Advice, opinions, and ideas sought.

Sean Casey sean at
Wed Jun 26 23:53:47 AEST 1991

mike at snowhite.EEAP.CWRU.Edu (Mike Sidman) writes:

|The first deals with the distribution of accounts.  I am wondering
|if any of you have a policy for giving out accounts on a departmental
|UNIX machine.  For example, if a student says he/she wants an account,
|what is an exceptable explanation for their request?  Also, what type
|of storage limits do you impose on users that are essentially guests,
|or not the main users of a network?  

Don't require them to provide an explanation.

Encourage everyone to get a computer account. Show them how they can
have access to electronic mail, Usenet, conferencing, typesetting, and
powerful software tools.

When someone signs up, tell them you're glad they did, and that you
hope they'll learn about it and spread the knowledge.

Give users a 1 meg soft quota, 3 meg hard quota, expandable on
individual review. Provide them with easy offline storage so they can
archive their "stuff" and take it offline instead of clogging your
disks with it.

** Sean Casey  <sean at>
** Recent subject line in comp.sys.handhelds:  Printing BIG GROBS

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