gcc and NULL function pointers.

Steve Summit scs at adam.mit.edu
Thu Jun 20 04:24:20 AEST 1991

In article <FISCHER.91Jun18210809 at cauchy.iesd.auc.dk> fischer at iesd.auc.dk (Lars P. Fischer) writes:
>Oh, no, no, no. The NULL pointer war hits comp.std.c. Next thing we'll
>have a FAQ and Chris Torek will have to explain how to deal with NULL
>pointers once a month and ....

I share Lars's disgust.  Mark Brader has suggested that I try
posting a copy of the comp.lang.c FAQ list here in comp.std.c, at
least on a trial basis.  I'd rather not clutter this group with
it, but of course I'd also rather not see this group get mired in
the same old tired inanities.

If I post it at all, I will probably post only the abridged
version (~650 lines), once a month.  Please mail me your comments
on this suggestion.

                                            Steve Summit
                                            scs at adam.mit.edu

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