using 6300+ as a terminal

Andy Golding golding at Shasta.STANFORD.EDU
Tue May 10 05:39:08 AEST 1988

Despite the variety of ways of using the 6300+ as a terminal to
log into other systems, I have been unable to do so satisfactorily.
Most MS-DOS programs (em4410, Terminal in Microsoft Windows,
ansi.sys, Wordstar 2000) don't seem to emulate enough vt100
commands to be useful (e.g. they can't change the scrolling
region, pretty well crippling Emacs).  I have had better
luck with Softcall, but there's still the problem that
the PC interprets ^S and ^Q as flow control, again interfering
with Emacs.  Is there any way to get the PC to stop trapping
these characters?  I am also open to suggestions for better
ways to do terminal emulation within DOS (e.g. can I write my
own ansi.sys?).


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