Double-high vs Triple-high VME slots

Patrick Goebel lindy!romeo at
Fri Mar 2 17:04:32 AEST 1990

The SPARCseries 300 machines come equipped with both "double-high (6U)"
and "triple-high (9U)" VME slots.  In the latest Catalyst catalog, a great
many 3rd party VME hardware products require a "double-WIDTH to
triple-WIDTH VME adapter board".

Q1.  Are "double-HIGH" and "double-WIDTH" synonymous?  Likewise for
     "triple-HIGH" and "triple-WIDTH"?

Q2.  Does the Catalyst requirement mean that 
     (a) the 3rd party product is equipped with a double-width interface that
         needs to be adapted to a triple-high VME bus on the Sun, or
     (b) the other way around?

Q3.  If the answer to Q2 is (a), does this mean that such a product would
     connect directly (i.e. without an adapter) to a double-high VME slot on
     the Sun?  Likewise if the answer to Q2 is (b)?

I promise my first-born child to anyone with the (correct) answers.

Patrick Goebel--romeo at
CASBS--Reluctant SysAdmin

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