GX "support" from Sun

David L. Markowitz dav at genisco.gtc.com
Tue Jan 15 10:57:00 AEST 1991

> Read on the net today that Sun has removed all the GX include files from
> 4.1.1 "to discourage reverse-engineering of the hardware."  Kind of makes
> the "open systems" concept seem like lying marketing hype, doesn't it?

Not particularly.  Graphics is one of the few "value added" things they
haven't given away.

> Anyway, I also read that Sun is distributing "run-time support" for XGL
> (their low-level graphics library that supports the GX hardware graphics)

This is incorrect.  XGL is NOT "their low-level graphics library that
supports the GX", it is a low-level graphics library (GL) that works on X
(hence XGL).  It is a replacement for pixrect, which doesn't grok
network-extensible window systems.

> bundled with 4.1.1.  Does this mean that they give you shareable libraries
> but no include files?  How long is it going to take to reverse-engineer
> those?  Or have they come up with some other abomination to make it
> impossible to link against specified libraries?  They were happy to sell
> me the GX but if I want to use it, well, that's an extra $1000 for XGL...

All of Sun's software (Sunview, Open Windows, PHIGS+, GKS) are accelerated
by the GX.  You don't need XGL unless you want a low-level graphics
library for X or Open Windows.

Maybe you should check your attitude at the door before assuming Sun has
it in for you based on spotty info in net.rumors.sun-wants-your-money.

	David L. Markowitz
	Genisco Technology Corporation
	dav at gtc.com

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