wanted: way to inforce a nice'd login.

Matt Wette mwette at csi.jpl.nasa.gov
Fri Jun 14 07:26:44 AEST 1991

We have users who refuse to run number-crunching programs suitably
"nice"d on our server, often resulting in several users' workstations
being locked up waiting for access.

Is there any way to have the user's login run at a suitable nice value?
I heard that some login's look for a "pri=n" string in the GCOS field.
However, on our Sun (SunOS4.1) this doesn't seem to work (i.e.,
GCOS is :pri=10,Name,office,phone:).

I've even tried to run a C program which nices itself and then execs
/bin/csh ...

	#ifndef NICEVAL
	#define NICEVAL 10
	main(argc, argv)
	int argc;
	char *argv[];
	  setpriority(0, getpid(), NICEVAL);
	  execl("/bin/csh", "-csh", (char *)0);

but this doesn't always seem to work (can't remember why).  Am I doing
something wrong here?

frustrated system administrator
 Matthew R. Wette           | Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 198-326
 mwette at csi.jpl.nasa.gov    | 4800 Oak Grove Dr, Pasadena,CA 91109

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