Replacing the perspective matrix.

Thant Tessman thant at
Wed Jun 27 06:31:17 AEST 1990

In article <696 at celia.UUCP>, keith at celia.UUCP (Keith Goldfarb) writes:
> The perspective() call will load a matrix onto the transformation
> stack if in single matrix mode or replace the current projection
> matrix if in viewing mode.  The loadmatrix() call will load a
> matrix onto the transformation stack no matter what the mode.
> What I want to do is to replace the current projection matrix
> (while in viewing mode) with one of my choosing with a call
> like loadmatrix().  Does such a call exist?

I don't think switching between MPROJECTION and MVIEWING changes
the values in the matrices.  (Only going into MSINGLE does that.)
So I think you can just say:


Not having actually done this myself, I don't guarantee
the validity of this information, but I think its right.


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