Snakebytes (long -- and poisonous?).

Bob English renglish at
Tue Apr 9 05:51:16 AEST 1991

sblair at (Steve Blair) writes:
> I've spent many, many years in BSD systems' environments. Now...
> I find myself working in new ways. Very, VERY few things that worked
> before in BSD land don't work in SYS V.4 . I've got a csh that works
> great, my pick of cc's that I wish to utilize...

That is all true, but it is also not the point.  If I have a large
number of different systems to administer and I have to keep track of
the differences between them, it is much more painful than if I have
only one.  As a user who has used both, I care very little which one I
use.  If I were an administrator, I would become increasingly unhappy as
the number of variants I had to simultaneously administer increased.

I don't know which is harder or easier or whatever, but even if sysV
were half as difficult to administer as BSD, the addition of sysV
machines to a BSD world makes the administrator's job more difficult.

renglish at
I'm not even saying this.  If HP could talk, it probably wouldn't,

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