6386 <-> 3B1 floppy compatibility?

01435-W.HYLAND wmh at mtuxo.UUCP
Sat May 21 04:56:11 AEST 1988

AT&T's 386 UNIX System V Release 3.1 includes an undocumented and unsupported
utility which enables the 386 UNIX System to read UNIX PC/3B1 floppies.

Files copied to disk on the UNIX PC as such:

find .-print | cpio -ocB > /dev/rfp021

may be read into the 386 UNIX System by the following command:

/etc/.cpiopc -icxBd

6300 PLUS UNIX users may recognize this command as cpiopc. It works the same
way and, quite naturally, is also useful in trasnferring from the PLUS to the
6386 WGS.

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