3.3.1 telnetd now broken for Multinet?

Kurtis MacFerrin macferrin at slsvax.harvard.edu
Tue Oct 23 08:22:36 AEST 1990

	Under 3.2.1 we connected to our iris from a VAX using VMS 4.7 and
Multinet 2.1's rlogin without incident. Now, however, under 3.3.1 the iris
either asks for a password (despite the .rhosts file entry) or hangs (hitting
the return key "wakes up" the iris in such cases, and it asks for a login
name). Does anyone else use Multinet and 3.3.1 without this problem?
	Also, the 3.3.1 release notes say that /etc/issue is printed before
each ftp, rlogin and telnet connection, but this doesn't happen for Multinet
rlogin connections (it does happen for Multinet telnet, and for Ultrix rlogins).
	Another really weird thing I've just discovered is that rlogins
from Ultrix to irix 3.3.1 insist that I don't have a password, then make me
enter my old password before I can change the password to something new. This
happens at EVERY rlogin. Anyone happily rloging from Ultrix to Irix 3.3.1?
	I'll summarize any responses I get. Thanks.

Kurtis MacFerrin	macferrin at slsvax.harvard.edu

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