rusers Shows Hex Value of IP Address

Michael A. Gallo gallo at
Thu Jul 26 23:28:21 AEST 1990

Recently, three new hosts were added to our local Ethernet.  Whenever I
execute rusers on my SPARC machine or other Unix boxes these hosts are
listed by the hex value of their IP address rather than their host name.
The etc/hosts file is current, the /usr/hosts directory is current, and
the yp hosts map is current on all machines on the Ethernet.  The machine
that is running named (a MicroVAX II running Ultrix/DECnet) has also been
updated with the correct information about these new hosts.  I can ping
them, mail to them, receive mail from them, ftp and telnet to/from them
using their host name.  The new hosts are Sun machines: one is a 386i, one
is a SPARC 1+, and one is a 3/50 diskless client.  Oddly enough, when I am
logged into the server for the diskless client (or on any of the other
diskless clients being served by this server) rusers does display the host
name of the new disklesss client.  It does not however display the host
name of the two other new hosts.  What am I overlooking?  Where does
rusers receive its information?  I know that the rwhod gets host
information via the gethostname system call, but what about the rusersd?

Mike Gallo
Florida Institute of Technology
Melbourne, FL 32901
407/768-8000 x7551
gallo at

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