software handshake question

George Elkins elkins at
Wed Oct 10 12:38:35 AEST 1990

I have a plotter which does Ack/Nak software flow control.  I
connected it to an Iris 4D 9-pin serial port and a ttyd device.  I now
can cat plotter commands from a file to the plotter, but a buffer
overflow on the plotter soon occurs at 9600 bps.

After reading the man page for stty, I tried the following (and with
F and U reversed) with no success:

nohup sleep 10000000 < /dev/ttyd3 &	# hold line open for a long time
sleep 3					# wait a few seconds
stty 9600 -parity line 1 ixon stop ^F start ^U < /dev/ttyd3

How should I properly stty the ttyd device to handle the Ack/Nak flow
control from the plotter?


George Elkins
George Elkins		elkins at

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