Order of Evaluation (plus ?'s)

Kirk Bailey bailey at jacobs.CS.ORST.EDU
Sat Nov 18 21:12:29 AEST 1989

I'm curious about the fate of the changed floating point evaluation
constraints which were a part of some of the intermediate dpANSI "C" documents;
the idea being that the programmer could be assured of a fixed evaluation
order without requiring the use of temps.  The current doc's I have seem to
no longer mention this (or the synchronization aspect of unary '+')?

On an unrelated front:  Is it conforming practice to cast the value returned
from a function call to void when the function returns a struct or union?
Granted that a nice compiler will allow this, I can't find anything explicit
about it in the std...

Does any system have public ftp access to an archive of this group (for offline
grepping about these sorts of questions)?


		Kirk Bailey (bailey at mist.cs.orst.edu)

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