Unix pc sluggishness when switching windows

Thaddeus P. Floryan thad at public.BTR.COM
Wed Feb 6 23:07:17 AEST 1991

In article <979 at gnosys.svle.ma.us> gst at gnosys.svle.ma.us (Gary S. Trujillo)
>Yup.  It's a memory leak of some sort in the window manager.  Do a "ps -el"
>and take a look at the memory size numbers |
>                                           v
>     1 S     0 17268     1  3  27 20 14d 18: 13   5af68  w4  2:36 wmgr
>I just killed and restarted wmgr recently, so not much memory has been
>consumed so far (I've seen the first number as high as 80 or 90).  Let's
>see what I get if I kill and restart wmgr again:
>     1 S     0 20490     1  6  27 20 1e5  6: 12   5af68  w4  0:04 wmgr

Weird.  What is it that you're doing such that the wmgr uses so much time?
Reason I ask is that my "main" system has been up nearly 3 months continuously,
is used extremely heavily by multiple users, and shows nothing like what you
describe; has 3.5MB RAM, running 3.51,, and the load is 0.03 with:

thadlabs ksh 24989/24990> date
Wed Feb  6 03:53:59 PST 1991
thadlabs ksh 24989/24990> uptime
up 86 days 0:17:52   booted Mon Nov 12 03:36:12 1990
thadlabs ksh 24989/24990> who -b
   .       system boot  Nov 12 03:44
thadlabs ksh 24989/24990> ps -el
  3 S     0     0     0255   0 20  53  0:  0   251bc   ? 120354:56 swapper
  1 S     0     1     0  3  49 20  56  6:  9   70900   ?  7:37 init
  3 S     0     2     0  3   1 20  54 48:  0   4a1e0   ?  0:05 pagedaemon
  3 S     0     3     0  3   3 20  55  0:  0   59770   ? 144:20 windaemon
  1 S   102 19821     1  3  27 20 218 27:  5   5ae78  w1  0:07 ksh
  1 S     0 22461     1  3  27 20 219  6: 10   1d920   ?  0:01 uugetty
  1 S     0   183     1  3  27 20 1ba  6:  0   5ca14 001  0:01 uugetty
  1 S    99 24989   204  3  40 20 36a  3:  0   4a410  p0  0:00 sl
  1 S   102 24990 24989250  40 20 1e2 28:  6   4a480  p0  3:21 ksh
  1 S     0   117     1  3  26 20  fe 10:  0  35ef5a   ?  0:00 telnetd
  1 S     0    97     1  3  28 20 10d  5:  0  330194   ?  0:00 rasdaemo
  1 S     0   119     1  3  26 20 10f 16:  0  35ed5a   ?  0:00 ftpd
  1 S     0   121     1  3  26 20 13b 10:  5  35ea2e   ? 47:45 rwhod
  1 S     0   123     1  3  26 20 147 12:  0  35ebda   ?  0:00 fingerd
  1 S     0 18401     1  3  27 20 1c6  6:  9   5cb0e   ?  0:00 uugetty
  1 S     0   159     1  3  27 20 172 50: 21   5af18  w3  6:02 ph
  1 S     0   166     1  3  27 20 186  5:  0   5af68  w4  0:08 wmgr
  1 S     0   172     1  3  49 20 18e 20: 12   1eeec  w5 151:26 smgr
  1 S     0   184     1  3  27 20 1a3  6:  0   5ca6e   ?  0:00 uugetty
  1 S     0   179     1  4  49 20 1b3  4:  5   70900   ?  6:58 loadavgd
  1 R   102 22470 24990 88  82 20 16d  7: 10          p0  0:03 ps
  1 S    71 17314     1  3  26 20 31c  8: 10   4034e   ?  0:03 lpsched
  1 S   102 29446     1  3  49 25 162  4:  8   70900  w1 227:33 sysinfo
  1 S    99   204     1  3  26 20 1f7 11: 10   4ab15   ?  0:03 listen
  1 S   102 19831     1  3  49 25 1a9  4:  9   70900  w1 40:10 sysinfo
  1 S     0 24248     1  3  26 20 28f 10:  0  35e05a   ?  0:00 rexecd
  1 S     0 24259     1  3  26 20 319 10:  0  35de5a   ?  0:00 rlogind
  1 S     0 24337     1  3  26 20 138 10:  4  35da5a   ?  0:00 rshd
thadlabs ksh 24989/24990> ps -ef
   root     0     0255  Nov 12    ? 120355:02 swapper
   root     1     0  3  Nov 12    ?  7:37 init
   root     2     0  3  Nov 12    ?  0:05 pagedaemon
   root     3     0  3  Nov 12    ? 144:20 windaemon
   thad 19821     1  3  Feb  4   w1  0:07 ksh
   root 22461     1  3 03:50:16   ?  0:01 uugetty
   root   183     1  3  Nov 12  001  0:01 uugetty
 listen 24989   204  3  Jan  9   p0  0:00 sl
   thad 24990 24989 10  Jan  9   p0  3:21 ksh
   root   117     1  3  Nov 12    ?  0:00 telnetd
   root    97     1  3  Nov 12    ?  0:00 rasdaemon
   root   119     1  3  Nov 12    ?  0:00 ftpd
   root   121     1  3  Nov 12    ? 47:45 rwhod
   root   123     1  3  Nov 12    ?  0:00 fingerd
   root 18401     1  3  Feb  3    ?  0:00 uugetty
   root   159     1  3  Nov 12   w3  6:02 ph
   root   166     1  3  Nov 12   w4  0:08 wmgr
   root   172     1  3  Nov 12   w5 151:26 smgr
   root   184     1  3  Nov 12    ?  0:00 uugetty
   root   179     1  3  Nov 12    ?  6:58 loadavgd
   thad 22471 24990181 03:54:33  p0  0:03 ps
     lp 17314     1  3  Jan  1    ?  0:03 lpsched
   thad 29446     1  6  Jan 14   w1 227:33 sysinfo
 listen   204     1  3  Nov 12    ?  0:03 listen
   thad 19831     1  6  Feb  4   w1 40:11 sysinfo
   root 24248     1  3  Jan  9    ?  0:00 rexecd
   root 24259     1  3  Jan  9    ?  0:00 rlogind
   root 24337     1  3  Jan  9    ?  0:00 rshd

Thad Floryan [ thad at btr.com (OR) {decwrl, mips, fernwood}!btr!thad ]

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