attatch a process to a "window" on startup

Rob Warnock rpw3 at
Sat May 26 11:35:08 AEST 1990

In article <420 at texhrc.UUCP> mjz at texhrc.UUCP (Michael Zeitlin) writes:
|      When I log in and the window manager starts up, how can I
|       attach a process to one of the subwindows (i.e. console)
|       and invoke it (i.e. xinit)  while maintaining the window
|       Iconic??
|       Everytime I try to do this, all windows (wsh.....) invoke the
|       command instead of just the console....
|       Is there an easy way to do this via the or

I don't know if this is what you are asking, but...

I have some small utilities I like to run at login time, and I want the
output to appear on the console window *only*, things like showing me
what I have to do today, etc. I do this by putting the following at the
end of my .login file:

# console once-only, but only if *not* called via "exporttonews"
if( ! $?ENVONLY && ("$TTY" == "/dev/console" || "$TERM" != "iris-ansi" ))then
	...stuff to be done in the console only...

The ENVONLY check keeps from confusing the NeWS server. (In fact, you should
put a test of "if (! $?ENVONLY)" around *anything* which may cause output!)

The $TTY test is obvious.

The $TERM test is because I don't want it done in other windows, but *do*
want it if I dial in, Telnet, or rlogin. (You'll need to adjust this.)

Hope this helps...


Rob Warnock, MS-9U/510		rpw3 at		rpw3 at
Silicon Graphics, Inc.		(415)335-1673		Protocol Engines, Inc.
2011 N. Shoreline Blvd.
Mountain View, CA  94039-7311

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