csh with filename completion.

Sir Hoyt hoyt at polyslo.CalPoly.EDU
Wed May 10 22:53:38 AEST 1989

In article <69591 at pyramid.pyramid.com> csg at pyramid.pyramid.com (Carl S. Gutekunst) writes:
>There was some discussion of porting the 4.3BSD csh for OSx 5.0, but it
>suffers from some portability problems (read: it's VAX dependent), and it

	Hum, well we here at CalPoly took the 4.3BSD csh off the
	distro tape and compiled, seems to work fine.  
	We did this to add Ohio-States patches that make it
	'tcsh' ( Which is a much improved version then Pyramid's ).

>Anyone know of any functionality in the 4.3BSD csh that isn't in tcsh?

	That depends what 'tcsh' you are talking about.  I for
	one am hook on the tcsh from Ohio-State.  The two big 
	reason are: command line editing ( emacs style ) and improved 
	command line history.  Other then that it is pretty much


John H. Pochmara				 A career is great, 
UUCP: {csun,voder,trwind}!polyslo!hoyt		 But you can't run your 
Internet: hoyt at polyslo.CalPoly.EDU		 fingers through its hair
							-Graffiti 4/13/83

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