GL debugger

David Mott mott at
Fri Apr 26 02:40:21 AEST 1991

Here are a few words on GLdebug, which will be available
in the 4.0 release:

GLdebug is an aid for debugging GL applications.
It outputs a trace of GL functions and parameters invoked
by the program, and performs run-time GL error checking
of parameter and state, to ensure that the GL is being
called by the application properly. It can be invoked on
any program which is linked with the shared GL library
(-lgl_s), without requiring any special recompiling or

The types of error checking it does include: making sure
the GL is in a valid state when a GL function is called
and making sure parameters are valid (e.g. check for NULL
pointers, check for values out of range. In general, check
to be sure values passed are within the defined constraints
for a function).

GLdebug includes an interactive controller for setting
breakpoints to stop execution at GL calls or at error
conditions. And it provides a stateviewer which graphically
displays the current state of the GL pipe (current color, 
current matrix, current materials bound, etc.)


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