
Gregory D. Swedberg swed at aerospace.aero.org
Fri Oct 26 05:52:23 AEST 1990

	I have gotten both XView 1.0 and 2.0 working on the IRIS under
3.3 in the past couple weeks with the help of some patches from
someone at SGI.  X-View requires sigvec which is not supported before
IRIX 3.3. The patches I had are for 1.0 but the same basic changes work in
2.0.  Pretty much everything works except I am having problems with
pop-up menus sometimes not drawing until the curor is moved over each
item and the selected item is usually drawn with black text on a black
background.  I'm not sure if this is a general problem with XView
which I should try to fix or just a set up problem.

	Some of the patches I made to get it to work, I didn't do
cleanly with '#ifdef sgi', but I will clean that up eventually.  Also,
not being a pro with Imake I had a real problem getting the include
files to be moved correctly so I ended up changing a rule in
Imake.rules which I know is a no-no.  Anyway if you want the changes I
made I could probably generate a patch file.

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