Need subroutine to return full file path name

Steve Roseman lusgr at
Tue Feb 20 08:09:57 AEST 1990

	I need to find out the full path name of a file from a full or partial
name entered by the user, so other users can access the file (assuming
proper permissions, etc.)

	For example, a user currently in /u/mydir/sub:

	input:  test.c			output: /u/mydir/sub/test.c
	input:  /u/frog			output: /u/frog
	input:	../filename		output: /u/mydir/filename

	SUN OS has a routine realpath(3), but that doesn't do very much good
with AIX 2.2.1.  I have looked through the AIX OS Tech Ref manual, but can't
find anything.  If anyone has a lead, or a routine, I would appreciate not
having to write it myself.


Steve Roseman
Lehigh University Computing Center

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