Is Motif on the RS6000 "normal" ?

Ed Clarke/10240000 clarke at acheron.uucp
Wed Oct 3 11:16:34 AEST 1990

>From article <536 at mtndew.Tustin.CA.US>, by friedl at mtndew.Tustin.CA.US (Steve Friedl):
> reasonable.  If we develop an application using their particular
> widget set, do we stand a fighting chance of making it run on
> another platform with Motif?

I don't think you can call something 'Motif' if you don't conform to
the standard.  The widgets should work the same as on any other box
unless you use some IBM extensions in the area of international text.

These might be standard Motif rather than IBM extensions; I'm not
               | "Pain, n.  An uncomfortable frame of mind that may have
Ed Clarke      |  a physical basis in something that is being done to the
acheron!clarke |  body, or may be purely mental, caused by the good fortune
               |  of another." - Ambrose Bierce

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