Bitten by the mapcolor bug

Eric Pepke pepke at
Thu Apr 4 08:42:50 AEST 1991

I was bitten by the mapcolor bug today on a 4D-240 GTX.  It was in a 
routine which set a lot of colors in a tight loop.  For the first time, I 
compiled it with -O2.  This speeded up the loop just enough so that the 
mapcolor sometimes failed.

I put in a tiny delay, and everything worked fine.

If you are getting unexpected colors in color map mode, check to see if 
you are calling mapcolor too fast.

Eric Pepke                                    INTERNET: pepke at
Supercomputer Computations Research Institute MFENET:   pepke at fsu
Florida State University                      SPAN:     scri::pepke
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4052                    BITNET:   pepke at fsu

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