Looking for Greek 10-12 point size fonts

lwv27 at CAS.bitnet lwv27 at CAS.bitnet
Mon Sep 17 02:21:38 AEST 1990

A fellow employee was wondering if there is a SunView usable Greek font,
perhaps in the 10-12 or slightly larger size available.  When I got that
question, I realized that I have seen very little in the way of font
availability announcements.  Over in the X arena, I occasionally see
someone contributing a font or set of fonts.  And of course in the Mac
arena, huge families of fonts are available from free to shareware to

Is there a problem with multiple fonts in the Sun arena which makes it
more difficult or just too frustrating?  On my Sun Sparcstation 1+, I seem
to only have 8 different fonts, with at most 8 different sizes available.
Of these, there are 2 or 3 which are not very user friendly for a
shelltool/cmdtool type window (apl is one that I am thinking of).  There
are a total of 39 font/size combinations available.  But since about 15 of
these are just the bold facing complements, I am not sure that one should
really count more than 24.

Larry W. Virden
Business: UUCP: osu-cis!chemabs!lwv27  INET: lwv27%cas.BITNET at CUNYVM.CUNY.Edu
Personal: 674 Falls Place,   Reynoldsburg,OH 43068-1614
Proline: lvirden at pro-tcc.cts.com   America Online: lvirden     CIS: [75046,606]

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