Looking for teeny-tiny suntools font

Roy Smith roy at alanine.phri.nyu.edu
Wed Dec 27 04:24:10 AEST 1989

Does anybody have a suntools (vfont) font which will let you get 212
columns of text on the screen with a standard 1152-pixel wide display?
The smallest font I have, screen.r.7, only gets you 190 columns on a
full-screen window.  I want to be able to view the Yale Bright Star
Catalog database, which is 212 character records.  I'm not so much
concerned about being able to read it easily (even screen.r.7 is no picnic
to read) as being able to get an entire record displayed on one line
without folding or truncating.  This means each character can only be 5
pixels wide, including any inter-character spacing.

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