How to use dialog boxes ?

Martin Roth roth at
Thu Jun 28 19:30:00 AEST 1990

Does anyone know, how I can use NeWS dialog boxes from a C programm in a
simple way ? I just search for a routine with opens up a notifier window,
displays a prompt ("Please enter a string:") and lets the user type a
line of text. After RETURN (or an ACCEPT-Button), the routine should
return and pass the string to my C program.

A call like    ask_text("Enter your Name:", string);

shold create a window like

            | Enter your Name:     |
            |                      |
            | ___________________  |
            |                      |

and pass the input back in string. It doesn't matter how it looks, if it
has an ACCEPT button or not, I just want a better way to read strings
from the user than with scanf from the tty window.

Thanks in advance.

Martin Roth, Interdisciplinary Project Center Supercomputing, Graphics
             Laboratory,  ETH Zurich, Switzerland

roth @

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