my ROOT is DEAD ! What am I going to do ?!

Robert E. Stampfli res at
Sun Sep 23 13:06:39 AEST 1990

> > /bin/rootsh is a shell script which make an echo to warn
> > that you are super-user and make /bin/ksh
> > /bin/rootsh has the following access rights -rwx------ root users
> The shell script is your problem.  If you aren't running 'sh' or 'ksh', whats
> going to run your shell script?  What you need is a 'C' program!  Try this
> one.		...

There is still a subtle problem.  You may get this to appear to work, but
it is still a "non-standard shell" to su.  When cron goes to run a job as
root -- I bet you have plenty of "su root -c" or "su root %" lines in
/usr/lib/crontab -- it will fail with "Non-standard shell - denied".

The same holds true for anyone thinking of making /bin/ksh your standard root
shell.  Root is one account best left alone.
Rob Stampfli	/!stampfli (uucp at work) / kd8wk at w8cqk (packet radio)
614-864-9377	/!kd8wk!res (uucp at home)

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