Personal Iris single user boot

Ian S. Small ian at
Fri Feb 10 18:18:31 AEST 1989

We have a Personal Iris which we are trying to set up to run NFS.
This is not a particular problem - we managed it a couple of days
ago before our power supply blew up...

But when we re-installed it today, we didn't set things up quite right
and when we booted the machine, it went to sleep on the NFS mounts.
What we want to be able to do is boot single user so that we can
edit the fstab, then reboot and try to fix things.

Is it possible to boot a Personal Iris single user (given that it
is set up to boot multi-user through inittab or whatever), or has
this feature been automated right out of the system?  This information
will no doubt be useful as we continue trying to integrate this
beast in our Sun-ful environment.

Ian S. Small (416) 978-6619       Dynamic Graphics Project
				  Computer Systems Research Institute
BITNET:      ian at dgp.utoronto	  University of Toronto
EAN:         ian at dgp.toronto.cdn  Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A4
UUCP/CSNET:  ian at

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