New Sun FPU question

Jozef Syktus at
Fri Jun 30 15:27:41 AEST 1989

I would like to know what is difference in Sun 4/280 performance betwen
old Weitek FPU and new TI FPU. Is it worth to pay 3000 USD (6000 AD) for
new FPU, considering situation where Sun 4/280 is used for real time
intensive computation ? I would like to hear from hands on experienced
person. Also did anybody out there use vector processor e.g. Skay Vortex
etc.  with Sun 4/280? How difficult is it actually to run Sun FORTRAN
program with vector processor. Does such combination improve speed
significantly?  Considering floating point and vector intensive
application how Sun 4/280 with vector processor would compare with say
Titan, Apollo 10000, Stellar, or even topend SG. Any comments and
suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

Jozef Syktus
jsyktus at
Adelaide University
Geology & Geophysics
Adelaide, 5001

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