Status of IDT?

Paul Palacios paul at elgar.UUCP
Wed Oct 12 07:55:58 AEST 1988

In article <961 at naucse.UUCP> sbw at naucse.UUCP (Steve Wampler) writes:
>What is the status of the 3b1 SCSI card previously announced by IDT?
>It seems to me that the last release date I saw was the end of

Yup, first August, then September, and then late October, now...

I called IDT this morning (Tues Oct 11) and spoke with a man by the
name of Mike Stein (hope I spelled that correctly) that works closely
with Matt Marshall (a man you are probably already familiar with, if
you've spoken to IDT regarding this issue).  He basically said that a
current video project for the mac had taken presidence, causing the
development on the 3b1 SCSI card to slow down.  This I could have
lived with, but he also went on to say that sometime in the next
couple of weeks that there will be some sort of meeting that a
corporate decision will be made of whether or not to "shelf" the 3b1
SCSI project until other products (ie. for the mac -- due to a larger
market) are finished.

When I asked Mr. Stein if the decision was not to "shelf" the
product, is there another estimated release date or if he had any idea
of such a date, he basically said that there was none.

There's one thing I'd like to ask to any other developers out there:

	Does anyone of you see the market here for such products as
	this SCSI card, and if you do, wouldn't you like to cash in on
	it?    :+)

>If it's out, does anyone know what tape and disk drives work with it?

I'm not aware of what was projected to be supported, but it might not
matter if it never gets released.  Sorry.

                <This space was left blank intentionally>
Paul Palacios     UUCP: {cbosgd, hplabs!hp-sdd, sdcsvax, nosc}!crash!boop!paul
P.O. Box 842            ucsd!elgar!boop!paul           INET: paul at
Bonita, CA 92002  ARPA: crash!boop!paul at        ORG: The C-Group
U.S.A.           VOICE: +1 (619) 420-5776

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