RCS on AIX, and other software

Robert M. Wise rmwise at jjmhome.UUCP
Tue Feb 12 06:23:08 AEST 1991

Howdy fellow AIX hacks!

My latest porting problem:

RCS (the latest) onto the 6000.  Lots o problems.
Anybody done this one yet?   Help!

I'll work on it until its done or until I find someone
who has done it.

Also, since porting the public domain stuff to AIX always seems
to be a bit troublesome,  how about an AIX public domain 
software registry? I could keep track of software that has been
ported and is available, and where to get it.

I'm assuming that this has already not been done.


Bob Wise
rmwise at jjmhome.uucp

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