SGI Experience - Info please

James Helman jim at baroque.Stanford.EDU
Fri Oct 5 16:09:34 AEST 1990

Historically (up to 3-4 year ago), SGI boxes have not been as network
friendly as Suns.  However, with the 4D's SGI has done quite a good
job.  We are heavily networked with yellow pages on our Suns, lots of
cross mounted filesystems (w/suns and vaxen), and X all over.  All the
important network functionality is avaialable and seems solid.
(Better in some ways than SunOS 4.0.3 whose nslookup dumps core on our
Sun-3's. :-|)

The only thing I miss is MX mail forwarding in sendmail.  Sure would
be nice though.  SGI listening?

(Actually, maybe it's already there.  IRIX's nslookup(1) has been able
to get MX forwarding info for at least a couple releases.  If it is,
would someone send me the necessary magic?)

Jim Helman
Department of Applied Physics			Durand 012
Stanford University				FAX: (415) 725-3377
(jim at 			Work: (415) 723-9127

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