qfork() (The Spawn of spawn())

Loren L. Hart loren at Eng.Sun.COM
Sat Jan 5 11:43:08 AEST 1991

Submitted-by: loren at Eng.Sun.COM (Loren L. Hart)

In article <16478 at cs.utexas.edu> guido at cwi.nl (Guido van Rossum) writes:
>Submitted-by: guido at cwi.nl (Guido van Rossum)
>peter at ficc.ferranti.com (Peter da Silva) writes:
>>Yes, fork() is a cleaner method of creating new processes. Yes, it takes
>>a fairly complex calling sequence to get spawn() to have anything like
>>the functionality of fork()...exec(). But I think it'd be worthwhile to
>>let a little heresy in in exchange for making POSIX more palatable to
>>folks in poorer environments.
>I know of precedents even in OS'es that support fork(): Amoeba and
>Topaz support a variant of what you call spawn().  (Note that the
>spawn() functions found in Microsoft C for MS-DOS emulate either just
>exec() or fork()+exec()+wait(), which is much less powerful, but
>all that MS-DOS can support (last time I looked).)

The Ada POSIX Draft currently has some sort of spawn command, since
fork is not necessicarily safe with respect to Ada Tasks.  I don't rember
the specific routine, but it is likely to go through some change before
the Ada version of the standard is finalized.  I would hope that this 
spawn capability will be merged back into the 1003.1 standard at some
point in the future.

Mr. Loren L. Hart
The Ada Ace Group, Inc.
PO Box 36195
San Jose, CA  95158
loren at cup.portal.com

Loren L. Hart			The Ada Ace Group, Inc
loren at cup.portal.com		P.O. Box 36195
				San Jose, CA  95158

Volume-Number: Volume 22, Number 62

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