how to set process group on socket

Dave Decot decot at
Sat Mar 16 11:16:31 AEST 1991

Submitted-by: decot at (Dave Decot)

> 	ioctl(fd, SIOCSPGRP, &pid);
> That is, in a POSIX environment, how does one set the process-group ID
> of processes that will receive SIGIO and SIGURG signals associated with
> a particular file-descriptor (which, incidentally, is a socket) to the PID
> of the current process.

POSIX.1 has no such signals SIGIO or SIGURG, nor any sockets, nor do
any of the current drafts of other POSIX standards.

The current POSIX.4 draft describes ways to signal asynchronous I/O
completion, but the signals currently go only to the process that
started the I/O.

Dave Decot

Volume-Number: Volume 23, Number 15

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