Mysterious security hole

maureen lecuona mal1 at pyuxf.UUCP
Sat Jun 15 03:04:33 AEST 1991

The security hole having to do with "." being anywhere but last
in the PATH is due to the following scenario:

Let the following be true:
also, ls -ail /usr/admin is

Now if the administrator does the following:

cd /usr/admin
su  -

Then if someone has put a trojan anywhere in the /dir which masquerades
as a legitimate command, ie: df, diff, or any other frequently used
command, the fake version will be used instead of the /bin or /usr/bin
version, because it will be found first in the search for the executable.....

Maureen Lecuona
Integrated Business Solutions, Inc.
4 Spring Lane
Long Valley, N.J.  07853
(908) 850-0174

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