H&S III strcat() wrong?

Doug Gwyn gwyn at smoke.brl.mil
Thu Mar 21 07:59:03 AEST 1991

In article <5075771f.20b6d at apollo.HP.COM> vinoski at apollo.HP.COM (Stephen Vinoski) writes:
>Since the return value does not point to the beginning of the original s1, is
>this implementation standard-conforming?

Obviously you know the answer to that..

>Does anybody actually proofread technical books before publishing them ...

"Proofreading" is not the right term for what you are concerned about.
"Reviewing" would be more accurate.  Yes, technical books are generally
reviewed; however, the reviewers can make mistakes too, and even if they
don't, due to the iterative editing of the manuscript mistakes can occur.

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