shared libraries on Pyramid 9820 OSx4.1

Craig Alan Levin cal at pyrtech
Thu Apr 14 10:26:54 AEST 1988

I have resisted posting to this forum for so long, but since I am
going away for a while, I guess it is okay.  At least I will not be
here to read the flak.

In article <Apr. at> hedrick at (Charles Hedrick) writes:
>As far as we can tell, OSx 4.1 is SVr2.  However it adds those SVr3
>extensions that are likely to affect the ability to import application
>code.  A full SVr3 port is quite an undertaking, and apparently they
>haven't had time to get it finished.  OSx 4.1 is a compromise,
>intended to provide maximum compatibility at the application level,
>but to omit the things that are hairy to implement.  

If you read your OSx 4.0 Release Bulletin (page 1-1) it tells you that:

	OSx 4.0 conforms to the Base System and Kernel Extension
	portions of AT&T's System V Interface Definition (SVID), Volume
	3.  These portions of the SVID include both kernel and library

The utilities of SVR3.1 have not been finished being ported.  When a
problem is found with a ATT universe utility, the first thing
Sustaining Engineering (the bug fix folks in Field Engineering) do is
check whether it is fixed in SVR3.1.  If so, we do a 3 way compare of
current product with it's ATT origin and SVR3.1, then determine if it
is expedient to repair the problem or use the new merged code.  If the
latter is done, your PTFs are SVR3.1 code and the new code is released
in the next available OSx release.

In concert with the above, there is an R&D project to complete the
port of all SVR3.1 utilities, but the whole Pyramid Software R&D group
is smaller than the number of people at AT&T that work full time on
just utilities.

If there are specific problems that you may be having with any
utilities, RTOC or pyrtech!bugs is the place to contact.  This forum
is fine for letting off steam, but will not generate any solutions.

	Departure 4/15/88				     / | \
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Plan:	Head out the Golden Gate and			   /   |   \
	turn left to a warmer climate.			  /    |    \
							 /     |     \

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