RBRACE)
X	gettok();
X    else if (!wneedtok(TOK_RBR))
X	skippasttotoken(TOK_RBR, TOK_SEMI);
X    tp = ord_type(first[0]->val.type);
X    if (guesstype) {      /* must determine type */
X        if (!exmax || maxv == LONG_MAX) {
X            maxv = defaultsetsize-1;
X            if (ord_range(tp, NULL, &max2) && maxv > max2)
X                maxv = max2;
X            exmax = makeexpr_long(maxv);
X        } else
X            exmax = copyexpr(exmax);
X        if (!ord_range(tp, NULL, &max2) || maxv != max2)
X            tp = makesubrangetype(tp, makeexpr_long(0), exmax);
X        type = makesettype(tp);
X    } else
X	type = makesettype(type);
X    donecount = 0;
X    if (smallsetconst > 0) {
X        val.i = 0;
X        for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
X            if (first[i]->kind == EK_CONST && first[i]->val.i < setbits &&
X                (!last[i] || (last[i]->kind == EK_CONST &&
X                              last[i]->val.i >= 0 &&
X                              last[i]->val.i < setbits))) {
X                if (last[i]) {
X                    for (j = first[i]->val.i; j <= last[i]->val.i; j++)
X                        val.i |= 1<<j;
X                } else
X		    val.i |= 1 << first[i]->val.i;
X                doneflag[i] = 1;
X                donecount++;
X            }
X        }
X    }
X    if (donecount) {
X        ex = makesmallsetconst(val.i, tp_smallset);
X    } else
X        ex = NULL;
X    if (type->kind == TK_SMALLSET) {
X        for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
X            if (!doneflag[i]) {
X                ex2 = makeexpr_bin(EK_LSH, type,
X				   makeexpr_longcast(makeexpr_long(1), 1),
X				   enum_to_int(first[i]));
X                if (last[i]) {
X                    if (ord_range(type->indextype, NULL, &max2) && max2 == setbits-1)
X                        note("Range construction was implemented by a subtraction which may overflow [278]");
X                    ex2 = makeexpr_minus(makeexpr_bin(EK_LSH, type,
X                                                      makeexpr_longcast(makeexpr_long(1), 1),
X                                                      makeexpr_plus(enum_to_int(last[i]),
X                                                                    makeexpr_long(1))),
X                                         ex2);
X                }
X                if (ex)
X                    ex = makeexpr_bin(EK_BOR, type, makeexpr_longcast(ex, 1), ex2);
X                else
X                    ex = ex2;
X            }
X        }
X    } else {
X        tvar = makestmttempvar(type, name_SET);
X        if (!ex) {
X            val.type = tp_smallset;
X	    val.i = 0;
X	    val.s = NULL;
X	    ex = makeexpr_val(val);
X	}
X        ex = makeexpr_bicall_2(setexpandname, type,
X                               makeexpr_var(tvar), makeexpr_arglong(ex, 1));
X        for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
X            if (!doneflag[i]) {
X                if (last[i])
X                    ex = makeexpr_bicall_3(setaddrangename, type,
X                                           ex, makeexpr_arglong(enum_to_int(first[i]), 0),
X                                               makeexpr_arglong(enum_to_int(last[i]), 0));
X                else
X                    ex = makeexpr_bicall_2(setaddname, type,
X                                           ex, makeexpr_arglong(enum_to_int(first[i]), 0));
X            }
X        }
X    }
X    return ex;
XExpr *p_funcarglist(ex, args, firstarg, ismacro)
XExpr *ex;
XMeaning *args;
Xint firstarg, ismacro;
X    Meaning *mp, *mp2, *arglist = args, *prevarg = NULL;
X    Expr *ex2;
X    int i, fi, fakenum = -1, castit, isconf, isnonpos = 0;
X    Type *tp, *tp2;
X    char *name;
X    castit = castargs;
X    if (castit < 0)
X	castit = (prototypes == 0);
X    while (args) {
X	if (isnonpos) {
X	    while (curtok == TOK_COMMA)
X		gettok();
X	    if (curtok == TOK_RPAR) {
X		args = arglist;
X		i = firstarg;
X		while (args) {
X		    if (ex->nargs <= i)
X			insertarg(&ex, ex->nargs, NULL);
X		    if (!ex->args[i]) {
X			if (args->constdefn)
X			    ex->args[i] = copyexpr(args->constdefn);
X			else {
X			    warning(format_s("Missing value for parameter %s [291]",
X					     args->name));
X			    ex->args[i] = makeexpr_long(0);
X			}
X		    }
X		    args = args->xnext;
X		    i++;
X		}
X		break;
X	    }
X	}
X	if (args->isreturn || args->fakeparam) {
X	    if (args->fakeparam) {
X		if (fakenum < 0)
X		    fakenum = ex->nargs;
X		if (args->constdefn)
X		    insertarg(&ex, ex->nargs, copyexpr(args->constdefn));
X		else
X		    insertarg(&ex, ex->nargs, makeexpr_long(0));
X	    }
X	    args = args->xnext;     /* return value parameter */
X	    continue;
X	}
X	if (curtok == TOK_RPAR) {
X	    if (args->constdefn) {
X		insertarg(&ex, ex->nargs, copyexpr(args->constdefn));
X		args = args->xnext;
X		continue;
X	    } else {
X		if (ex->kind == EK_FUNCTION) {
X		    name = ((Meaning *)ex->val.i)->name;
X		    ex->kind = EK_BICALL;
X		    ex->val.s = stralloc(name);
X		} else
X		    name = "function";
X		warning(format_s("Too few arguments for %s [292]", name));
X		return ex;
X	    }
X	}
X	if (curtok == TOK_COMMA) {
X	    if (args->constdefn)
X		insertarg(&ex, ex->nargs, copyexpr(args->constdefn));
X	    else {
X		warning(format_s("Missing parameter %s [293]", args->name));
X		insertarg(&ex, ex->nargs, makeexpr_long(0));
X	    }
X	    gettok();
X	    args = args->xnext;
X	    continue;
X	}
X	p_mech_spec(0);
X	if (curtok == TOK_IDENT) {
X	    mp = arglist;
X	    mp2 = NULL;
X	    i = firstarg;
X	    fi = -1;
X	    while (mp && strcmp(curtokbuf, mp->sym->name)) {
X		if (mp->fakeparam) {
X		    if (fi < 0)
X			fi = i;
X		} else
X		    fi = -1;
X		i++;
X		mp2 = mp;
X		mp = mp->xnext;
X	    }
X	    if (mp &&
X		(peeknextchar() == ':' || !curtokmeaning || isnonpos)) {
X		gettok();
X		wneedtok(TOK_ASSIGN);
X		prevarg = mp2;
X		args = mp;
X		fakenum = fi;
X		isnonpos = 1;
X	    } else
X		i = ex->nargs;
X	} else
X	    i = ex->nargs;
X	while (ex->nargs <= i)
X	    insertarg(&ex, ex->nargs, NULL);
X	if (ex->args[i])
X	    warning(format_s("Multiple values for parameter %s [294]",
X			     args->name));
X	tp = args->type;
X	ex2 = p_expr(tp);
X	if (args->kind == MK_VARPARAM)
X	    tp = tp->basetype;
X	tp2 = ex2->val.type;
X	isconf = ((tp->kind == TK_ARRAY ||
X		   tp->kind == TK_STRING) && tp->structdefd);
X        switch (args->kind) {
X            case MK_PARAM:
X	        if (castit && tp->kind == TK_REAL &&
X		    ex2->val.type->kind != TK_REAL)
X                    ex2 = makeexpr_cast(ex2, tp);
X                else if (ord_type(tp)->kind == TK_INTEGER && !ismacro)
X                    ex2 = makeexpr_arglong(ex2, long_type(tp));
X                else if (args->othername && args->rectype != tp &&
X                         tp->kind != TK_STRING && args->type == tp2)
X                    ex2 = makeexpr_addr(ex2);
X                else
X                    ex2 = gentle_cast(ex2, tp);
X		ex->args[i] = ex2;
X                break;
X            case MK_VARPARAM:
X                if (args->type == tp_strptr && args->anyvarflag) {
X		    ex->args[i] = strmax_func(ex2);
X                    insertarg(&ex, ex->nargs-1, makeexpr_addr(ex2));
X		    if (isnonpos)
X			note("Non-positional conformant parameters may not work [279]");
X                } else {                        /* regular VAR parameter */
X                    ex2 = makeexpr_addrf(ex2);
X                    if (args->anyvarflag ||
X                        (tp->kind == TK_POINTER && tp2->kind == TK_POINTER &&
X                         (tp == tp_anyptr || tp2 == tp_anyptr))) {
X			if (!ismacro)
X			    ex2 = makeexpr_cast(ex2, args->type);
X                    } else {
X                        if (tp2 != tp && !isconf &&
X			    (tp2->kind != TK_STRING ||
X			     tp->kind != TK_STRING))
X                            warning(format_s("Type mismatch in VAR parameter %s [295]",
X                                             args->name));
X                    }
X		    ex->args[i] = ex2;
X                }
X                break;
X	    default:
X		intwarning("p_funcarglist",
X			   format_s("Parameter type is %s [296]",
X				    meaningkindname(args->kind)));
X		break;
X        }
X	if (isconf &&   /* conformant array or string */
X	    (!prevarg || prevarg->type != args->type)) {
X	    while (tp->kind == TK_ARRAY && tp->structdefd) {
X		if (tp2->kind == TK_SMALLARRAY) {
X		    warning("Trying to pass a small-array for a conformant array [297]");
X		    /* this has a chance of working... */
X		    ex->args[ex->nargs-1] =
X			makeexpr_addr(ex->args[ex->nargs-1]);
X		} else if (tp2->kind == TK_STRING) {
X		    ex->args[fakenum++] =
X			makeexpr_arglong(makeexpr_long(1), integer16 == 0);
X		    ex->args[fakenum++] =
X			makeexpr_arglong(strmax_func(ex->args[ex->nargs-1]),
X					 integer16 == 0);
X		    break;
X	        } else if (tp2->kind != TK_ARRAY) {
X		    warning("Type mismatch for conformant array [298]");
X		    break;
X		}
X		ex->args[fakenum++] =
X		    makeexpr_arglong(copyexpr(tp2->indextype->smin),
X				     integer16 == 0);
X		ex->args[fakenum++] =
X		    makeexpr_arglong(copyexpr(tp2->indextype->smax),
X				     integer16 == 0);
X		tp = tp->basetype;
X		tp2 = tp2->basetype;
X	    }
X	    if (tp->kind == TK_STRING && tp->structdefd) {
X		ex->args[fakenum] =
X		    makeexpr_arglong(strmax_func(ex->args[ex->nargs-1]),
X				     integer16 == 0);
X	    }
X	}
X	fakenum = -1;
X	if (!isnonpos) {
X	    prevarg = args;
X	    args = args->xnext;
X	    if (args) {
X		if (curtok != TOK_RPAR && !wneedtok(TOK_COMMA))
X		    skiptotoken2(TOK_RPAR, TOK_SEMI);
X	    }
X	}
X    }
X    if (curtok == TOK_COMMA) {
X	if (ex->kind == EK_FUNCTION) {
X	    name = ((Meaning *)ex->val.i)->name;
X	    ex->kind = EK_BICALL;
X	    ex->val.s = stralloc(name);
X	} else
X	    name = "function";
X	warning(format_s("Too many arguments for %s [299]", name));
X	while (curtok == TOK_COMMA) {
X	    gettok();
X	    insertarg(&ex, ex->nargs, p_expr(tp_integer));
X	}
X    }
X    return ex;
XExpr *replacemacargs(ex, fex)
XExpr *ex, *fex;
X    int i;
X    Expr *ex2;
X    for (i = 0; i < ex->nargs; i++)
X        ex->args[i] = replacemacargs(ex->args[i], fex);
X    if (ex->kind == EK_MACARG) {
X	if (ex->val.i <= fex->nargs) {
X	    ex2 = copyexpr(fex->args[ex->val.i - 1]);
X	} else {
X	    ex2 = makeexpr_name("<meef>", tp_integer);
X	    note("FuncMacro specified more arguments than call [280]");
X	}
X	freeexpr(ex);
X	return ex2;
X    }
X    return resimplify(ex);
XExpr *p_noarglist(ex, mp, args)
XExpr *ex;
XMeaning *mp, *args;
X    while (args && args->constdefn) {
X	insertarg(&ex, ex->nargs, copyexpr(args->constdefn));
X	args = args->xnext;
X    }
X    if (args) {
X	warning(format_s("Expected an argument list for %s [300]", mp->name));
X	ex->kind = EK_BICALL;
X	ex->val.s = stralloc(mp->name);
X    }
X    return ex;
Xvoid func_reference(func)
XMeaning *func;
X    Meaning *mp;
X    if (func->ctx && func->ctx != curctx &&func->ctx->kind == MK_FUNCTION &&
X	func->ctx->varstructflag && !curctx->ctx->varstructflag) {
X	for (mp = curctx->ctx; mp != func->ctx; mp = mp->ctx)
X	    mp->varstructflag = 1;
X    }
XExpr *p_funccall(mp)
XMeaning *mp;
X    Meaning *mp2, *tvar;
X    Expr *ex, *ex2;
X    int firstarg = 0;
X    func_reference(mp);
X    ex = makeexpr(EK_FUNCTION, 0);
X    ex->val.i = (long)mp;
X    ex->val.type = mp->type->basetype;
X    mp2 = mp->type->fbase;
X    if (mp2 && mp2->isreturn) {    /* pointer to buffer for return value */
X        tvar = makestmttempvar(ex->val.type->basetype,
X            (ex->val.type->basetype->kind == TK_STRING) ? name_STRING : name_TEMP);
X        insertarg(&ex, 0, makeexpr_addr(makeexpr_var(tvar)));
X        mp2 = mp2->xnext;
X	firstarg++;
X    }
X    if (mp2 && curtok != TOK_LPAR) {
X	ex = p_noarglist(ex, mp, mp2);
X    } else if (curtok == TOK_LPAR) {
X	gettok();
X        ex = p_funcarglist(ex, mp2, firstarg, (mp->constdefn != NULL));
X        skipcloseparen();
X    }
X    if (mp->constdefn) {
X        ex2 = replacemacargs(copyexpr(mp->constdefn), ex);
X	ex2 = gentle_cast(ex2, ex->val.type);
X	ex2->val.type = ex->val.type;
X        freeexpr(ex);
X        return ex2;
X    }
X    return ex;
XExpr *accumulate_strlit()
X    char buf[256], ch, *cp, *cp2;
X    int len, i, danger = 0;
X    len = 0;
X    cp = buf;
X    for (;;) {
X        if (curtok == TOK_STRLIT) {
X            cp2 = curtokbuf;
X            i = curtokint;
X            while (--i >= 0) {
X                if (++len <= 255) {
X                    ch = *cp++ = *cp2++;
X                    if (ch & 128)
X                        danger++;
X                }
X            }
X        } else if (curtok == TOK_HAT) {    /* Turbo */
X            i = getchartok() & 0x1f;
X            if (++len <= 255)
X                *cp++ = i;
X	} else if (curtok == TOK_LPAR) {   /* VAX */
X	    Value val;
X	    do {
X		gettok();
X		val = p_constant(tp_integer);
X		if (++len <= 255)
X		    *cp++ = val.i;
X	    } while (curtok == TOK_COMMA);
X	    skipcloseparen();
X	    continue;
X        } else
X            break;
X        gettok();
X    }
X    if (len > 255) {
X        warning("String literal too long [301]");
X        len = 255;
X    }
X    if (danger &&
X        !(unsignedchar == 1 ||
X          (unsignedchar != 0 && signedchars == 0)))
X        note(format_s("Character%s >= 128 encountered [281]", (danger > 1) ? "s" : ""));
X    return makeexpr_lstring(buf, len);
XExpr *pascaltypecast(type, ex2)
XType *type;
XExpr *ex2;
X    if ((ex2->val.type->kind == TK_INTEGER ||
X	 ex2->val.type->kind == TK_CHAR ||
X	 ex2->val.type->kind == TK_BOOLEAN ||
X	 ex2->val.type->kind == TK_ENUM ||
X	 ex2->val.type->kind == TK_SUBR ||
X	 ex2->val.type->kind == TK_REAL ||
X	 ex2->val.type->kind == TK_POINTER ||
X	 ex2->val.type->kind == TK_STRING) &&
X	(type->kind == TK_INTEGER ||
X	 type->kind == TK_CHAR ||
X	 type->kind == TK_BOOLEAN ||
X	 type->kind == TK_ENUM ||
X	 type->kind == TK_SUBR ||
X	 type->kind == TK_REAL ||
X	 type->kind == TK_POINTER)) {
X	if (type->kind == TK_POINTER || ex2->val.type->kind == TK_POINTER)
X	    return makeexpr_un(EK_CAST, type, ex2);
X	else
X	    return makeexpr_un(EK_ACTCAST, type, ex2);
X    } else {
X	return makeexpr_hat(makeexpr_cast(makeexpr_addr(ex2),
X					  makepointertype(type)), 0);
X    }
XStatic Expr *p_factor(target)
XType *target;
X    Expr *ex, *ex2;
X    Type *type;
X    Meaning *mp, *mp2;
X    switch (curtok) {
X        case TOK_INTLIT:
X            ex = makeexpr_long(curtokint);
X            gettok();
X            return ex;
X        case TOK_HEXLIT:
X            ex = makeexpr_long(curtokint);
X            insertarg(&ex, 0, makeexpr_name("%#lx", tp_integer));
X            gettok();
X            return ex;
X        case TOK_OCTLIT:
X            ex = makeexpr_long(curtokint);
X            insertarg(&ex, 0, makeexpr_name("%#lo", tp_integer));
X            gettok();
X            return ex;
X        case TOK_MININT:
X	    strcat(curtokbuf, ".0");
X	/* fall through */
X        case TOK_REALLIT:
X            ex = makeexpr_real(curtokbuf);
X            gettok();
X            return ex;
X        case TOK_HAT:
X        case TOK_STRLIT:
X            ex = accumulate_strlit();
X            return ex;
X        case TOK_LPAR:
X            gettok();
X            ex = p_expr(target);
X            skipcloseparen();
X            return dots_n_hats(ex, target);
X        case TOK_NOT:
X            gettok();
X            ex = p_factor(tp_integer);
X            if (ord_type(ex->val.type)->kind == TK_INTEGER)
X                return makeexpr_un(EK_BNOT, tp_integer, ex);
X            else
X                return makeexpr_not(ex);
X        case TOK_ADDR:
X            gettok();
X	    if (curtok == TOK_ADDR) {
X		gettok();
X		ex = p_factor(tp_proc);
X		if (ex->val.type->kind == TK_PROCPTR && ex->kind == EK_COMMA)
X		    return grabarg(grabarg(grabarg(ex, 0), 1), 0);
X		if (ex->val.type->kind != TK_CPROCPTR)
X		    warning("@@ allowed only for procedure pointers [302]");
X		return makeexpr_addrf(ex);
X	    }
X            if (curtok == TOK_IDENT && 0 &&  /***/
X                curtokmeaning && (curtokmeaning->kind == MK_FUNCTION ||
X                                  curtokmeaning->kind == MK_SPECIAL)) {
X                if (curtokmeaning->ctx == nullctx)
X                    warning(format_s("Can't take address of predefined object %s [303]",
X                                     curtokmeaning->name));
X                ex = makeexpr_name(curtokmeaning->name, tp_anyptr);
X                gettok();
X            } else {
X		ex = p_factor(tp_proc);
X		if (ex->val.type->kind == TK_PROCPTR) {
X		  /*  ex = makeexpr_dotq(ex, "proc", tp_anyptr);  */
X		} else if (ex->val.type->kind == TK_CPROCPTR) {
X		    ex = makeexpr_cast(ex, tp_anyptr);
X		} else
X		    ex = makeexpr_addrf(ex);
X            }
X            return ex;
X        case TOK_LBR:
X            return p_setfactor(NULL);
X        case TOK_NIL:
X            gettok();
X            return makeexpr_nil();
X	case TOK_IF:    /* nifty Pascal extension */
X	    gettok();
X	    ex = p_expr(tp_boolean);
X	    wneedtok(TOK_THEN);
X	    ex2 = p_expr(tp_integer);
X	    if (wneedtok(TOK_ELSE))
X		return makeexpr_cond(ex, ex2, p_factor(ex2->val.type));
X	    else
X		return makeexpr_cond(ex, ex2, makeexpr_long(0));
X        case TOK_IDENT:
X            mp = curtokmeaning;
X            switch ((mp) ? mp->kind : MK_VAR) {
X                case MK_TYPE:
X                    gettok();
X                    type = mp->type;
X                    switch (curtok) {
X                        case TOK_LPAR:    /* Turbo type cast */
X                            gettok();
X                            ex2 = p_expr(type);
X			    ex = pascaltypecast(type, ex2);
X                            skipcloseparen();
X                            return dots_n_hats(ex, target);
X                        case TOK_LBR:
X			case TOK_LBRACE:
X                            switch (type->kind) {
X                                case TK_SET:
X                                case TK_SMALLSET:
X                                    return p_setfactor(type->indextype);
X                                case TK_RECORD:
X                                    return p_constrecord(type, 0);
X                                case TK_ARRAY:
X                                case TK_SMALLARRAY:
X                                    return p_constarray(type, 0);
X                                case TK_STRING:
X                                    return p_conststring(type, 0);
X                                default:
X                                    warning("Bad type for constructor [304]");
X				    skipparens();
X				    return makeexpr_name(mp->name, mp->type);
X                            }
X			default:
X			    wexpected("an expression");
X			    return makeexpr_name(mp->name, mp->type);
X                    }
X                case MK_SPECIAL:
X                    if (mp->handler && mp->isfunction &&
X			(curtok == TOK_LPAR || !target ||
X			 (target->kind != TK_PROCPTR &&
X			  target->kind != TK_CPROCPTR))) {
X                        gettok();
X                        if ((mp->sym->flags & LEAVEALONE) || mp->constdefn) {
X                            ex = makeexpr_bicall_0(mp->name, tp_integer);
X                            if (curtok == TOK_LPAR) {
X                                do {
X                                    gettok();
X                                    insertarg(&ex, ex->nargs, p_expr(NULL));
X                                } while (curtok == TOK_COMMA);
X                                skipcloseparen();
X                            }
X                            tryfuncmacro(&ex, mp);
X			    return ex;
X                        }
X                        ex = (*mp->handler)(mp);
X			if (!ex)
X			    ex = makeexpr_long(0);
X			return ex;
X                    } else {
X			if (target->kind == TK_PROCPTR ||
X			    target->kind == TK_CPROCPTR)
X			    note("Using a built-in procedure as a procedure pointer [316]");
X                        else
X			    symclass(curtoksym);
X                        gettok();
X                        return makeexpr_name(mp->name, tp_integer);
X                    }
X                case MK_FUNCTION:
X                    mp->refcount++;
X                    need_forward_decl(mp);
X		    gettok();
X                    if (mp->isfunction &&
X			(curtok == TOK_LPAR || !target ||
X			 (target->kind != TK_PROCPTR &&
X			  target->kind != TK_CPROCPTR))) {
X                        ex = p_funccall(mp);
X                        if (!mp->constdefn) {
X                            if (mp->handler && !(mp->sym->flags & LEAVEALONE))
X                                ex = (*mp->handler)(ex);
X			}
X			if (mp->cbase->kind == MK_VARPARAM) {
X			    ex = makeexpr_hat(ex, 0);    /* returns pointer to structured result */
X                        }
X                        return dots_n_hats(ex, target);
X                    } else {
X			if (mp->handler && !(mp->sym->flags & LEAVEALONE))
X			    note("Using a built-in procedure as a procedure pointer [316]");
X			if (target && target->kind == TK_CPROCPTR) {
X			    type = maketype(TK_CPROCPTR);
X			    type->basetype = mp->type;
X			    type->escale = 0;
X			    mp2 = makestmttempvar(type, name_TEMP);
X			    ex = makeexpr_comma(
X                                    makeexpr_assign(
X                                       makeexpr_var(mp2),
X				       makeexpr_name(mp->name, tp_text)),
X				    makeexpr_var(mp2));
X			    if (mp->ctx->kind == MK_FUNCTION)
X				warning("Procedure pointer to nested procedure [305]");
X			} else {
X			    type = maketype(TK_PROCPTR);
X			    type->basetype = mp->type;
X			    type->escale = 1;
X			    mp2 = makestmttempvar(type, name_TEMP);
X			    ex = makeexpr_comma(
X                                    makeexpr_comma(
X                                       makeexpr_assign(
X                                          makeexpr_dotq(makeexpr_var(mp2),
X							"proc",
X							tp_anyptr),
X					  makeexpr_name(mp->name, tp_text)),
X                                          /* handy pointer type */
X				       makeexpr_assign(
X                                          makeexpr_dotq(makeexpr_var(mp2),
X							"link",
X							tp_anyptr),
X				          makeexpr_ctx(mp->ctx))),
X				    makeexpr_var(mp2));
X			}
X                        return ex;
X                    }
X                default:
X                    return p_variable(target);
X            }
X	default:
X	    wexpected("an expression");
X	    return makeexpr_long(0);
X    }
XStatic Expr *p_powterm(target)
XType *target;
X    Expr *ex = p_factor(target);
X    Expr *ex2;
X    int i, castit;
X    long v;
X    if (curtok == TOK_STARSTAR) {
X	gettok();
X	ex2 = p_powterm(target);
X	if (ex->val.type->kind == TK_REAL ||
X	    ex2->val.type->kind == TK_REAL) {
X	    if (checkconst(ex2, 2)) {
X		ex = makeexpr_sqr(ex, 0);
X	    } else if (checkconst(ex2, 3)) {
X		ex = makeexpr_sqr(ex, 1);
X	    } else {
X		castit = castargs >= 0 ? castargs : (prototypes == 0);
X		if (ex->val.type->kind != TK_REAL && castit)
X		    ex = makeexpr_cast(ex, tp_longreal);
X		if (ex2->val.type->kind != TK_REAL && castit)
X		    ex2 = makeexpr_cast(ex2, tp_longreal);
X		ex = makeexpr_bicall_2("pow", tp_longreal, ex, ex2);
X	    }
X	} else if (checkconst(ex, 2)) {
X	    freeexpr(ex);
X	    ex = makeexpr_bin(EK_LSH, tp_integer,
X			      makeexpr_longcast(makeexpr_long(1), 1), ex2);
X	} else if (checkconst(ex, 0) ||
X		   checkconst(ex, 1) ||
X		   checkconst(ex2, 1)) {
X	    freeexpr(ex2);
X	} else if (checkconst(ex2, 0)) {
X	    freeexpr(ex);
X	    freeexpr(ex2);
X	    ex = makeexpr_long(1);
X	} else if (isliteralconst(ex, NULL) == 2 &&
X		   isliteralconst(ex2, NULL) == 2 &&
X		   ex2->val.i > 0) {
X	    v = ex->val.i;
X	    i = ex2->val.i;
X	    while (--i > 0)
X		v *= ex->val.i;
X	    freeexpr(ex);
X	    freeexpr(ex2);
X	    ex = makeexpr_long(v);
X	} else if (checkconst(ex2, 2)) {
X	    ex = makeexpr_sqr(ex, 0);
X	} else if (checkconst(ex2, 3)) {
X	    ex = makeexpr_sqr(ex, 1);
X	} else {
X	    ex = makeexpr_bicall_2("ipow", tp_integer,
X				   makeexpr_arglong(ex, 1),
X				   makeexpr_arglong(ex2, 1));
X	}
X    }
X    return ex;
XStatic Expr *p_term(target)
XType *target;
X    Expr *ex = p_powterm(target);
X    Expr *ex2;
X    Type *type;
X    Meaning *tvar;
X    int useshort;
X    for (;;) {
X	checkkeyword(TOK_SHL);
X	checkkeyword(TOK_SHR);
X	checkkeyword(TOK_REM);
X        switch (curtok) {
X            case TOK_STAR:
X                gettok();
X                if (ex->val.type->kind == TK_SET ||
X                    ex->val.type->kind == TK_SMALLSET) {
X                    ex2 = p_powterm(ex->val.type);
X                    type = mixsets(&ex, &ex2);
X                    if (type->kind == TK_SMALLSET) {
X                        ex = makeexpr_bin(EK_BAND, type, ex, ex2);
X                    } else {
X                        tvar = makestmttempvar(type, name_SET);
X                        ex = makeexpr_bicall_3(setintname, type,
X                                               makeexpr_var(tvar),
X                                               ex, ex2);
X                    }
X                } else
X                    ex = makeexpr_times(ex, p_powterm(tp_integer));
X                break;
X            case TOK_SLASH:
X                gettok();
X                if (ex->val.type->kind == TK_SET ||
X                    ex->val.type->kind == TK_SMALLSET) {
X                    ex2 = p_powterm(ex->val.type);
X                    type = mixsets(&ex, &ex2);
X                    if (type->kind == TK_SMALLSET) {
X                        ex = makeexpr_bin(EK_BXOR, type, ex, ex2);
X                    } else {
X                        tvar = makestmttempvar(type, name_SET);
X                        ex = makeexpr_bicall_3(setxorname, type,
X                                               makeexpr_var(tvar),
X                                               ex, ex2);
X                    }
X		} else
X		    ex = makeexpr_divide(ex, p_powterm(tp_integer));
X                break;
X            case TOK_DIV:
X                gettok();
X                ex = makeexpr_div(ex, p_powterm(tp_integer));
X                break;
X            case TOK_REM:
X                gettok();
X                ex = makeexpr_rem(ex, p_powterm(tp_integer));
X                break;
X            case TOK_MOD:
X                gettok();
X                ex = makeexpr_mod(ex, p_powterm(tp_integer));
X                break;
X            case TOK_AND:
X	    case TOK_AMP:
X		useshort = (curtok == TOK_AMP);
X                gettok();
X                ex2 = p_powterm(tp_integer);
X                if (ord_type(ex->val.type)->kind == TK_INTEGER)
X                    ex = makeexpr_bin(EK_BAND, ex->val.type, ex, ex2);
X                else if (partial_eval_flag || useshort ||
X                         (shortopt && nosideeffects(ex2, 1)))
X                    ex = makeexpr_and(ex, ex2);
X                else
X                    ex = makeexpr_bin(EK_BAND, tp_boolean, ex, ex2);
X                break;
X            case TOK_SHL:
X                gettok();
X                ex = makeexpr_bin(EK_LSH, ex->val.type, ex, p_powterm(tp_integer));
X                break;
X            case TOK_SHR:
X                gettok();
X                ex = force_unsigned(ex);
X                ex = makeexpr_bin(EK_RSH, ex->val.type, ex, p_powterm(tp_integer));
X                break;
X            default:
X                return ex;
X        }
X    }
XStatic Expr *p_sexpr(target)
XType *target;
X    Expr *ex, *ex2;
X    Type *type;
X    Meaning *tvar;
X    int useshort;
X    switch (curtok) {
X        case TOK_MINUS:
X            gettok();
X            if (curtok == TOK_MININT) {
X                gettok();
X                ex = makeexpr_long(MININT);
X		break;
X            }
X            ex = makeexpr_neg(p_term(target));
X            break;
X        case TOK_PLUS:
X            gettok();
X        /* fall through */
X        default:
X            ex = p_term(target);
X            break;
X    }
X    if (curtok == TOK_PLUS &&
X        (ex->val.type->kind == TK_STRING ||
X         ord_type(ex->val.type)->kind == TK_CHAR ||
X         ex->val.type->kind == TK_ARRAY)) {
X        while (curtok == TOK_PLUS) {
X            gettok();
X            ex = makeexpr_concat(ex, p_term(NULL), 0);
X        }
X        return ex;
X    } else {
X        for (;;) {
X	    checkkeyword(TOK_XOR);
X            switch (curtok) {
X                case TOK_PLUS:
X                    gettok();
X                    if (ex->val.type->kind == TK_SET ||
X                        ex->val.type->kind == TK_SMALLSET) {
X                        ex2 = p_term(ex->val.type);
X                        type = mixsets(&ex, &ex2);
X                        if (type->kind == TK_SMALLSET) {
X                            ex = makeexpr_bin(EK_BOR, type, ex, ex2);
X                        } else {
X                            tvar = makestmttempvar(type, name_SET);
X                            ex = makeexpr_bicall_3(setunionname, type,
X                                                   makeexpr_var(tvar),
X                                                   ex, ex2);
X                        }
X                    } else
X                        ex = makeexpr_plus(ex, p_term(tp_integer));
X                    break;
X                case TOK_MINUS:
X                    gettok();
X                    if (ex->val.type->kind == TK_SET ||
X                        ex->val.type->kind == TK_SMALLSET) {
X                        ex2 = p_term(tp_integer);
X                        type = mixsets(&ex, &ex2);
X                        if (type->kind == TK_SMALLSET) {
X                            ex = makeexpr_bin(EK_BAND, type, ex,
X                                              makeexpr_un(EK_BNOT, type, ex2));
X                        } else {
X                            tvar = makestmttempvar(type, name_SET);
X                            ex = makeexpr_bicall_3(setdiffname, type,
X                                                   makeexpr_var(tvar), ex, ex2);
X                        }
X                    } else
X                        ex = makeexpr_minus(ex, p_term(tp_integer));
X                    break;
X		case TOK_VBAR:
X		    if (modula2)
X			return ex;
X		    /* fall through */
X                case TOK_OR:
X		    useshort = (curtok == TOK_VBAR);
X                    gettok();
X                    ex2 = p_term(tp_integer);
X                    if (ord_type(ex->val.type)->kind == TK_INTEGER)
X                        ex = makeexpr_bin(EK_BOR, ex->val.type, ex, ex2);
X                    else if (partial_eval_flag || useshort ||
X                             (shortopt && nosideeffects(ex2, 1)))
X                        ex = makeexpr_or(ex, ex2);
X                    else
X                        ex = makeexpr_bin(EK_BOR, tp_boolean, ex, ex2);
X                    break;
X                case TOK_XOR:
X                    gettok();
X                    ex2 = p_term(tp_integer);
X                    ex = makeexpr_bin(EK_BXOR, ex->val.type, ex, ex2);
X                    break;
X                default:
X                    return ex;
X            }
X        }
X    }
XExpr *p_expr(target)
XType *target;
X    Expr *ex = p_sexpr(target);
X    Expr *ex2, *ex3, *ex4;
X    Type *type;
X    Meaning *tvar;
X    long mask, smin, smax;
X    int i, j;
X    switch (curtok) {
X        case TOK_EQ:
X            gettok();
X            return makeexpr_rel(EK_EQ, ex, p_sexpr(ex->val.type));
X        case TOK_NE:
X            gettok();
X            return makeexpr_rel(EK_NE, ex, p_sexpr(ex->val.type));
X        case TOK_LT:
X            gettok();
X            return makeexpr_rel(EK_LT, ex, p_sexpr(ex->val.type));
X        case TOK_GT:
X            gettok();
X            return makeexpr_rel(EK_GT, ex, p_sexpr(ex->val.type));
X        case TOK_LE:
X            gettok();
X            return makeexpr_rel(EK_LE, ex, p_sexpr(ex->val.type));
X        case TOK_GE:
X            gettok();
X            return makeexpr_rel(EK_GE, ex, p_sexpr(ex->val.type));
X        case TOK_IN:
X            gettok();
X            ex2 = p_sexpr(tp_smallset);
X            ex = gentle_cast(ex, ex2->val.type->indextype);
X            if (ex2->val.type->kind == TK_SMALLSET) {
X                if (!ord_range(ex->val.type, &smin, &smax)) {
X                    smin = -1;
X                    smax = setbits;
X                }
X                if (!nosideeffects(ex, 0)) {
X                    tvar = makestmttempvar(ex->val.type, name_TEMP);
X                    ex3 = makeexpr_assign(makeexpr_var(tvar), ex);
if test 48768 -ne `wc -c <'src/pexpr.c.1'`; then
    echo shar: \"'src/pexpr.c.1'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'src/pexpr.c.1'
echo shar: End of archive 23 \(of 32\).
cp /dev/null ark23isdone
for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ; do
    if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
    echo You have unpacked all 32 archives.
    echo "Now see PACKNOTES and the README"
    rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
    echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
    echo "        " ${MISSING}
##  End of shell archive.
exit 0
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