Screen Capture Footnote

Jay G. Horowitz xxjgh at
Thu Oct 4 23:42:53 AEST 1990

WARNING to those looking towards scrsave as an answer to their screen-saving

Do not be fooled by the apparent simplicity of scrsave.c. There is an
undocumented subtlety in its usage. From our experiences it is crucial
that the code within scrsave (or user-modifications of it) not be imbedded
directly in a program that uses a graphics port. Note that scrsave runs
with noport(); winopen();. Snapshot and others that require a graphics
port to allow you do establish your capture window, eventually do a:

	system ("scrsave 0 1280 0"); /* or whatever xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax */

which spawns a new process.

I assume that doing a succesfull screen capture (i.e., capture pixel rgb
regardless whether that pixel was colormap, rgb, window border, background,
or whatever) can only be done by a process that is not tied to a particular
window. I can kind of guess why this would be so, but haven't invested
the time to really understand it. I got my application to work and quit
while I was ahead.

If the above is incorrect I would appreciate being humbled on the network
by an appropriate guru.

  Jay G. Horowitz                    "For the finest in kosher pixels!"
  NASA Lewis Research Center        
  (216) 433-5194                    xxjgh at (

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