Forcing actions at login

Tim Chown tjc at
Mon Jan 21 07:51:36 AEST 1991

In <3220 at> rsalz at (Rich Salz) writes:

>    cmp -s /etc/motd $HOME/.hushlogin
>    if ( $status ) tee $HOME/.hushlogin </etc/motd

I am very grateful for all the replies to my original question about
forcing actions.  We now have users "controlled" as desired on login
(setting paths, MANPATHs, global messages and some process renicing),
but I would like to ask what can be done for connections where a
login per se is not run.  The particular example I'm interested in
is an X-session under SunOS4.  In this context it appears that only
the user's .cshrc is inspected; Sun seem to have no global .cshrc
or .profile scheme.   Is there anything I can do here?


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