Halting Sun with a shell script for dumps

Richard Rodgers rodgers at maxwell.mmwb.ucsf.edu
Sat Dec 3 11:55:30 AEST 1988

>  Is there anyway to perform the following steps in a shell script from
>  crontab on a Sun 3/280s file server... 

I don't know of any way to do what you want to do without an intermediary
control file.  We have written a rather complex sh script for automating
dumps which does what you appear to want to do (as well as quite a bit
more, including handling of pre-release 4.0 NFS dumps); it is available as
part of the "System Manager's Toolkit" from the Berkeley Campus Software
Office contact Claire Ledonne (ledonne at biolet.berkeley.edu) for more
information.  Good Luck!

R. P. C. Rodgers, M.D.                  Telephone:
Statistical Mechanics of Biomolecules   (415)476-8910 (work)
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry  (415)664-0560 (home)
University of California, Box 1204      E-mail:
Laurel Heights Campus, Room 102         ARPA:   rodgers at cca.ucsf.edu
3333 California St.                             rodgers at maxwell.mmwb.ucsf.edu
San Francisco CA 94118                  BITNET: rodgers at ucsfcca
USA                                     UUCP:

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