GCC on the Unix PC

bob pasken pasken at slu70.UUCP
Sun May 1 15:23:32 AEST 1988

I have a number of postings on the availability of the GNU C compiler for
the Unix PC. I have just a few questions. The 3.51 compiler seems to limit
you to 64k when using automatic variables, but up about 3.5 meg when using
statics. Does GCC remove this limitation or is it something inherent in
the memory management of the 7300 ? Can someone send me via U.S. Snail a
copy of GCC on floppies ? (I cann't afford the phone bills) ?

In a similar vein what else is available for the 7300 from the GNU project ?
I have on our Cadmus Gnumacs and gdb. Is there a GNU fortran ??

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