ANSI C in SparcDom?

Craig A. Vanderborg,407 Thurston,54044, craigv at
Fri May 10 23:03:00 AEST 1991

I am new to Sun computers, so bear with me please.  I just bought a
SparcStation IPC, which seems to be working pretty well.  However, I have
discovered, to my complete chagrin, that SunOS's (v4.1) C-compiler does
not appear to be ANSI-compliant.  How could this possibly be?  Is this
true, and if so, is there another compiler available for Sun SparcStations
that is ANSI compliant which could be used instead of Sun cc?  Please

Please post or respond via e-mail.  Thanks in advance!!

Craig A. Vanderborgh     607-255-4044           craigv at
Materials Science Dept   407 Thurston Hall      vanderborgh at crnlches.bitnet
Cornell University       Ithaca, NY 14853-4414  chesscav at crnlns.bitnet      

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